Updated on March 16, 2024
available | This book is available http from the library. |
secure | The website uses secure http to protect user data. |
standard | Standard http is required to make most REST API calls. |
non | I have no idea what you're talking about non http |
hypertext | |
url | The url http://www.example.com was not accessible. |
normal | Computers can communicate with each other over a normal http connection. |
net | HTTP requests can be made with the syntax of `net http.Get` |
online | I found a great deal online http yesterday. |
plain | I prefer using plain http |
site | Visit the site http://example.com for more information. |
virtual | The virtual http allowed me to access the website without installing any software. |
over | We can access the data over http |
regular | Facebook employs regular http to make requests over the Internet. |
stateless | Stateless http is a type of web architecture in which the server does not store any information about the client's previous requests. |
select | select http type and version |
performance | The performance http was excellent. |
rpc | rpc http is a powerful tool for building distributed applications |
unencrypted | You should never submit your password over unencrypted http |
encrypted | The website uses encrypted http (HTTPS) to protect user data. |
static | The static http server is running on port 8080. |
html | |
int | int http is used for internal routing in Kubernetes. |
click | Click http://www.amazon.com to order now |
website | The website http://example.com contains a lot of helpful information. |
remote | The remote http request returned a 200 status code. |
underlying | The request specifies an underlying http transport protocol. |
enable | This command will enable http in this system. |
outbound | "Outbound HTTP" requests don't leave your browser, otherwise known as "same origin" |
pre | The pre http request was successful. |
reliable | "Reliable HTTP" is the name of a Network Intelligence-based feature that makes TCP connections from Android devices more persistent during handovers and low-signal conditions. |
inbound | The server is now accepting inbound http requests. |
persistent | Persistent http connections are used to keep a connection open between a client and a server, reducing latency and improving performance. |
cleartext | Cleartext http is a security risk and should be avoided. |
line | The line http at the bus stop was 5 people long. |
set | set http to utilize http-based APIs. |
soap | The soap http service encountered intermittent availability issues. |
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