Updated on March 16, 2024
many | Many housewives wear aprons while cooking. |
good | Good housewives bake delicious pies. |
time | The time housewives used to spend cleaning and cooking is now spent working and volunteering. |
class | |
american | American housewives are known for their love of cooking and baking. |
most | Most housewives have a busy schedule. |
suburban | The suburban housewives enjoyed their morning coffee together. |
young | The young housewives chatted animatedly as they strolled through the park with their children. |
white | The white housewives gathered for their weekly coffee klatch. |
japanese | Japanese housewives are known for their traditional values and family-oriented lifestyle. |
dutch | |
local | The local housewives eagerly participated in the neighborhood potluck. |
urban | The urban housewives spent their days gossiping and shopping. |
aged | The aged housewives reminisced about their younger days. |
busy | Busy housewives were able to have simple, yet creative birthday parties for their children. |
rural | The rural housewives were hard at work preparing for the harvest. |
ordinary | The ordinary housewives gossiped about the latest news. |
british | Many British housewives were in dire need of assistance. |
german | |
desperate | |
bored | |
thrifty | Thrifty housewives are always looking for ways to save money. |
english | The english housewives enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at the park. |
careful | Careful housewives may buy chicken when it is on sale. |
middle | |
french | French housewives were the first to make gluten-free baguettes |
poor | |
tempered | The tempered housewives were in charge of the household cooking. |
happy | The happy housewives chatted over tea. |
notable | The notable housewives attended the meeting. |
traditional | Traditional housewives are often expected to manage the household and care for the family. |
indian | The Indian housewives cooked delicious meals every day. |
home | Jane was employed as a home housewives after graduated from high school |
unemployed | The unemployed housewives spent their days at the mall. |
older | The older housewives gossiped about their neighbors over a cup of tea. |
former | The former housewives were making their way to the park. |
work | |
industrious | The industrious housewives worked tirelessly to maintain their homes and families. |
respectable | Several respectable housewives have been hired to assist with the event. |
lonely | |
future | The young women attending the finishing school dreamed of becoming future housewives |
dependent | The dependent housewives were expected to stay at home and raise the kids. |
efficient | Efficient housewives complete their household chores quickly and effectively. |
excellent | The excellent housewives baked delicious pies and cakes for the bake sale. |
frustrated | The frustrated housewives gathered at the community center to vent their feelings. |
younger | The younger housewives were more likely to be employed outside the home. |
colonial | Colonial housewives often had to make do with limited resources. |
educated | The educated housewives were very interested in the lecture. |
mere | The mere housewives immediately recognized the intruder. |
irish | The irish housewives were known for their delicious meals. |
italian | The italian housewives cook amazing food. |
angry | |
working | Working housewives often have to juggle their responsibilities between home and work. |
unpaid | |
frugal | Frugal housewives often clip coupons to save money on groceries. |
agoraphobic | |
prudent | Prudent housewives are always striving to improve their homes and families. |
harassed | |
immigrant | The immigrant housewives chatted with each other while their children played. |
disabled |
korean | |
hysterical | |
isolated | Among the isolated housewives gossip was a lifeline. |
middleclass | Middleclass housewives sometimes find themselves in difficult situations. |
bourgeois | The bourgeois housewives were preoccupied with their domestic duties. |
fulltime | She is one of the fulltime housewives who enjoy gossiping with others in the neighborhood |
irate | |
tired | The tired housewives sat on the couch and watched TV. |
fat | |
capable | She is one of the most capable housewives in the neighborhood. |
australian | |
century | The century housewives were gathering together for a weekly meeting. |
elderly | The elderly housewives gossiped about the latest neighborhood news. |
anxious | The anxious housewives waited for their husbands to return home from work. |
canadian | The Canadian housewives were known for their delicious cooking. |
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