Adjectives for Frequency

Adjectives For Frequency

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing frequency, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The term 'frequency' becomes incredibly versatile when paired with adjectives like high, low, relative, higher, and natural. Each adjective delicately alters the essence of 'frequency', painting a picture that ranges from the pace of sound waves in high frequency to the unaltered rhythm found in its natural frequency. Mentioning low frequency might conjure visions of deep, resonant vibes, while relative frequency brings a comparative aspect into view. Using higher frequency suggests a fine-tuning or escalation. With each adjective, we unlock new dimensions and interpretations of frequency, demonstrating the power of linguistic nuances. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'frequency' below.
highThe high frequency of the sound waves caused the glass to vibrate.
lowThe low frequency of sound made it difficult to hear.
relativeThe relative frequency of an event is the number of times it occurs divided by the total number of possible outcomes.
higherThe higher frequency of the sound waves made it easier to hear.
naturalThe natural frequency of an object is the frequency at which it will oscillate when disturbed.
sameWe are on the same frequency when it comes to music.
resonantThe resonant frequency of the structure is about 10 Hz.
fundamentalThe fundamental frequency of this sound is 250 Hz.
greaterThe algorithm has been able to elicit meaningful responses with greater frequency
lowerThe lower frequency of the sound made it easier to ignore.
highestThe word 'the' has the highest frequency in the English language.
spatialThe spatial frequency of the grating was 10 cycles per degree.
singleThe device emits a single frequency of 500 hertz.
angularThe angular frequency of the wave is 2π radians per second.
equalThe alleles appeared with equal frequency in the first generation.
maximumThe radio station played the song at its maximum frequency
lowestThe lowest frequency of the sound was barely perceptible.
averageThe average frequency of the signal was measured to be 10 Hz.
criticalThe critical frequency is the frequency at which the refractive index of a material becomes zero.
intermediateThe intermediate frequency can be changed by adjusting the tuning capacitor.
offSomething was off frequency with my guitar.
urinaryThe patient was experiencing urinary frequency which is the need to urinate more often than usual.
meanThe mean frequency of the random variable X is 2.
constantThe constant frequency sound was unbearable.
greatestThe words with the greatest frequency in this particular text are those.
variableThe variable frequency of the sound waves made it difficult to distinguish between high and low notes.
characteristicThe characteristic frequency was just over 20 Hz.
observedThe observed frequency of the allele was significantly higher in the treatment group.
cumulativeThe cumulative frequency of the data shows a steady increase over time.
fixedThe signal was transmitted at a fixed frequency
sufficientThe measurements were taken with sufficient frequency to ensure accuracy.
overallThe overall frequency of the word 'and' is 10%.
audioThe audio frequency of the signal was within the acceptable range.
instantaneousThe instantaneous frequency of the sound wave is 1000 hertz.
correspondingThe corresponding frequency is 440 Hz.
minimumThe researcher set the minimum frequency to 0.2.
timeMusical artists stay updated on music trends and time frequency
dominantThe dominant frequency of the sound is 440 Hz.
normalizedThe normalized frequency of the word 'the' in the English language is approximately 0.07.
vibrationalI felt the vibrational frequency of the sound waves as they traveled through my body.
soundThe sound frequency was too high for me to hear.
absoluteThe absolute frequency of this word in the text is 10.
signalThe signal frequency was slightly higher than expected.
circularThe circular frequency of the oscillation is 2π radians per second.
undampedThe undamped frequency of the system is 10 Hz.
centreThe centre frequency of the signal is 100 MHz.
exactThe measurement is taken at an exact frequency of 50 Hz.
opticalThe scientists are using optical frequency to measure the distance to the moon.
respiratoryHis respiratory frequency was elevated due to his underlying heart condition.
temporalTemporal frequency is a measure of how often a periodic event occurs over time.
correctThe correct frequency for this type of wave is 100 hertz.
reducedThe reduced frequency of maintenance checks resulted in the equipment failure.
nominalThe nominal frequency of the radio station is 98.1 MHz.
expectedThe expected frequency of the bandpass signal is 100 Hz.
alarmingThe police were called to the house with alarming frequency
optimalThe optimal frequency of watering a plant depends on its species and the climate.
rotationalThe alternating current motor has a rotational frequency of 50 hertz.
dualThe device operates at a dual frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
amplitudeThe amplitude frequency of the sound wave was measured using a spectrometer.
appliedThis machine uses an applied frequency of 100 Hz.
ultraThe radio was tuned to an ultra frequency

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