Adjectives for Identifier

Adjectives For Identifier

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing identifier, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjectives to describe the noun 'identifier' can profoundly alter the meaning conveyed. A 'unique identifier' speaks to exclusivity and a one-of-a-kind attribute, essential in contexts like security or database management. Conversely, a 'same identifier' suggests duplication or commonality, potentially indicating errors or deliberate connections in coding and data analysis. The distinction between 'public' and 'single' identifiers can highlight accessibility or singularity, impacting how information is categorized or accessed. Furthermore, 'variable' and 'numeric' identifiers indicate flexibility or specificity respectively, guiding expectations on the type of data or patterns one might encounter. Each adjective thus nuances the concept of identifiers, inviting readers to explore the full range of adjectives that can modify this critical noun.
uniqueThe unique identifier for this product is 1234567890.
sameHe is using the same identifier in his code.
publicThe public identifier of the digital object is 123456789.
singleThe single identifier is unique to each patient.
variableThe variable identifier must be a valid Python identifier.
bitThe bit identifier is used to identify the specific bit in a byte or word.
validIn programming, a valid identifier starts with a letter or underscore.
virtualThe virtual identifier is used to represent a resource in a distributed system.
localYou can use a local identifier to refer to a specific element in a collection.
globalThis product has a global identifier so that it is recognised and available all over the world.
key"The key identifier is a unique string that identifies the key."
internalThe internal identifier of the document is 12345.
primaryThe primary identifier is the unique value that distinguishes an entity from all other entities of the same type.
specificThe specific identifier of their system allowed for secure access.
personalThe personal identifier was used to verify the user's identity.
numericalThe numerical identifier for this user is 12345.
constantThe constant identifier will never change its value once defined and declared.
logicalThe logical identifier for this entity is 'XYZ'.
externalThe external identifier of the project is 1234567890.
alphanumericThis is an alphanumeric identifier 23VermontSt
biometricThe biometric identifier was used to unlock the phone.
currentThe current identifier is unique for each user.
genericThe generic identifier is used to refer to an object without specifying its specific type.
legalThe legal identifier for the company is 123456789.
sensitiveThe sensitive identifier must be protected from unauthorized access.
persistentThe persistent identifier could be any unique identifier that refers to the same resource, independent of its representation or location.
standardThe standard identifier for the product is SK7845.
programmaticThe programmatic identifier is used to identify the program.
byteThe byte identifier is 8-bit binary data type.
terminalThe terminal identifier is used to identify the terminal device.
appropriateThe appropriate identifier is used to ensure the accuracy of the data.
optionalA clause in the will lists three optional identifiers.
correspondingThe corresponding identifier is used to link the data to the correct entity.
digitThe digit identifier quickly scanned the document for numerical information.
ethnicThe ethnic identifier is a key part of the data set.
patientThe patient identifier is a unique number assigned to each patient.
formalUnify all formal identifiers in the system and make sure that each formal identifier has a unique value.
letterThe letter identifier is 'A'
levelThe level identifier uniquely identifies each level of the hierarchical file structure.
arbitraryThe arbitrary identifier is used to uniquely identify an object.
definedThe syntax for a defined identifier is $ followed by a name beginning with an underscore.
objectFind the object identifier of the user account.
undeclaredThe undeclared identifier error is a compiler error that occurs when a variable or function is used without being declared.
temporaryThe temporary identifier was used to track the subject's progress throughout the study.
symbolicThe symbolic identifier of the program is the name by which it is known to the system.
typeThe type identifier is used to distinguish between different types of data.
permanentThe permanent identifier in the ticket warranty is used to validate a user's booking details.
randomConsider always throwing a random identifier into the mix as an extra step of security to protect user data.
contentThe content identifier is used to identify the specific piece of content that is being used.
generatedThe system generated identifier is unique to each customer account.
geographicThe geographic identifier of the location is 40.7127° N, 74.0059° W.
lowestThe lowest identifier was assigned to the first record.
correctThe correct identifier is used for the variable.
associatedThe associated identifier is linked to the application.
qualifiedThe qualified identifier designates the particular namespace and the name of the identifier.
explicitThe explicit identifier in the database is a unique number assigned to each row.
connectThe database connect identifier is system.sqlserver
predefinedThe program may use predefined identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler.
subnetThe subnet identifier specifies the subnet used with the new Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system.

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