Adjectives for Fusion

Adjectives For Fusion

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing fusion, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the diverse world of science and anatomy, the word fusion takes on nuanced meanings when paired with different adjectives. A nuclear fusion brings to mind the immense power at the heart of stars, while spinal fusion refers to a surgical procedure aiming to alleviate chronic back pain. A complete fusion indicates a process or operation that has been entirely successful, showcasing the importance of thoroughness. Meanwhile, posterior fusion and lumbar fusion direct attention to specific anatomical areas affecting mobility and quality of life. Then there's cold fusion, a term that sparks debate and hope for a clean, endless energy source. Each adjective not only refines the meaning of fusion but also opens a window into a vast field of knowledge and application. Explore our full list of adjectives to discover more intricate details and the broad scope of fusion.
spinalSpinal fusion is a surgical procedure that involves fusing together two or more vertebrae in the spine.
completeWhen the two nuclei come into complete fusion a new, heavier nucleus is produced.
posteriorAfter weeks of pain, the patient decided to move forward with posterior fusion surgery.
coldCold fusion has yet to be successfully achieved in a controlled environment.
lumbarThe lumbar fusion surgery was a success and the patient is recovering well.
partialThe partial fusion of the cladding materials caused the fire to spread rapidly.
protoplastProtoplast fusion is a technique used to combine two different plant cells into a single hybrid cell.
cervicalThe patient underwent cervical fusion surgery to correct the instability in their neck.
incompleteThe incomplete fusion of metallic elements resulted in a weakened structure.
controlledControlled fusion is the process of combining atomic nuclei to release energy.
anteriorThe anterior fusion surgery was a success.
perfectShe made the perfect fusion of comfort and style.
bonyThe spine, the vertebral column, is made up of a series of bony fusion of 33 vertebrae.
prematureResearch on premature fusion led to a better understanding of spinal deformities.
thermonuclearThe sun's energy is a result of thermonuclear fusion
culturalCultural fusion is the process of integrating different cultural elements into a new, unique form.
successfulThe scientists celebrated their successful fusion experiment.
solidThe solid fusion of metal and glass created a stunning art piece.
inducedThe intense laser beam induced fusion in the fuel pellet.
binocularBinocular fusion is the process by which the brain combines the images from both eyes into a single, three-dimensional perception.
subsequentThe subsequent fusion of the two elements resulted in a stable compound.
epiphysealA child's epiphyseal fusion occurs when the growth plate at the end of a long bone closes.
incipientA combination of external pressure and rising temperature creates incipient fusion
cellCell fusion is the merging of two or more cells.
surgicalThe patient underwent a surgical fusion of the lumbar spine to correct the scoliosis.
jointThe joint fusion surgery was successful and the patient is recovering well.
spineAfter suffering from chronic back pain for years, I finally decided to undergo spine fusion surgery.
posterolateralThe posterolateral fusion was performed to correct the patient's scoliosis.
interbodyThe interbody fusion was a success and the patient is now able to walk without pain.
actualThe actual fusion was still a few months away.
sensoryShe experienced a peculiar sensory fusion when the aroma of coffee tinged her vision with a faint brown hue.
congenitalThe congenital fusion of the left and right dorsal fins into a single structure is unlikely to be an advantage to the species.
mediatedMediated fusion is a type of nuclear fusion that is facilitated by the presence of a mediator.
igneousThe igneous fusion created a new layer of rock beneath the surface.
labialThe child was born with complete bilateral labial fusion
lateralThe lateral fusion was successful, and the patient is now able to walk without pain.
commissuralCommissural fusion is the abnormal joining of the optic nerves.
gradualThe gradual fusion of the two elements created a new substance with unique properties.
racialThe racial fusion of the population was a testament to the city's diversity.
levelThe level fusion process allows for a more efficient and consistent method of creating new levels.
uniqueThis unique fusion of flavors will leave you craving for more.
myoblastMyoblast fusion refers to the process in which two or more myoblasts join together to form a multinucleated myotube.
ultimateThe ultimate fusion of flavors created a mouthwatering experience.
centricThe symmetrical charge distribution of the atom means that the electric field strength, E , at points equidistant from the nucleus varies as the inverse square of the distance from the center of centric fusion
harmoniousThe harmonious fusion of colors and textures created a visually stunning masterpiece.
extensiveThe consequences of extensive fusion are only speculative at this time.
eggIn the process of egg fusion the two nuclei combine to form a single nucleus.
occipitocervicalThe patient underwent an occipitocervical fusion surgery to stabilize the upper cervical spine.
imperfectThe imperfect fusion of the two metals resulted in a weak and brittle alloy.
eventualThe eventual fusion of the two companies was a major milestone in the industry.
peripheralPeripheral fusion is a type of spinal surgery that involves fusing two or more vertebrae together.
lumbosacralThe patient underwent a lumbosacral fusion to stabilize the spine.
atomicAtomic fusion is the process of combining two or more atomic nuclei into a single nucleus, releasing a great amount of energy.
somaticSomatic fusion is the fusion of two cells that have a diploid set of chromosomes.
organicThe organic fusion of nature and technology has created a harmonious balance.
progressiveThe progressive fusion of jazz and rock created a new genre of music.
remarkableThe group's recent efforts in data science have produced remarkable fusion
nonThis reaction requires high temperatures because it is a non fusion reaction.
symbioticThe symbiotic fusion of the two organisms resulted in a mutually beneficial relationship.
apparentThe apparent fusion of the two stars was the result of a rare astronomical event.
laczThe lacZ fusion protein was used to study the expression of the gene.
subtalarSubtalar fusion is a surgical procedure to fuse the subtalar joint.
creativeThe creative fusion of art, music, and dance created a captivating performance.

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