Adjectives for Integer

Adjectives For Integer

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing integer, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe an integer can significantly alter the understanding of numerical data, showcasing its unique properties or position within a sequence. A positive integer opens up discussions about value above zero, while a negative one delves into deficits or below-zero amounts. Mentioning a nearest integer can highlight approximation techniques, whereas bit and unsigned integers dive into the realm of computer science and memory allocation. And let's not forget the charm of an odd integer, breaking the evenness with its uniqueness. Each adjective brings its own flavor and precision, demonstrating how nuanced our understanding of numbers can be. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives to fully appreciate the diversity and depth they add to integers.
positiveThe sum of two positive integers is a positive integer
nearestI rounded the number 3.14 to its nearest integer which is 3.
bitThe bit integer is a data type that represents an integer value within a specific range.
unsignedThe program can access the unsigned integer in memory.
negativeThe sum of any two negative integers is a negative integer
oddThe odd integer stood out among its even counterparts.
largestThe largest integer that is less than 10 is 9.
smallestThe smallest integer that is greater than 5 is 6.
longThe long integer is 9223372036854775807.
nonnegativeThe number of apples in the basket is a nonnegative integer
evenThe sum of two even integers is also an even integer
nextThe next integer after 10 is 11.
randomThe random integer was 12.
greatestThe greatest integer less than 9.5 is 9.
singleThe value is a single integer
byteThe byte integer data type is an 8-bit signed integer.
decimalHere is the decimal integer 42.
arbitraryAn arbitrary integer was chosen for the experiment.
digitThis digit integer contains three digits.
shortThe short integer value is stored in the variable.
unique"123" is a unique integer
mixedThe mixed integer programming model was solved using the CPLEX solver.
halfThis theorem can be generalized to half integer values, however.
leastThe least integer greater than 5 is 6.
nonThe non integer value of pi is approximately 3.14.
closestThe closest integer to pi is 3.
constantThe constant integer is a value that does not change during the execution of a program.
highestI've never seen a number that high before. It must be the highest integer I've ever seen.
largerThe larger integer is 10.
nonzeroThe nonzero integer 5 is greater than 3.
validThe valid integer must be greater than zero.
fixedThe fixed integer value of the constant is 10.
smallerThe smaller integer is 5.
optionalOptional integer type variable cannot be used as a type parameter
octalThe octal integer is 125.
correspondingWe need to calculate the corresponding integer
lowestThe lowest integer greater than 10 is 11.
maximumThe maximum integer value is 2,147,483,647.
primeThe sum of the first 100 prime integers is 24133.
zeroThe sum of a number and its zero integer is the number itself.
hexadecimalThe hexadecimal integer 12AB is equivalent to the decimal integer 4787.
rationalThe difference of two rational integers is always a rational integer
variableThe variable integer was incremented by one.
universalThe universal integer is an integer that is valid in all programming languages.
basedThe type of this variable is a 32-bit based integer
consecutiveThe sum of two consecutive integer is 99.
composite15 is a composite integer because it has factors other than 1 and itself, such as 3 and 5.
binaryThe binary integer 10110011 represents the decimal integer 179.
predefinedThe predefined integer value is used for specifying the size of an array.
signedThe signed integer is a data type that represents positive and negative integers and zero.
lengthThe length integer is used to determine the length of a string in Python.
staticThe static integer variable holds a fixed value throughout the program's execution.
implicitYou can safely assume an implicit integer of 10 for the purpose of this question.
unknownThe unknown integer is x.
numericThe numeric integer is 10.
gaussianThe Gaussian integer 1 + 2i is a complex number.
latinThe syntax for latin integer` method in `google-cloud-bigquery` for Ruby is: ```ruby def latin_integer(name, description: nil, mode: :nullable, policy_tags: nil) ``` The following code sample shows you how to use the latin integer` method: ```ruby require "google/cloud/bigquery" bigquery = gcs_uri = "gs://cloud-samples-data/bigquery/us-states/us-states.csv" source_uri_prefix = "gs://cloud-samples-data/bigquery/us-states/" external_data = bigquery.external gcs_uri, format: :csv, header: true, skip_leading: 1 schema = bigquery.schema do |schema| schema.integer "pop", mode: :required schema.record "location", mode: :required do |location| location.string "state_id", mode: :required location.latin_integer "state", mode: :required location.string "county", mode: :required end end load_job = bigquery.load_job "my_new_table", external_data do |job| job.schema = schema job.location = "US" end load_job.wait_until_done! # Waits for table load to complete. load_job.done? #=> true ```
allThe sum of all integer from -24 to 58 is 1,622.
literalThe literal integer is negative fifteen.

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