Adjectives for Flood

Adjectives For Flood

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing flood, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the adjectives aligned with the noun 'flood' unveils a spectrum of nuance and intensity, each modifying the noun to portray a distinct scenario. A 'great flood' speaks to the magnitude and potential devastation, while a 'full flood' implies a peak state of water level. The use of 'sudden' can depict an unexpected, rapid influx of water, contrasting with 'annual', which suggests a predictable, recurring event. 'High' and 'mighty' further emphasize the power and influence of the flood. Choosing the right adjective paints a vivid picture, giving depth to descriptive narratives. Discover the full range of adjectives that bring to life the various dimensions of a flood below.
greatThe great flood devastated the entire region.
fullThe river is now at full flood
suddenA sudden flood swept away the entire village.
annualDue to the annual flood the roads were closed.
highThe high flood stranded many people on the island.
mightyThe mighty flood ravaged the countryside
disastrousThe disastrous flood inundated the entire city, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
veritableThe heavy rainfall caused a veritable flood submerging the streets and houses.
bigThe big flood caused widespread damage to the area.
devastatingThe devastating flood destroyed homes, businesses, and infrastructure.
majorThe storm has caused a major flood in the region.
overwhelmingThe overwhelming flood washed away the bridge, and the town was cut off from the outside world.
universalThe universal flood wiped out all life on Earth except for Noah and his family.
maximumThe maximum flood discharge has been estimated to be about 10,000cfs.
vastThe area was devastated by a vast flood
heavyThe heavy flood caused widespread damage and displacement.
recentThe recent flood washed away several homes.
terribleThe city was ravaged by a terrible flood
biblicalThe biblical flood was a catastrophic event that wiped out almost all life on Earth.
goldenThe honey flowed like a golden flood over the pancakes.
darkThe dark flood waters rushed through the town.
yellowThe river turned a yellow flood during heavy rainfall.
severeThe severe flood damaged many homes and businesses in the area.
catastrophicThe catastrophic flood overwhelmed the city, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
destructiveTorrential rainfall led to a destructive flood that devastated the town.
worstThe worst flood in history destroyed the city.
greatestThe greatest flood in history was the Great Flood of China in 1931.
highestThe highest flood was recorded in 2011.
crimsonThe crimson flood swept away the remains of the village.
warmThe warm flood of sunlight filled the room.
freshThe fresh flood swept away the bridge.
wide"The wide flood rushed over the bridge."
hugeThe huge flood devastated the entire city.
worldwideThe entire world was submerged in the worldwide flood
fieryThe fiery flood consumed everything in its path.
massiveThe massive flood wreaked havoc on the coastal communities.
brownThe brown flood destroyed crops and homes.
tremendousThe tremendous flood caused widespread destruction and displacement.
wildThe wild flood destroyed the entire village.
unprecedentedThe unprecedented flood has caused widespread devastation in the region.
broadThe broad flood swept away everything in its path.
violentThe violent flood destroyed everything in its path.
redThe red flood covered the entire village, leaving no trace of its inhabitants.
angryThe angry flood swept away everything in its path.
probableA probable flood is a potential flood event that is likely to occur within a given timeframe.
meanThe mean flood should be 1.43 meters this year.
perfectThe perfect flood washed away all the worries.
turbidThe turbid flood inundated the countryside, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
enormousThe enormous flood caused widespread devastation, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
constantThe constant flood of information made it difficult to focus.
crystalThe crystal flood glittered in the sunlight.
globalThe global flood was a catastrophic event that wiped out most of the Earth's population.
extraordinaryThe region was devastated by an extraordinary flood
irresistibleThe irresistible flood swept away the village, leaving only ruins in its wake.
passionateThe passionate flood overwhelmed the senses.
coldThe cold flood waters rushed through the streets, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
surgingThe surging flood swept away the small village.
immenseThe immense flood submerged the entire town, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
largestThe largest flood in history devastated the area.
hotThe hot flood destroyed the village.
endlessThe endless flood of information washed over me.
copiousThe copious flood devastated the entire village, leaving no trace of its existence.
richThe river overflowed its banks, causing a rich flood
muddyThe muddy flood swept away everything in its path.
impendingThe impending flood threatened to destroy the entire town.
torrentialThe relentless torrential flood inundated the town, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
purpleThe purple flood washed away the city.
extremeThe extreme flood caused widespread damage to the town.
brinyThe ship set sail into the briny flood
turbulentThe turbulent flood caused widespread devastation, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
incomingThe incoming flood swept away everything in its path.
continuousThe continuous flood has left many homeless.
resistlessThe resistless flood swept away everything in its path.

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