Adjectives for Figures

Adjectives For Figures

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing figures, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'figures' can take on diverse meanings and connotations depending on the adjectives it's paired with. 'Following figures' often evoke a sense of anticipation or sequence, while 'human figures' delve into the realm of humanity, bringing a personal touch. 'Public figures' shift the focus to individuals known by the wider community, suggesting notoriety or prominence. With 'political figures,' the dialogue moves towards governance and societal leadership, whereas 'significant figures' highlight importance or impact. 'Official figures,' on the other hand, bring an air of authority and accuracy. Each adjective transforms 'figures' in subtle ways, coloring the noun with unique shades of interpretation. Dive into the full list below to explore the vast spectrum of meanings.
followingThose following figures are a rough estimate of the true numbers
humanTiny human figures could be seen in the distance.
publicPublic figures should be held to a higher standard of ethics.
politicalThe political figures have met several times this week.
significantThe measurement has three significant figures
officialThe official figures show a significant increase in sales this quarter.
correspondingThe corresponding figures can be found at the end of the chapter.
femaleThe painting features many female figures
historicalI admire the courage and determination of historical figures
keyThe key figures of the project are John and Mary.
majorThe book features many major figures from the American Revolution.
aboveThe above figures are a little higher than the ones from last year.
prominentProminent figures in the community gathered to discuss the issue.
literaryThe literary figures discussed the latest trends in contemporary literature.
mitoticThe tumor sample showed a high number of mitotic figures
actualThe actual figures show a significant increase in sales.
similarThe two triangles are similar figures
exactThe exact figures are not yet available.
centralThe researchers selected 10 central figures for the study
comparableThe comparable figures for the previous year were significantly lower.
geometricalThe artist used geometrical figures to create her abstract painting.
geometricThe complex geometric figures led to a whole new branch of mathematics.
maleThe painting depicted several male figures engaged in a heated debate.
averageHer average figures were not good enough for her to qualify for the competition.
darkThe dark figures moved silently through the night.
allegoricalIn the painting, the allegorical figures of justice and peace stand side by side.
latestThe latest figures show that the economy is growing at a rate of 2% per year.
principalThe principal figures in attendance were the Prime Minister and the President.
accurateThe accurate figures provided by the census helped researchers understand the population dynamics.
roundThe profits for this quarter are in the round figures of $50,000.
shadowyWhen the moon cast its glow, shadowy figures emerged from the darkness.
numerousNumerous figures were scattered throughout the room.
powerfulThe summit brought together powerful figures from all over the world.
reliableThe reliable figures show a steady increase in sales over the past year.
preciseThe report contained precise figures on the company's financial performance.
absoluteThe absolute figures of sales increased by 15%.
outstandingThey were outstanding figures in their field.
heroic"He was among the most heroic figures in the whole incident," Dr. Carb said.
annualThe company's annual figures show a significant increase in revenue.
influentialThe history of the world is full of influential figures who have shaped our lives.
knownThe known figures were easily recognizable.
parentalMy parental figures have always been supportive of my decisions.
familiarFamiliar figures ambled down the street towards her.
availableThe available figures show that the company's profits have increased by 15% in the last year.
detailedThe report contained detailed figures on the company's financial performance.
tinyThe tiny figures danced gracefully across the stage.
mythologicalThe mythological figures of the ancient Greek pantheon are fascinating and timeless.
grotesqueThe grotesque figures on the cathedral's facade seemed to dance in the flickering candlelight.
strangeI saw strange figures lurking in the shadows.
rhetoricalRhetorical figures such as metaphors and similes can enrich your writing.
woodenThe artist carved intricate designs into the wooden figures
monthlyThe monthly figures show a steady increase in sales.
likeThese two figures are like figures
minorThe author discusses the role of minor figures in 19th-century French history.
famousThe Louvre Museum is home to many famous figures including the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo.
respectiveThe total cost of the projects is 5 million and 7 million pounds, with their respective figures being 3 million and 4 million pounds in terms of government funding.
symbolicThe painting depicted various symbolic figures representing different aspects of life.

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