Adjectives for Limit

Adjectives For Limit

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing limit, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Using adjectives with the noun 'limit' can significantly alter the nuance and specificity of your communication. Whether it's the 'upper limit' pointing to the highest possible point, the 'lower limit' indicating the minimum, an 'elastic limit' suggesting flexibility, a 'certain limit' underscoring definiteness, the 'maximum limit' denoting the apex capacity, or even the 'northern limit' hinting at geographical boundaries, each combination opens up a new dimension of meaning. These carefully chosen adjectives enhance clarity, precision, and nuance, allowing for more effective and nuanced expression. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'limit' and explore the intricacies they introduce to this foundational noun in the extensive list below.
upperThe upper limit for the number of days off is 10.
lowerThe lower limit was set to prevent any further losses.
elasticThe material had exceeded its elastic limit and had deformed permanently.
certainThere is a certain limit to how much information can be processed at once.
maximumWe've reached the maximum limit of participants for this event.
northernThe southern tip of the island is the northern limit of the turtle breeding grounds.
extremeThe extreme limit of human endurance is often tested during marathons.
southernThe southern limit of the city is marked by the river.
practicalThe practical limit for the number of people who can fit in a car is five.
mileThe airline announced it would be suspending all flights that exceed the mile limit
legalThe driver was found to be under the legal limit for alcohol consumption.
definiteThe project was completed within a definite limit of time.
proportionalThe material was then loaded until the proportional limit was reached.
utmostThe explorer decided to push himself to his utmost limit by climbing the tallest peak of Mount Everest.
theoreticalThe theoretical limit of efficiency for a heat engine running between two fixed temperatures is known as the Carnot limit.
outerThe outer limit of the solar system is called the heliopause.
absoluteHer patience has reached its absolute limit
westernThe western limit of the city was marked by the river.
lowThe new rules were to come into effect after a 90-day period with a low limit of 40 actions per minute.
minimumThe minimum limit for the test is 50%.
easternThe eastern limit of the range is the Ural Mountains.
ultimatePushing through a grueling workout, Sarah reached her ultimate limit
normalThe values are within normal limits.
liquidThe liquid limit of the soil sample was 50%.
lowestThe temperature dropped to its lowest limit
timeThe time limit for submissions is 10 PM.
yearThe ban will remain in place for the duration of the year limit
safeThe recommended safe limit for alcohol consumption is one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
reasonableThe new regulation sets a reasonable limit on the number of hours employees can work per week.
classicalIn the classical limit quantum effects become negligible.
statutoryThe statutory limit for campaign contributions is $2,700 per candidate per election.
permissibleThe permissible limit of lead in the drinking water is 15 micrograms per liter.
annualDo you have an annual limit on the coverage?
arbitraryThe decision was based on an arbitrary limit set by the organization.
dayThe day limit for the pass is 7 days
criticalThe critical limit for the patient's blood sugar levels is 150 mg/dL.
finiteDespite the finite limit the process never actually ends.
hourThe park has an hour limit for parking.
thermodynamicThe energy density of the disordered phase is continuous in the thermodynamic limit
usualI'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by 'usual limit'.
highestThe bank has increased the highest limit on loans.
minuteThe total minute limit is 450 minutes per month on the free plan
idealThe ideal limit for daily screen time for children is two hours.
strictThe professor imposed a strict limit on the length of the essay.
farthestThe party was thrown at the farthest limit of the city.
overallThe overall limit is almost impossible to reach.
acceptableThe current temperature of the system is within acceptable limits.
posteriorThe fascia forms the posterior limit of the popliteal fossa.
outsideThe outside limit for this test was exceeded.
prescribedThe prescribed limit should be adhered to strictly
topThe top limit of the temperature was 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
physiologicalThe physiological limit of a human being is about 40 kilometers per hour.
asymptoticIn its asymptotic limit the partial sums approach the true sum of the series.
territorialThe territorial limit of the city was extended to include the neighboring town.
narrowThe narrow limit prevented the car from passing.
constitutionalThe new law was found to be incompatible with the constitutional limit
exactThe exact limit of the speed is 60 kilometers per hour.
fixedA fixed limit is imposed to prevent excessive spending.
apparentThe apparent limit of human memory is about seven items.
furthestThe furthest limit of human knowledge is the unknown.
anteriorThe anterior limit of the gluteal region is the inguinal ligament.
superiorThe superior limit was 200 ng/dL.
inferiorThe inferior limit of the normal range for hemoglobin is 13.5 g/dL for men and 12.0 g/dL for women.

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