Adjectives for Gps

Adjectives For GPS

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing gps, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The right adjective can transform a simple noun like 'gps' into a richly detailed concept, revealing not just its function, but its relevance to different contexts. 'Differential GPS' highlights precision and enhanced technology, while 'many GPS systems' may suggest ubiquity or options. 'Local GPS' implies specificity and area knowledge, contrasting with 'the most advanced GPS,' which hints at leading-edge capability. On a more personalized scale, 'individual GPS devices' speak to customization and personal use, whereas 'a few GPS options' might reflect selectivity or limitation. Each adjective adds a layer of meaning, painting a clearer picture of usage, technology, and functionality. Discover the full spectrum of descriptive nuances for 'gps' in our comprehensive list below.
differentialThe differential gps system provides accurate positioning data by using two receivers.
localThe local gps system was unable to locate the device.
mostMost gps devices now offer real-time traffic updates.
individualI left my individual gps in the car.
fewPassengers few gps available for took.
moremore gps please
kinematicKinematic gps provides accurate real-time positioning information by combining data from a GPS receiver with inertial sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes.
britishI lost my phone with British gps in it.
femaleI listened to the female GPS's instructions carefully.
heldHe held gps in his hands
maleThe male gps voice guided us safely to our destination.
portableThe portable gps guided us through the unfamiliar city.
rtkRTK gps provides accurate positioning information.
holdingShe was holding gps and searching for the destination
salariedThe salaried gps technicians will be responsible for maintaining and repairing the company's GPS equipment.
basedThe based gps accurately tracked my movement.
staticThe static gps provides accurate location information.
fundholdingThe fundholding gps will be responsible for purchasing all healthcare services for their patients, including hospital care, mental health services, community nursing, and dentistry.
australianThe mapping software used the Australian gps for precise local directions.
privateI use a private gps to track my location.
basicThis is a basic gps sentence.
integratedThe new smartphone has an integrated gps
ruralOur rural gps led us astray due to lack of signal.
standardWe used the standard gps to navigate our way through the unfamiliar city.
accurateThe driver found the location with the help of accurate gps
youngerI have two younger gps devices.
conventionalThe new model uses conventional gps and motion sensors to help drivers navigate unfamiliar places.
grossThe gross gps was lagging so much he missed his turn.
experiencedMy experienced gps helped me find the way.
assistedThe phone's assisted gps quickly found my location.
trainedThe trained gps was able to navigate them through the rugged terrain.
relativeThe Galileo system is based on a novel navigation concept called relative gps
futureThe future gps will guide us with more accuracy and precision.
continuousThe continuous gps is tracking my location.
busyThe pilot was relying on the busy gps during the flight.
advancedThe hikers used their advanced gps to navigate the unfamiliar trail.
globalPrecise navigation with global gps
airborneThe airborne gps system provided accurate navigation data to the aircraft.
asianThe Asian gps system is expected to be fully operational by 2025.
passiveThe passive gps was not able to track my location.
civilianThe civilian gps system is used for navigation and location tracking.
geographicalWe used the geographical gps to track our route.
fewerIt is less likely to get lost due to fewer gps devices in the city than the mountains.
freelanceFreelance gps provides flexibility and control for independent contractors.
qualifiedI need a qualified gps to help me navigate the wilderness.
preciseThe precise gps data allowed us to pinpoint the location with great accuracy.
finiteAlthough GPS satellites transmit their signals at known and finite gps atmospheric disturbances can cause them to deviate from their paths.
pregnantMy pregnant gps gave me some bad directions.
unaidedUnaided gps can provide accurate location data without the need for cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity.
geographic"Did you know that your geographic gps coordinates are:
mobileI used the mobile gps to find my way to the destination.

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