Adjectives for Humidity

Adjectives For Humidity

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing humidity, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Understanding the nuances of adjectives associated with 'humidity' can profoundly influence the perception and comprehension of weather conditions. Terms like 'relative' and 'absolute' offer insights into the measurement and impact of humidity on daily life, while 'high' or 'low' humidity levels can determine comfort, weather forecasts, and even health precautions. Atmospheric and specific humidity adjectives delve deeper into scientific explanations, enriching our grasp of environmental conditions. Each adjective illuminates different aspects of humidity, from its mathematical calculation to its tangible effects on human activities. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives tied to humidity and uncover the detailed stories they tell about our climatic encounters.
relativeThe relative humidity in the room was 60%.
highThe high humidity made the air feel thick and heavy.
lowThe low humidity made my skin feel itchy and dry.
absoluteThe absolute humidity was 5 grams per cubic meter.
atmosphericThe atmospheric humidity was high, making the air feel thick and heavy.
specificThe specific humidity of the air is 100 grams per kilogram.
averageThe average humidity during the summer months is 72%.
higherThe temperature and higher humidity have made sleeping difficult.
constantThe house's air purifier keeps a constant humidity level.
excessiveThe excessive humidity in the rainforest made it difficult for the explorers to breathe.
meanThe mean humidity in the tropics is 75%.
lowerThe weather forecast predicts lower humidity for tomorrow.
ambientThe ambient humidity in the greenhouse was at 80%.
environmentalThe environmental humidity was high, causing discomfort and respiratory issues.
extremeThe extreme humidity made my clothes stick to my skin.
controlledThe museum's controlled humidity protects the ancient artifacts from damage.
indoorMaintaining proper indoor humidity can help reduce the spread of airborne viruses.
annualThe annual humidity in this region is typically around 65%.
excessThe excess humidity in the air made it difficult to breathe.
oppressiveThe oppressive humidity made it difficult to breathe.
maximumThe maximum humidity recorded was 95%.
adequateThe greenhouse has adequate humidity for the plants to thrive.
minimumThe minimum humidity level in the archive is 30%.
lowestThe day with the lowest humidity was clear and pleasant.
intenseThe intense humidity made the air thick and heavy, suffocating her with every breath.
monthlyThe monthly humidity levels are forecasted to be around 70%.
saturatedI gasped as the saturated humidity in the room suffocated me.
interiorThe interior humidity was high, making the air feel stuffy and uncomfortable.
elevatedThe elevated humidity made the air feel sticky and uncomfortable.
temperatureThe temperature humidity was perfect for a walk in the park.
outdoorThe outdoor humidity was high, making it feel even hotter than it actually was.
stickyThe sticky humidity made the air feel thick and oppressive.
insufficientThe air in the room is dry due to insufficient humidity
desiredThe desired humidity in the room should be maintained at 50%.
reducedReduced humidity leads to more comfortable indoor conditions.
insideThe high inside humidity made the room feel stuffy.
suffocatingThe air was so thick with suffocating humidity that it clung to our skin like a wet blanket.
climaticThe climatic humidity of the region is a major factor in the success of agriculture.
optimumThe optimum humidity for most indoor plants is between 40 and 60 percent.
increaseThe humidifier will increase humidity in the room.

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