Adjectives for Knowledge

Adjectives For Knowledge

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing knowledge, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with the noun 'knowledge' can significantly alter the perception of the statement being made. For instance, 'scientific knowledge' emphasizes a systematic, evidence-based understanding, while 'common knowledge' refers to information that is widely known and accepted without the need for specialized study. On the other hand, 'personal knowledge' conveys individual experience or insight, adding a subjective layer to the information. The nuances these adjectives bring to the word 'knowledge' enrich our communication, allowing us to express the exact nature of the information we are discussing. Diving into the full list of adjectives associated with 'knowledge' reveals even more layers and dimensions to consider.
scientificWith the advancement of scientific knowledge we now have a better understanding of the natural world.
commonIt is common knowledge that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
humanHuman knowledge is vast and ever-expanding.
generalGeneral knowledge is the knowledge of facts, concepts, and principles acquired through education or experience.
personalI have personal knowledge that this event occurred.
technicalThe engineer's technical knowledge enabled him to solve the complex problem.
thoroughShe possessed a thorough knowledge of the subject and could elucidate it with remarkable ease.
priorHer prior knowledge of the subject made the class easy for her.
fullI have full knowledge of the situation.
trueTrue knowledge is not about knowing everything, but about understanding how to learn everything.
practicalThe new engineer had a strong foundation in practical knowledge
presentThe present knowledge is not enough to make a decision.
specialThe doctor's special knowledge helped him diagnose the rare disease.
medicalThe doctor's medical knowledge was extensive.
detailedJohn had a detailed knowledge of the history of Rome.
basicShe had the basic knowledge of English to communicate with the locals.
muchHe has much knowledge about the history of the world.
perfectWith perfect knowledge we can make informed decisions.
accurateAccurate knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions.
expertHer expert knowledge of the subject matter was evident in her presentation.
currentConducting this research would contribute significantly to our current knowledge of the topic.
theoreticalThe physicist gained prominence in his field of theoretical knowledge
extensiveHe had extensive knowledge in various fields of science.
previousBased on my previous knowledge I would say that the hypothesis is likely to be correct.
usefulUseful knowledge can help you make informed decisions.
specializedHer specialized knowledge in the field of astrophysics made her an invaluable asset to the research team.
completeThe student demonstrated complete knowledge of the subject matter.
sufficientShe had sufficient knowledge to pass the exam.
limitedHe had limited knowledge on the subject.
betterWith better knowledge we can make better decisions.
empiricalHer empirical knowledge of the subject was evident in her writing.
tacitThe tacit knowledge of the experienced surgeon was evident in the way he handled the scalpel.
exactThe exact knowledge of the subject is essential for success.
professionalShe conveyed her professional knowledge in a clear and concise manner.
superiorHe possessed superior knowledge in the field of astrophysics.
profoundThe scholar shared his profound knowledge of ancient history with the students.
considerableHer considerable knowledge of the subject made her an invaluable asset to the team.
adequateThe scientist had adequate knowledge of the subject.
actualThe lawyer had actual knowledge of the client's illegal activities.
intuitiveHer intuitive knowledge of the subject was apparent.
prioriShe had a priori knowledge of the test, so she aced it.
wideShe has a wide knowledge of different cultures.
necessaryThe necessary knowledge for success is hard work and dedication.
objectiveObjective knowledge is acquired through systematic observation, experimentation, and hypothesis testing.
deepI have deep knowledge in the field of computer science.
traditionalTraditional knowledge is passed down through generations and has been refined over time.
divineThe ancient oracle possessed divine knowledge that shaped the destiny of nations.
handThe experienced sailor has a deep hand knowledge of the boat's controls.
soundHe has sound knowledge of the subject matter.
mathematicalJohn had a mathematical knowledge that was beyond his years.
spiritualWith spiritual knowledge and guidance, we can unlock the path to inner peace and fulfillment.
imperfectThe doctor's imperfect knowledge of the rare disease led to a misdiagnosis.
absoluteThe absolute knowledge of the universe remains elusive to humans.
availableThis decision is based on the available knowledge
mereMere knowledge of the subject is not enough to pass the exam.
relevantThe researcher possessed relevant knowledge about the subject matter.
preciseThe professor shared his precise knowledge of ancient Greek philosophy with his students.
explicitThe explicit knowledge of the team helped us to complete the project successfully.
indigenousIndigenous knowledge can be used to create sustainable solutions to environmental problems.
vastAlex is a man of vast knowledge
linguisticThe linguistic knowledge of the researcher helped her to understand the complexities of the language.
secretThe enigmatic society guarded their secret knowledge fiercely.
technologicalRapid technological knowledge has made it easier for people to stay connected with each other.
conceptualThere is a good amount of conceptual knowledge in this document.
comprehensiveThe researcher conducted a comprehensive knowledge of the topic.

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