Adjectives for Genealogy

Adjectives For Genealogy

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing genealogy, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the world of genealogy, each adjective brings its own flavor and depth to our understanding of lineage and heritage. Describing someone's own genealogy touches on personal journeys of self-discovery, while a long genealogy remarks on the extensive history of ancestry. Mention of a royal genealogy invokes images of noble bloodlines and historic ties. A complete genealogy suggests thorough research and a comprehensive family record. The term intellectual genealogy dives into the lineage of ideas, and an American genealogy highlights the diverse tapestry of the United States. Each adjective unveils unique aspects of our past, inviting us to explore further. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives linked to genealogy below to enrich your vocabulary and understanding.
ownI've been fascinated with my own genealogy ever since I was a child.
longThe family had a long genealogy that could be traced back to the 16th century.
royalThe royal genealogy of the British monarchy can be traced back to the Norman Conquest of 1066.
completeI am interested in learning about my complete genealogy
intellectualThe intellectual genealogy of the concept can be traced back to the 18th century.
americanI have been researching my American genealogy for years.
historicalHistorical genealogy connects the present to the past through the study of family trees and records.
literaryThe literary genealogy of this work can be traced back to the 18th century.
spiritualThe spiritual genealogy of Jesus Christ is given in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke.
wholeThe whole genealogy of the family was traced back to the 16th century.
complexResearchers were able to trace the complex genealogy of the family back to the 16th century.
briefThe brief genealogy of the family was charted out in the book.
commonThey shared a common genealogy and grew up together.
trueThe true genealogy of our modern domestic dog is still uncertain.
fullI am proud of my full genealogy that spans generations and includes many different cultures.
nietzscheanThe Nietzschean genealogy of morality attempts to uncover the hidden origins of moral values.
biblicalThe biblical genealogy of Jesus Christ is traced through the lineage of David.
femaleHer studies focused on female genealogy and the role of women in society.
maternalMy maternal genealogy includes a long line of strong and independent women.
entireHe was able to trace his entire genealogy back to the 16th century.
mythicalThe Romans traced their mythical genealogy back to the Trojan prince Aeneas.
tribalThe tribal genealogy traced the family's lineage through generations.
elaborateThe elaborate genealogy traced his lineage back to the Mayflower.
criticalThis critical genealogy explores the historical roots of the modern concept of race.
traditionalThe family tree was created using traditional genealogy methods.
divineThe royal family claimed divine genealogy tracing their lineage back to the gods.
irishMy family decided to spend time researching our Irish genealogy
culturalThe cultural genealogy of the novel can be traced back to the early 18th century.
subversiveThe subversive genealogy of the concept of freedom reveals its oppressive origins.
officialThe official genealogy of the royal family traces its lineage back centuries.
ancientThe ancient genealogy of the family was traced back to the medieval era.
foucauldianFoucauldian genealogy is a philosophical method that examines the historical development of concepts and practices.
alternativeThe historian proposed an alternative genealogy for the royal family tree.
extensiveThey have an extensive genealogy that traces back to the 12th century.
complicatedMy family tree is a complicated genealogy with branches reaching far and wide.
aboveAbove genealogy I love exploring history.
philosophicalThe philosophical genealogy of a concept traces its historical development and examines its implications for present-day thought.
dynasticThe dynastic genealogy of the Ming dynasty is well-documented.
partialHis partial genealogy was traced by genealogical experts.
linearThe linear genealogy of the royal family can be traced back to the 15th century.
fictitiousThe author's fictitious genealogy traced the family back to Charlemagne.
writtenThe author has created a written genealogy listing the ancestors of the family.
correctThe correct genealogy of the family was traced back to the 17th century.
nobleThe royal family boasts of its noble genealogy
longerThe family with the longer genealogy can trace their lineage back to the 16th century.
maleThe male genealogy of the family can be traced back to the 16th century.
scottishI'm interested in learning more about my scottish genealogy
imperialThe historian traced his imperial genealogy back to the first emperor of China.
welshMy Welsh genealogy traces my roots back to the 16th century.
lengthyThe historian delved into the family's lengthy genealogy to trace their lineage.
exactDetermining the exact genealogy of plants was once thought to be impossible.
patriarchalThe patriarchal genealogy recorded in the Bible traces the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Adam through his male ancestors.
davidicJesus's davidic genealogy is traced back to Adam, the first man.
priestlyThe Rev. James Nelson was the son of the Rev. Peter Nelson, who was a priest in the Church of England, and a member of an ancient priestly genealogy
legendaryThe genealogist traced the family's legendary genealogy back to the ancient kings of Egypt.
geneticGenetic genealogy can be used to trace a person's ancestry and identify relatives.
impressiveThe genealogist was quite impressed by the family's impressive genealogy
arabMy arab genealogy is very important to me.
precisePrecise genealogy aids the historian in tracing the progress of civilizations and nations.
patrilinealThe patrilineal genealogy traces the family line back through the father's side.
paternalMy paternal genealogy traces back to the 16th century.
feministShe traced her feminist genealogy back to the early suffragettes.
mattheanMatthean genealogy outlines the lineage of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew.
sacredThe sacred genealogy of Jesus is traced through Joseph.
accurateThe family tree was made with accurate genealogy
respectableThe family had a respectable genealogy dating back to the 16th century.
ethnicMy ethnic genealogy traces my roots back to the British Isles.
heroicHis heroic genealogy could be traced back to the legendary King Arthur.
poeticThe poetic genealogy of William Wordsworth can be traced back to the Romantic poets of the 18th century.
authenticI've done authentic genealogy research.

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