Adjectives for Influences

Adjectives For Influences

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing influences, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe influences can significantly alter the perception of the subject. Environmental influences stress the importance of surroundings, while external and outside influences widen the scope beyond the immediate. Cultural and social influences highlight the impact of society and traditions. Using foreign influences introduces elements from beyond national or familiar boundaries. Each adjective paints a unique picture of impact and origin, revealing layers of complexity in understanding how influences shape outcomes. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives to discover the subtle nuances each brings to describing influences.
environmentalEnvironmental influences play a crucial role in shaping the behavior and development of individuals.
externalExternal influences can shape our behavior and beliefs.
culturalThe city's architecture showcases the diverse cultural influences that have shaped its history.
socialSocial influences can shape our behavior and beliefs.
outsideThe outside influences have had a profound impact on the development of our culture.
importantHer most important influences were the works of the Impressionists.
geneticRecent studies show genetic influences on intelligence.
variousMusic from various influences has become increasingly popular recently.
evilThe child's mind was poisoned by evil influences
majorHer major influences include classic rock, jazz, and soul music.
powerfulThe media has powerful influences on public opinion.
westernThe movie features a blend of traditional Eastern themes with Western influences
strongThe old master's style had strong influences on the young artist's work.
religiousThe painting reflects the artist's deep religious influences
negativeNegative influences can surround us and impact our lives.
possibleThe possible influences of these factors are not yet fully understood.
europeanOur dinner menu showcases the fusion of traditional British cuisine with european influences
hormonalThe hormonal influences of puberty can cause changes in sleep patterns and energy levels.
literaryThe writer's literary influences were evident throughout the novel's complex prose and evocative imagery.
formativeHe credited his formative influences to his grandmother's storytelling and his father's love of history.
positivePositive influences in our lives can help us grow and achieve our goals.
moralHer moral influences shaped her into the kind and compassionate person she is today.
mutualThe two cultures have had many mutual influences over the years.
climaticThe region's vegetation is strongly influenced by climatic influences
adverseAdverse influences can significantly hamper progress and achievement.
intellectualThe author's intellectual influences are evident in the novel's themes and characters.
subtleThe subtle influences of social media on our behavior have yet to be fully understood.
spiritualI could feel the spiritual influences of the ancient temple as I walked through its hallowed halls.
psychologicalThe study revealed that psychological influences significantly impact consumer behavior.
parentalParental influences shape a child's development in countless ways.
christianThe painting is replete with Christian influences
hereditaryHereditary influences can be seen in the physical and mental traits of offspring.
reciprocalThe two factors had reciprocal influences on each other.
atmosphericThe ozone layer safeguards us from the adverse atmospheric influences of the sun.
extraneousThe scientist tried to remove all extraneous influences from the experiment.
biologicalThere are several biological influences on human behavior, including genetics and hormones.
disturbingThe disturbing influences he had faced as a child still affected him as an adult.
educationalEducational influences have shaped my journey and continue to guide my pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.
inhibitoryDifferences in inhibitory influences in these brain regions may contribute to cognitive decline with aging.
diverseI am inspired by diverse influences from African art to Japanese pop culture.
indirectHer outfit was heavily influenced by indirect influences from the 1960s.
alienOld ruins in the desert hint at alien influences in ancient history.
multipleMy personality is the result of multiple influences
causalThe causal influences of the past shape the present.
sweetThe sweet influences of her kindness were felt by all.
greekThe architecture of the building was heavily influenced by Greek influences
nervousThe experiment caused a variety of nervous influences on the body.
potentThe potent influences of the setting engender a profound sense of unease.
injuriousThe child was exposed to injurious influences at home.
situationalThe situational influences such as the weather or the presence of others, can have a significant impact on our behavior.
strongestThe most influential factors shaping our lives are our strongest influences
prenatalPrenatal influences include maternal stress, nutrition, and environmental exposures.
africanThe vibrant artwork bore clear african influences
italianThe restaurant had a warm atmosphere with Italian influences
orientalThe kimono displayed prominent oriental influences in its design.
dominantThe dominant influences in his life were his parents and teachers.
profoundThe artist was renowned for the profound influences of her work on the avant-garde movement.
seasonalThe seasonal influences on the environment can be significant.

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