Adjectives for Japanese

Adjectives For Japanese

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing japanese, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'Japanese' can significantly alter the nuance of your sentence, providing a deeper insight into the cultural, historical, or qualitative aspects you wish to highlight. For instance, 'Sino-Japanese' relations touch on the intricate dynamics between China and Japan, while 'Anglo-Japanese' might discuss alliances or conflicts from a British perspective. Describing something as 'most Japanese' could denote the epitome of Japanese characteristics or traditions. Conversely, mentioning 'few Japanese' might highlight scarcity or rarity. Each adjective opens a new dimension of understanding, depicting various angles of Japanese culture, relations, or traits. Explore the full array of adjectives to uncover the richness of descriptions at your disposal.
sinoMy ability to speak Sino japanese is not very good.
manyMany japanese people are interested in learning English.
mostMost japanese people are polite and respectful.
fewFew japanese live in the west coast
youngThe young japanese boy bowed to his teacher.
modernModern japanese culture is a blend of traditional and Western influences.
averageThe average japanese person is about 5 feet tall.
americanShe is American japanese
chinoWe are looking for a good chino japanese restaurant.
bornShe is born japanese but live in America.
ordinaryIt was an ordinary japanese evening.
deadI found a dead japanese
ancientIn ancient japanese culture, cherry blossoms were believed to possess mystical powers.
olderI learned a lot about older japanese history.
invadingThe invading japanese forces met with fierce resistance from the Chinese army.
contemporaryThe contemporary japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is known for her polka dot and pumpkin sculptures and installations.
fluentShe speaks fluent japanese
nativeThis is a sentence with native japanese 日本語は美しい言語です。
prominentThe prominent japanese architect Kenzo Tange became a major figure in the development of modern architecture.
classicalThe classical japanese aesthetic values simplicity and elegance.
uniquelyThis dish is uniquely japanese in both its ingredients and its preparation.
victoriousThe victorious japanese soldiers returned home to a hero's welcome.
elderlyThe elderly japanese woman tended to her garden.
typicalThe typical japanese house has a tatami-matted floor and sliding doors.
shipwreckedThe shipwrecked japanese sailors were stranded on a remote island.
peculiarlyThe peculiarly japanese tradition of karaoke is enjoyed by people of all ages.
loyalThe loyal japanese dog Hachiko waited for his owner's return at the train station every day for nine years after his death.
educatedThe educated japanese often speak several languages fluently.
residentHe is a resident japanese
intelligentThe intelligent japanese engineer designed a remarkable robot.
wealthyThe wealthy japanese family donated millions to the local charity.
patrioticThe patriotic japanese citizen waved the rising sun flag with pride.
influentialThe influential japanese designer Issey Miyake was known for his innovative designs.
thoughtfulThe thoughtful japanese man bowed politely.
conservativeThe conservative japanese government has been pushing for a return to more traditional values.
peruvianThe Peruvian japanese community is vibrant and active.
centuryHis grandfather has been studying century japanese antiques.
postwarPostwar japanese society underwent significant economic and social transformations.
armedI saw about ten armed japanese police officers with submachine guns.
mindedI have a minded japanese friend.

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