Adjectives for Jury

Adjectives For Jury

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing jury, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a 'jury' can significantly alter the perception of legal proceedings. A 'grand jury' implies a more serious level of inquiry, while a 'federal jury' may suggest jurisdiction over more significant, national cases. The term 'special jury' denotes a group selected for a specific purpose, often involving complex issues. Conversely, a 'hung jury' indicates a deadlock, unable to reach a verdict, demonstrating the challenges within the justice system. The importance of an 'impartial jury' cannot be overstated, as it forms the bedrock of fair trials. Meanwhile, a 'white jury' might bring discussions about diversity and representation into the fore. Each adjective unveils unique nuances and depths of the legal narrative. Explore our extensive list to understand the pivotal roles these descriptors play.
grandThe grand jury indicted the defendant on charges of murder and robbery.
federalThe federal jury deliberated for three days before reaching a verdict.
specialThe special jury was unable to reach a verdict.
hungThe trial ended with a hung jury leaving the fate of the defendant uncertain.
whiteThe white jury found the defendant not guilty.
pettyThe accused was tried by a petty jury of twelve people.
englishThe english jury found the defendant guilty of murder.
civilThe civil jury awarded the plaintiff $1 million in damages.
internationalIn recognition of his outstanding contribution, he was appointed to the international jury
manThe man jury was hung and could not reach a verdict.
mixedThe mixed jury reached a verdict of guilty after a two-week trial.
fairThe fair jury deliberated for hours to reach a verdict.
ordinaryThe accused was tried by an ordinary jury
intelligentThe intelligent jury carefully considered all the evidence before reaching a verdict.
memberShe first began practicing as a member jury in 2004
personThe person jury found the defendant guilty.
sympatheticThe sympathetic jury acquitted the defendant of all charges.
athenianThe Athenian jury is made up of 501 citizens.
honestThe honest jury reached a verdict after deliberating for two days.
unbiasedThe unbiased jury delivered its verdict based solely on the evidence presented in court.
advisoryThe advisory jury rendered its verdict after a two-week trial.
mockThe lawyers selected a mock jury to test out their opening statements.
petitThe verdict was returned by the petit jury in under three hours.
irishThe Irish jury convicted the man.
unanimousThe unanimous jury found the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
watergateThe Watergate jury was composed of seven women and five men.
respectableThe respectable jury delivered a fair verdict after careful deliberation.
prejudicedThe prejudiced jury held a bias against the accused from the start of the trial.
competentShe asked the judge to determine whether a competent jury could be seated.
deadlockedThe deadlocked jury could not reach a verdict.
enlightenedThe enlightened jury reached a verdict based on the evidence presented.
quasiThe quasi jury reached a consensus on the defendant's innocence.
representativeThe jury selected for the trial was a representative jury meaning it reflected the demographics of the community.
protestantThe case was decided by a protestant jury
qualifiedThe qualified jury deliberated for three days before reaching a verdict.
mindedThe minded jury made a quick decision on the deliberations.
runawayThe runaway jury filed into the courtroom, their faces etched with a mix of trepidation and determination.
hostileThe hostile jury made it impossible for the defendant to receive a fair trial.
trialThe trial jury deliberated for three days before reaching a verdict.
sequesteredThe sequestered jury reached a verdict in the murder trial.

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