Adjectives for Infants

Adjectives For Infants

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing infants, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the world of adjectives applied to infants reveals fascinating nuances in language and perception. Descriptors range from premature, highlighting the delicate, early challenges some babies face, to newborn, capturing the very first moments of life outside the womb. The term young reminds us of the rapid development in the early years, while human emphasizes the shared essence of our beginnings. Normal offers a baseline of health and development, contrasting with old, which may refer to infants at the upper edge of a developmental milestone. Each adjective brings a unique color to the narrative of growth and life's early stages. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives used with infants and the rich contexts they evoke below.
prematurePremature infants are at an increased risk of developing health problems.
newbornNewborn infants need extra care and attention.
youngYoung infants are especially vulnerable to respiratory infections.
humanHuman infants are born with a remarkable capacity for learning and development.
normalNormal infants have a healthy weight and length for their age.
oldMary took care of her old infants
fedSome fed infants refuse solid food.
termTerm infants have a higher risk of developing respiratory problems.
mostMost infants are born with a natural ability to swim.
healthyThe clinic provides prenatal and postpartum services to healthy infants
smallThe small infants were swaddled in blankets.
femaleThe doctor examined the female infants
bornParents of born infants are usually happy.
maleThe clinic provides free vaccinations for male infants
affectedHundreds of affected infants are born in the United States every year.
riskThe study included 239 risk infants who were born prematurely at less than 32 weeks of gestation or with a birth weight of less than 1,500 grams.
infectedInfected infants are at high risk for developing life-threatening complications.
sickThe sick infants were cared for by the dedicated nurses.
youngerYounger infants are more vulnerable to sudden infant death syndrome.
illIll infants who were in the treatment group gained more weight than those in the control group.
exposedThe hospital exposed infants to harmful bacteria.
breastfedBreastfed infants may be at a lower risk of developing certain diseases later in life.
birthweightThe birthweight infants were at an increased risk for respiratory distress syndrome.
deafDeaf infants often babble with their hands as well as their mouths.
unbaptizedThe parents of unbaptized infants may request a baptism for their child.
helplessThere were numerous helpless infants that had to be evacuated from the burning building.
blindThe researchers found that blind infants could learn to recognize objects by touch alone.
stillborn. . . waiting alone for the stillborn infants
malnourishedMalnourished infants are at risk for developmental delays, impaired immune function, and increased mortality.
pretermPreterm infants are born before 37 weeks of gestation.
anencephalicAnencephalic infants lack a major portion of their brain and skull.
matureWith any luck, the experimental treatment might help to improve the condition of mature infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
fulltermFullterm infants have a higher survival rate than preterm infants.
tinyNewborn tiny infants are completely dependent on their caregivers for survival.
gestationalGestational infants require specialized care in the neonatal intensive care unit.
symptomaticSymptomatic infants should be evaluated promptly to identify the underlying cause.
malformedThe malformed infants were cared for in the local hospital.
institutionalizedThe institutionalized infants had limited opportunities for socialization.
asphyxiatedThe asphyxiated infants were rushed to the hospital.
syphiliticThe syphilitic infants were born with a variety of congenital malformations.
asymptomaticAsymptomatic infants may carry the virus for a longer time.
lbwThe lbw infants were closely followed up during the first year of life.
youngestThe youngest infants are at the highest risk of SIDS.
maltreatedThe maltreated infants showed signs of severe neglect.
preverbalPreverbal infants perceive the emotions of others through facial expressions.
ageThe age infants learn to talk varies greatly.
monthCaregivers must be especially vigilant when giving medicines to month infants and children.
avoidantAvoidant infants may have difficulty forming secure attachments with their caregivers.
disabledDisabled infants may require specialized care and support.
deficientThere were many deficient infants in the orphanage.
febrileThe febrile infants were given acetaminophen to reduce their fever.
deformedThe deformed infants were born with severe disabilities.
montholdThe monthold infants were born prematurely and are in the neonatal intensive care unit.
jaundicedJaundiced infants undergo phototherapy to reduce their bilirubin levels.
smallestThe smallest infants are especially vulnerable to infections.
nourishedNourished infants are usually more active and alert.
liveThe study included 52 women who had live infants
untreatedThe mortality rate of untreated infants is very high.
dependentBabies dependent on breast milk for nutrition are considered dependent infants
abnormalThe hospital had a wing for abnormal infants

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