Adjectives for Goto

Adjectives For Goto

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing goto, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In programming, the goto statement is a source of much debate, and the adjectives used with it can subtly influence opinions on its use. Terms like nambu and nonlocal hint at its complex scope implications, while continue and unconditional point to its flow control capabilities. Meanwhile, conditional goto statements introduce a layer of decision-making, contrasting with the straightforward action suggested by print. Each adjective not only describes the goto's function but also reflects on its controversy and utility in code structuring. Explore the full spectrum of descriptors to understand the nuanced positions in the goto discussion.
nonlocalI'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the term 'nonlocal goto'.
continueLet's continue goto the next page.
lateThe late goto flew over the nest and landed on the branch.
localThe local goto spot for a bite to eat is Hank's diner.
clickI can't click goto since it is not a thing.
japaneseHe likes Japanese goto
callCall goto whatever you want and see what happens.
ordinaryThe ordinary goto statement is completely removed from C++.
initialNavigating the seas requires an initial goto waypoint.
nonThe non goto would let an unimplemented method return the default value for that type and continue execution instead of panicking.
directThe direct goto statement can be used to jump to a specific line of code.
ultimateMy ultimate goto for relaxation is reading a good book near the beach.

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