Adjectives for Ending

Adjectives For Ending

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing ending, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The choice of adjective preceding 'ending' can significantly impact the tone and emotional resonance of a sentence. A 'happy ending' brings a sense of closure and fulfillment, often associated with fairy tales and romantic comedies. Conversely, a 'tragic ending' evokes feelings of sorrow and loss, typical of Shakespearean dramas and epic stories. 'Abrupt' endings leave the audience in surprise, hinting at an unfinished narrative or a sudden twist, while 'never ending' suggests a perpetual or eternal scenario, often used metaphorically to describe enduring situations. Each adjective paints a unique shade of conclusion, illustrating the power of words in storytelling. Dive into the full list of adjectives to explore the myriad emotions and nuances they bring to 'ending'.
happyIt was a heartwarming movie with a happy ending
neverThe never ending story continues to unfold before our eyes.
tragicThe play had a tragic ending
sadThe story had a sad ending leaving the reader with a heavy heart.
unhappyThe movie had an unhappy ending
abruptThe door slammed shut, its abrupt ending echoing through the hallway.
originalThe old man's life took an original ending when his dog saved him from a fire.
perfectThe perfect ending to a perfect day: a cozy fireside chat with loved ones.
suddenThe car swerved off the road, its sudden ending marked by a deafening crash.
conventionalHe lived happily ever after, the conventional ending to many fairytales.
fatalThe tragic accident had a fatal ending leaving behind immeasurable sorrow and anguish for the bereaved family.
happierThe storybook had a happier ending than I expected.
nerveThe nerve ending in my finger is tingling.
satisfactoryI hope the dinner party will have a satisfactory ending
dramaticThe stage lights dimmed, leaving the audience in a dramatic ending
formalI am writing a short sentence with a formal ending
badThe story ended on an ominous note, leaving the reader with a bad ending
blindThe tunnel had a blind ending leaving us trapped in the darkness.
usualThe relationship between the two companies ended on its usual ending
successfulThe movie had a successful ending leaving the audience satisfied.
lineHeading out to the store, line ending at the coffee shop.
disastrousThe reckless driver caused a disastrous ending
sensoryDamage to her peripheral nerves led to a loss of sensory endings.
secondaryHe quickly ran to the park, arriving at the secondary ending
definiteThe game ended with a definite ending
inevitableThe inevitable ending loomed over them like a storm cloud.
peacefulThe conflict resolved in a peaceful ending
correctThe boy was running with a correct ending
strangeThe visitor left the house with a strange ending
quietThe day ended with a quiet ending
upbeatThe day concluded with an upbeat ending filling everyone with hope and optimism.
pleasantThe sun peeked over the horizon, casting a pleasant ending to the night.
quickThe show had a quick ending
alternativeThe film had an alternative ending that was more ambiguous.
bitterLife had taken a bitter ending
prematureThe premature ending of the concert left the audience disappointed.
logicalThe logical ending to this sentence is a period.
violentThe movie had a violent ending that left the audience shocked.
taleThe tale ending was bittersweet, leaving readers with a sense of hope and sadness.
triumphantThe team's unwavering determination led them to a triumphant ending
melodramaticThe soap opera came to a melodramatic ending with tears, heartbreak, and a long-lost twin.
terribleThe play had a terrible ending
climacticThe movie's climactic ending left the audience on the edge of their seats.
optimisticThe storm raged on, but the sky held the promise of an optimistic ending
weekThe week ending on the 15th of May saw a rise in stock prices.
gloriousThe journey reached a glorious ending

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