Adjectives for Finding

Adjectives For Finding

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing finding, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a 'finding' can subtly change the reader's perception of its impact and relevance. A 'common finding' may suggest something frequently encountered and perhaps of less urgency, whereas an 'important finding' elevates the subject, indicating its critical role in understanding or decision-making. The adjective 'interesting' often hints at intriguing, possibly unexpected aspects, inviting further exploration. 'Significant findings' carry weight, suggesting their profound effect on the field. Meanwhile, 'incidental findings' might alter the course of research or analysis without being the primary focus. The 'latter finding' refers to the most recently mentioned, potentially drawing attention to a progression or contrast in findings. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives that can color your understanding of findings below.
commonThe common finding of the study was an increase in the number of patients with diabetes.
importantThis important finding has far-reaching implications.
interestingThis is an interesting finding
incidentalThe incidental finding on the patient's chest X-ray was a small nodule in the right upper lobe.
latterThe latter finding suggests that the treatment may be effective in reducing the risk of developing the disease.
frequentThe frequent finding of errors in the data led to a thorough investigation.
consistentThe consistent finding of the study was that the intervention group had significantly lower scores on the anxiety scale than the control group.
majorThe major finding of the study was that the drug was effective in reducing pain.
generalThe general finding of the study was that the new treatment was more effective than the standard treatment.
similarThe similar finding was reported in a previous study.
characteristicThe characteristic finding is a rash on the trunk.
strikingThe study's striking finding was that the new drug was more effective than the old one.
unexpectedThe unexpected finding was a great relief.
surprisingThe latest research indicates that the surprising finding is that the number of single people is increasing.
mainThe main finding of the study was that the intervention was effective in reducing the symptoms of depression.
clinicalA clinical finding is any abnormality noted during a physical examination.
onlyShe is not only finding it difficult to get a job but also to find a place to live.
secondThe second finding of the study was that the drug was effective in reducing pain.
normalThe chest X-ray showed normal findings.
constantThe constant finding of new information is what makes the field so exciting.
physical"The physical findings were unremarkable."
recentA recent finding shows that many people have developed new habits due to the pandemic.
keyThe key finding of the study was that the prevalence of depression was significantly higher among unemployed individuals.
typicalThe typical finding of an X-ray is a hazy opacity in the left lower lung field.
abnormalThe abnormal finding was later determined to be a benign cyst.
empiricalThe empirical finding suggests a positive correlation between the two variables.
isolatedA distinct, observable finding unrelated to the patient's presenting complaint was deemed to be an isolated finding
additionalThe examination disclosed the additional finding of a nonfunctioning gallbladder.
usualThe usual finding of a hepatic cyst is an incidental finding on an abdominal imaging study.
unusualThe unusual finding caused the researchers to reconsider their hypothesis.
rareThe rare finding was a surprise to the researchers.
basicThe basic finding of the study was that the new drug was effective in reducing pain.
radiographicThere was a radiographic finding of a chest mass.
uncommonAn uncommon finding was noted during the examination.
experimentalThe experimental finding of the study has implications for the future of research in this field.
remarkableThe remarkable finding was met with astonishment and disbelief.
previousThe previous finding of the study showed that the prevalence of depression was higher among the participants.
nonspecificThe nonspecific finding is a small, round lesion on the lung.
initialThe initial finding indicates a high probability of success.
earlierHis earlier finding of her footprints led him to her.
principalStudy one of the principal findings was that 90% of the patients treated with chemotherapy reported a decrease in pain level.
classicThis is a classic finding in this situation.
prominentThe prominent finding from the study is that the new treatment is more effective than the current standard of care.
lateThe late finding of the genetic factor explains the onset of the disease.
universalA universal finding in the literature is that the presence of erythroderma is indicative of a poor prognosis.
faultThe professor's fault finding left the students feeling disheartened.
intriguingShe made an intriguing finding while studying the ancient papyrus.
pathologicThe pathologic finding was consistent with the clinical diagnosis.
diagnosticThe diagnostic finding was consistent with a diagnosis of pneumonia.
occasionalThe occasional finding of a small polyp on colonoscopy did not deter him from enjoying life to the fullest.
preliminaryThe preliminary finding indicates a high correlation between exposure to air pollution and increased risk of respiratory illness.
worthThis possibility is worth finding out.
aboveThe above finding is not statistically significant.
pathologicalThe pathological finding was unremarkable.
histologicThe histologic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
relatedThe related finding was based on data from a different time period.
caseThe main objective of the study was to describe the approaches used during case finding and to analyze the advantages and limitations of the approaches.
notableThe study had several notable findings.
overallThe overall finding of the study was that the new treatment was more effective than the standard treatment.
curiousThe curious finding suggests that further research is needed.
robustThe robust finding suggests that the intervention is effective.
associatedWe describe the associated findings observed during a bronchoscopy and recommend appropriate management.
judicialThe judicial finding was based on a thorough examination of the evidence.
reliableThis finding, which has now been replicated in multiple independent laboratories, is now considered to be a reliable finding
predominantThe predominant finding was a left-sided pleural effusion.
paradoxicalThe paradoxical finding was that the treatment group had better outcomes than the control group, even though they received no treatment.
infrequentThe infrequent finding of the study surprised the researchers.
objectiveThe doctor noted the objective finding of an enlarged liver.
microscopicThe microscopic finding was consistent with the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
histologicalThe histological finding was consistent with a diagnosis of melanoma
rayThe ray finding algorithm located the missing object within five minutes.
accidentalThe accidental finding prompted further investigation.
noteworthyThe study team's noteworthy finding is that meditation can lead to increased compassion and empathy.

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