Adjectives for Grande

Adjectives For Grande

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing grande, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The term 'grande' is enriched with a diverse palette of adjectives, each bringing its own unique shade of meaning and cultural nuance. Whether it's the 'lower' grande, evoking images of a specific part of a region, or the 'upper' grande, suggesting something elevated, both geographically and perhaps in quality. The 'northern' grande could hint at colder, more rugged landscapes, while phrases like 'notre dame' immediately transport us to iconic, historical monuments. The adjective 'tan' might paint a picture of a sunny, warm place or object. Each adjective combined with 'grande' opens up a world of interpretation and imagination, reflecting the richness of language and perspectives. Explore the full spectrum of nuances that these adjectives unfold when paired with 'grande'.
lowerThe lower grande was wide and shallow.
upperI ordered an upper grande latte with oat milk and two pumps of caramel.
northernThe northern grande is a type of coffee drink from Starbucks.
notreNous allons dans notre grande maison.
dameDame grande atención por favor.
tanEs tan grande que no puedo llevarlo a la escuela.
southernThe old southern grande was well known for her charm and hospitality.
middleI'm going to the middle grande to get a coffee.
rioThe Rio grande flows through the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
foy"foy grande" es un término español que significa "gran fe".
famousThe famous grande dame of Hollywood was known for her beauty and talent.
muddyThe muddy grande was a delicious blend of coffee and chocolate.
casaLa casa grande tiene muchas habitaciones.
nearbyWe can see the nearby grande lake from the window.
shallowThe shallow grande pond was a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
centralLos amigos se reunieron en el central grande para tomar café.
mightyThe mighty grande rose with the sun, illuminating the land with its radiant glow.
jonesvilleThe jonesville grande is a large, luxurious home located in the exclusive Jonesville neighborhood.
theThe grande latte was delicious.
ancestral"The ancestral grande home of the Ravenswood family had stood for centuries, its crumbling facade bearing witness to the passage of time."
brazilianI'm enjoying a refreshing Brazilian grande this afternoon.
estLa maison est grande
nativeThe native grande is a species of orchid that is native to the rainforests of South America.
narrowI ordered a narrow grande latte this morning.
distantThe distant grande mountain peaks were visible through the haze.
silveryThe silvery grande's shimmering scales sparkled in the sunlight.
easternEastern grande is a type of coffee drink from Starbucks.
municipalThe municipal grande gives the best pizza in town.
gilHay un gil grande en el parque.
sluggish"Sluggish grande" is a term used to describe a slow-moving, heavy coffee drink.
brownI ordered a brown grande at the coffee shop.
protohistoricThe protohistoric grande had an impact on the development of the region.
sulIl sole splendeva sul grande prato verde.
fabledThe fabled grande palace had an opulent facade that whispered tales of grandeur.
ruizRuiz grande is not a common name.
northwesternThe northwestern grande plantation is the oldest plantation in the state.
anonymousThis anonymous grande has remarkable stamina and can fly for hours on end.
northeasternThe northeastern grande was a refreshing and energizing way to start the day.
nearThe park is located near grande avenue.
adjacentThe customer requested an adjacent grande but they were all out.
historicThe street musician played on his historic grande piano.
sagelI ordered a sagel grande at the coffee shop.
coastalThe coastal grande is a beautiful place to visit.
southwesternThe beef in this southwestern grande burrito was very tender and flavorful.
sainteIl a construit une sainte grande cathédrale avec les voûtes hautes et les vitraux colorés.
lazyThe lazy grande slept for hours.
gorgedThe gorged grande was overflowing with water
sleekThe car's sleek grande design turned heads everywhere it went.
courageousThe courageous grande accomplished the task with ease.
farNon ho parlato con la mia far grande da parecchio tempo.

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