Adjectives for Initiative

Adjectives For Initiative

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing initiative, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to accompany 'initiative' can profoundly impact the meaning conveyed in your message. An 'own initiative' suggests autonomy and personal responsibility, while an 'individual initiative' highlights the unique contributions of a person. 'Private initiative', on the other hand, emphasizes the non-public nature of an effort, making it distinct from collective or governmental actions. Meanwhile, a 'new initiative' points to fresh starts and innovative approaches, and a 'local initiative' brings attention to community-based efforts. 'Personal initiative' deeply personalizes the endeavor, suggesting a special dedication or passion. Each adjective enriches 'initiative' with nuanced layers of meaning, bringing color to the narrative canvas. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that can complement 'initiative' and explore the diverse insights they can add to your discourse.
ownShe volunteered her own initiative to support the community clean-up drive.
individualThe teacher encouraged her students to take more individual initiative
privateThe company's recent expansion was largely driven by private initiative
newThe new initiative aims to improve the quality of education in the region.
localThe local initiative has been successful in reducing crime in the area.
personalShe took personal initiative to organize the event.
majorThe government announced a major initiative to address the issue of climate change.
politicalThe political initiative was met with widespread support.
americanThe American initiative was praised by many for its ambitious goals.
strategicThe strategic initiative will help the company achieve its long-term goals.
popularThe popular initiative is a form of direct democracy in which citizens can propose and vote on laws.
legislativeThe legislative initiative has been proposed by a group of citizens.
divineGod's divine initiative set us on a course for success.
diplomaticThe diplomatic initiative was aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
boldThe company's bold initiative to expand into new markets has paid off handsomely.
independentThe team showed independent initiative in developing the new product.
freeThe free initiative ensures that businesses have the freedom to operate and compete without excessive government interference.
jointThe joint initiative between the two companies aims to provide better customer service.
creativeShe showed great creative initiative in developing new products.
britishThe British initiative is a non-profit organization that promotes British culture and values.
federalThe federal initiative to reduce homelessness has been successful in many cities.
sovietThe Soviet initiative to launch Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, marked the beginning of the Space Age.
europeanThe European initiative will provide funding for research and development projects that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
entrepreneurialThe company is seeking an employee with entrepreneurial initiative
presidentialThe President announced a new presidential initiative to address climate change.
successfulThe successful initiative will be implemented in the coming weeks.
regionalThe regional initiative to promote tourism was a success.
mixedThe mixed initiative approach allows the user to retain control while still benefiting from the system's assistance.
globalThe global initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is an important step towards combating climate change.
constitutionalThe constitutional initiative aims to change the constitution.
governmentalThe governmental initiative to provide free healthcare to all citizens was met with widespread support.
voluntaryThe voluntary initiative was launched to provide support to the local community.
hipcThe HIPC initiative launched in 1996, sought to reduce the debt burden of highly indebted poor countries.
revolutionaryThe revolutionary initiative marked a turning point in the history of the movement.
africanThe African initiative provided a comprehensive framework for agricultural development on the continent.
latestWe must support the students' latest initiative a homework hotline.
unilateralThe unilateral initiative was met with resistance from the other party.
statewideThe statewide initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been successful.
canadianThis Canadian initiative is dedicated to helping low-income families get the food they need.
corporateThe company launched a new corporate initiative to support employee wellness.
spontaneousWith spontaneous initiative the students started a collection drive for the local charity.
congressionalThe congressional initiative is expected to be passed in the next few weeks.
comprehensiveOur comprehensive initiative is focused on improving healthcare access for underserved communities.

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