Adjectives for Indexes

Adjectives For Indexes

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing indexes, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe indexes can significantly impact the perception and understanding of your text. Whether describing subject indexes that categorize content by topic, periodical indexes for journals and magazines, or various and several indexes used in different contexts, each modifier adds a layer of specificity and clarity. For in-depth research, cumulative indexes offer comprehensive access to information over time, while separate indexes might serve for distinct volumes or editions. Understanding the nuanced implications of these adjectives can enhance both academic and professional communication. Explore our full list of adjectives to discover the perfect descriptor for your next discussion on indexes.
subjectThe encyclopedia has comprehensive subject indexes in the appendix section.
periodicalPeriodical indexes can be used to find articles on specific topics.
variousWe have various indexes for the data about the economy.
severalThe report contains several indexes showing the trends in the data.
cumulativeCumulative indexes are created to help researchers find the articles that they are looking for.
annualThe annual indexes were published in the journal.
generalThe general indexes are located in the back of the book.
refractiveThe refractive indexes can be matched using immersion liquids.
specialThe database table contains special indexes to optimize queries.
seasonalSeasonal indexes are used to adjust historical data for seasonal variations.
printedI prefer books with printed indexes to those without.
majorThe S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite are two of the major indexes
alphabeticalThe website has alphabetical indexes for all of its topics.
compositeComposite indexes are beneficial for optimizing queries that reference multiple columns in a table.
secondarySecondary indexes provide faster access to data for specific queries.
multipleThe database table had multiple indexes that needed to be updated.
monthly"Individuals and some families will get monthly indexes of their bank accounts."
basedThe database uses based indexes to accelerate retrieval of large data sets.
appropriateThis database table has appropriate indexes for optimal performance.
officialThe official indexes of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) show that consumer prices rose by an average of 6.3% in 2021.
followingThe top 10 performers were selected based on the following indexes sales, profit, and market share.
additionalThe query requires additional indexes to complete.
weightedThe weighted indexes were used to calculate the results.
specializedOver the past two years, the maintenance of specialized indexes has been addressed.
usefulUseful indexes can guide you to the information you need quickly and easily.
wholesaleThe wholesale indexes reached an all-time high in the fourth quarter of 2022.
standardThe standard indexes should be used to calculate the statistics.
detailedThe book has detailed indexes
availableThe query is fast because of the available indexes
clustered"Employees with the same manager ID are clustered using clustered indexes to improve query performance."
hedonicThe empirical findings show that these hedonic indexes are highly correlated.
uniqueThe unique indexes of each item prevent duplicate values from being stored.
globalThe market has been seeing a rise in global indexes over the past few months.
copiousThe book contained copious indexes making it easy to find the information I needed.
alternateYou can create alternate indexes for specific columns to improve the performance of the exact match query.
comprehensiveThe comprehensive indexes at the back of the book make it easy to find the information you need.
livingThe new living indexes for the city were released.
correspondingThe corresponding indexes are being compared.
keyThe database is optimized for queries using key indexes
cumulatedThe reference works with cumulatively published cumulated indexes
statisticalThe researcher used various statistical indexes to analyze the data.
quarterlyResearchers are expected to consult the quarterly indexes for more detailed information.
treeThe tree indexes are essential for quick and efficient retrieval of data.
geographicalGeographical indexes are useful tools for finding information about specific locations.
collectiveThe book contains over 2500 publications that contain several collective indexes
nonclusteredNonclustered indexes are used to improve query performance by creating a separate index structure that is not tied to the physical order of the data.
conventionalConventional indexes are usually based on the company's financial statements.
regionalThe crude oil price is currently at a local maximum and the regional indexes are looking positive.
quantitativeThe researchers used various quantitative indexes to measure the therapy's effectiveness.
numerousThe bibliography contains numerous indexes including an index of authors, an index of subjects, and an index of keywords.
geographicThe geographic indexes indicate that the climate in this region is mild.
excellentThe book has excellent indexes
relativeThe company's performance should be judged by its relative indexes in the industry.
alternativeResearchers are exploring alternative indexes for evaluating students' work.
broadThe S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite are broad indexes that track the performance of the US stock market.
spatialSpatial indexes can improve the performance of spatial queries.
relevantThe query retrieves the data from relevant indexes
electronicThe library has a wide range of electronic indexes available for researchers.
invertedThe inverted indexes are a data structure that maps terms to the documents in which they appear.
extensiveThe book includes extensive indexes
fitCFA fit indexes (TLI = .9, CFI = .93, RFI = .93, IFI = .94, RMSEA = .08) indicate good model fit.
onlineStudents can use online indexes to discover articles on almost any topic.

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