Adjectives for Guards

Adjectives For Guards

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing guards, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe guards can significantly impact the imagery and tone of your sentence. For instance, armed guards suggest a scenario of heightened security or potential conflict, evoking a sense of seriousness and gravity. On the other hand, the term national guards conveys a sense of officialdom and patriotism, possibly related to national events or crises. Similarly, adjectives like few or more can subtly influence the perceived adequacy or inadequacy of security. Descriptive nuances like these play a crucial role in crafting precise and evocative narratives. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives commonly used with guards to refine and enrich your descriptions.
armedSecurity was tight at the event, with armed guards patrolling the perimeter.
nationalThe national guards were deployed to quell the riots.
fewThe defense was strong with few guards on the perimeter.
moreThere were more guards at the entrance than usual.
severalSeveral guards patrolled the perimeter, their flashlights sweeping over the darkness.
royalThe elite royal guards protected the queen's palace from any harm.
swissThe Swiss guards are the elite guard unit of the Pope
japaneseJapanese guards patrolled the perimeter of the camp.
rearThe rear guards provided cover for the retreating army.
privateThe wealthy neighborhood hired private guards to protect their homes.
uniformedTwo uniformed guards stood outside the building.
militaryThe military guards stood watch over the perimeter of the base.
frenchThe French guards were a military unit responsible for protecting the French monarchy.
advancedThe advanced guards secured the entrance perimeter to ensure safe entry to the town
praetorianThe Praetorian guards protected the Roman emperor.
civilThe civil guards quickly apprehended the suspects.
imperialThe imperial guards stood tall and proud.
1stThe 1st guards Brigade is an infantry brigade of the British Army.
strongThe fortress was protected by strong guards
russianThe russian guards surrounded the compound.
personalThe king was surrounded by his personal guards
footNapoleon's Imperial Guard, also known as the Foot guards was an elite military unit established by Napoleon Bonaparte during the Napoleonic Wars.
redThe Red guards were a paramilitary social movement in China.
5thThe 5th guards fought bravely in the battle.
extraThe prison has extra guards on duty tonight.
femaleThe two female guards stood watch over the prisoners.
safeIt is important to put safe guards in place to protect against potential risks.
chineseThe Chinese guards were armed with spears.
maleThe male guards watched the prisoners closely.
bodyThe famous actor had a team of body guards following him everywhere.
3rdThe 3rd guards were stationed at the palace gates.
formerThe former guards were apprehended by the police.
dutchThe dutch guards were tall and imposing.
britishThe British guards marched with precision in their traditional uniforms.
romanThe roman guards patrolled the streets, their spears glinting in the sunlight.
additionalThere have been a few more break-ins in the neighborhood, so the mayor has decided to hire additional guards to patrol the streets at night.
4thThe 4th guards were stationed at the palace.
civicDuring festivals, the civic guards march in their regalia.
turkishThe turkish guards were vigilant in their duties.
municipalMunicipal guards stood in formation during the ceremony.
sovietThe Soviet guards were well-trained and heavily armed.
spanishThe spanish guards stood at attention.
civilianA group of civilian guards patrolled the perimeter of the compound.
6thThe 6th guards set off to defend the castle.
marineThe marine guards patrolled the perimeter of the naval base.
grenadierThe grenadier guards are an infantry regiment of the British Army.
presidentialThe presidential guards stood at attention outside the palace.
ukrainianThe ukrainian guards patrolled the border diligently.
regularThe regular guards were on patrol last night.
faithfulThe faithful guards stood watch over the sleeping city.
coastThe coast guards saved the lives of the stranded sailors during the storm.
irishThe Irish guards are a regiment of infantry in the British Army.
ruralThe rural guards patrolled the countryside, searching for outlaws and ensuring the safety of the local residents.
eastThe east guards were ready for the attack.
burlyThe burly guards with their broad shoulders and imposing stature, stood guard at the entrance to the castle.
polishThe polish guards stood at attention as the king walked by.
deadThe dead guards lay scattered around the room.
italianThe italian guards patrolled the grounds diligently.
arabThe arab guards patrolled the perimeter of the palace.
loyalThe loyal guards stood watch, their unwavering gaze fixed upon the castle gates.
vigilantThe vigilant guards stood at attention, their eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble.
protectiveThe protective guards kept the crowds at bay.
borderThe border guards were vigilant in their search for contraband.
2ndThe 2nd guards were stationed at the gate.
hungarianThe Hungarian guards stood at attention, their lances gleaming in the sunlight.

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