Adjectives for Killing

Adjectives For Killing

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing killing, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe killing can profoundly change the nuance of a sentence, painting a vivid picture of the event's nature. Whether it's intracellular, pointing to battles unseen within our very cells, or actual and direct, indicating real-life implications and confrontations. Even the distinction between bacterial, hinting at microorganisms' lethal impact, and intentional, implying premeditation, can drastically alter understanding. Each adjective threads an additional layer of meaning, highlighting the context, cause, or implications in striking detail. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives related to killing and explore the intricate nuances each brings to the narrative.
intracellularMacrophages are phagocytic cells that are adept at intracellular killing of microorganisms.
actualThe actual killing took place in a dark alley.
bacterialThe antibacterial cleaning agent eliminated the bacterial killing
moreThere was more killing in the streets that night as the war escalated.
deliberateThe deliberate killing was a terrible tragedy.
accidentalThe accidental killing of the innocent bystander was a tragedy.
brutalThe brutal killing sent shockwaves through the community.
muchThere was much killing in the war.
selectiveThe selective killing of certain individuals raised concerns among the human rights community.
dependentThe dependent killing of marine mammals is illegal in the United States.
worthHis life is not worth killing
massThe mass killing was a horrific event that left many people dead.
microbialMicrobial killing is an important defense mechanism against infection.
serialThe serial killing has been going on for years, and the police are no closer to catching the killer.
nonDespite the non killing the war still caused devastation
randomThe random killing sent shockwaves through the community.
quickThe lion's quick killing brought down the antelope.
bigThe hunter bragged about his big killing
unnecessaryThe unnecessary killing of innocent lives is unacceptable.
willfulThe willful killing of innocent people is a heinous crime.
wilfulThe wilful killing of innocent people is a heinous crime and should not be tolerated.
illegalThe illegal killing of endangered species has become a serious problem.
mereThe mere killing of animals for food is a cruel act.
activeThe active killing of innocent civilians is a violation of human rights.
unintentionalThe unintentional killing was ruled an accident by the police.
pigThe pig killing is a traditional way to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
hogThe hog killing was a bloody affair.
cellThe mutation leads to cell killing
rapidThe rapid killing of the hostages left everyone in shock.
sacrificialThe sacrificial killing was carried out with a short, sharp knife.
subsequentThe subsequent killing sparked outrage across the nation.
bloodedThe blooded killing shocked the nation.
phagocyticThe phagocytic killing of bacteria is an important part of the immune response.
scaleScale killing is a common problem in the fish farming industry.
inducedThe murder was largely induced killing
widespreadThe widespread killing of innocent people is a tragedy.
premeditatedThe jury found the defendant guilty of premeditated killing
massiveThe massive killing of whales has led to a decline in their population.
needlessThe needless killing of innocent people is a tragedy that should never be forgotten.
wrongfulThe police officer was charged with wrongful killing
doubleThe pitcher got a double killing when he fielded a ground ball and threw to second for the first out, and then the shortstop threw to first for the second out.
judicialThe judicial killing was carried out without due process of law.
unjustThe unjust killing of unarmed civilians cannot be tolerated.
ruthlessThe ruthless killing left a trail of broken lives and shattered families.
humaneThe humane killing of animals is a complex issue with many ethical and practical considerations.
symbolicThe symbolic killing of the old king was a ritual that marked the transfer of power to the new ruler.
secretThe secret killing haunted his dreams.
mutualTheir mutual killing left the field stained with blood.
violentThere was a violent killing that took place in the park.
extrajudicialThe extrajudicial killing was a violation of human rights.
ceremonialThe ceremonial killing of animals was a common practice in ancient times.
efficientThe army had developed an efficient killing machine.
infantTo determine whether jurors were more likely to convict a woman or man of infant killing we analyzed data from 100 mock juror trials.
negligentThe negligent killing of the victim resulted in a manslaughter conviction.
corporateThe company was found guilty of corporate killing following the death of an employee.
maliciousThe malicious killing had shocked the entire community.
oxidativeOxidative killing is a common mechanism of host defence against bacteria.
allegedThe alleged killing took place in the early hours of the morning.
occasionalThe occasional killing of innocent civilians is an unfortunate consequence of war.
extracellularExtracellular killing is a process by which a pathogen kills its host by releasing toxins into the extracellular environment.
latestThe latest killing took place yesterday outside the local elementary school.

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