Adjectives for Failing

Adjectives For Failing

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing failing, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe failing can significantly alter the perception of the noun, imbuing it with a more nuanced or specific context. From the 'palpable' dread of failure that can be felt in the air, to the 'sympathetic' understanding of someone's shortcomings, each adjective offers a unique lens through which to view the concept of failing. Whether it's a 'family' failing that speaks to generational patterns, or the 'greatest' failing that hints at a mammoth, pivotal downfall, the adjectives we pair with failing paint a vivid picture of context, emotion, and impact. These examples merely scratch the surface of how adjectives enrich our understanding of failing. For a deeper exploration of failing and the adjectives that define it, continue reading below.
palpableThe palpable failing of the government's response to the crisis was evident in the lack of coordination and the slow pace of aid distribution.
sympatheticFeeling the sympathetic failing rapidly, he felt he needed to calm down before proceeding any further
greatestThe greatest failing of all was my own arrogance.
horsesThe horses failing to clear the obstacle was disappointing.
bestHe faced his best failing with a smile.

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