Updated on March 16, 2024
west | The coordinates of the location are 123 degrees west longitude and 45 degrees north latitude. |
east | The ship was located at 78 degrees east longitude |
same | The two cities are located on the same longitude |
mean | The mean longitude of a given celestial body is the average of its true longitude over a complete orbit. |
true | The true longitude is the angular distance between the observer's meridian and the prime meridian. |
celestial | The celestial longitude of the Sun is 180 degrees. |
galactic | Astronomers measured the position of the object using galactic longitude and latitude. |
geocentric | The geocentric longitude of the Sun is measured from the vernal equinox. |
solar | The solar longitude of the Sun is the angular distance of the Sun from the vernal equinox. |
terrestrial | The terrestrial longitude of a point on the Earth's surface is its angular distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. |
geographical | The geographical longitude of the location is 122.4194 degrees west. |
exact | The exact longitude of the shipwreck is 15 degrees west. |
latitude | |
ecliptic | The ecliptic longitude of the Sun is 0 degrees at the vernal equinox. |
eastern | The ship sailed at 93 degrees eastern longitude |
geographic | The geographic longitude of the point is 122.4194 degrees west. |
heliocentric | The heliocentric longitude of the vernal equinox is the angle measured eastward from the direction of the Sun at the vernal equinox to the direction of the ascending node of the Moon's orbit. |
western | The ship sailed west across the prime meridian into the western longitude |
geodetic | The geodetic longitude of the point is 123.45 degrees. |
correct | The position is correct longitude 120 degrees. |
double | The ship's double longitude is a measure of its distance from the prime meridian. |
greatest | The greatest longitude on Earth is 180 degrees. |
apparent | The apparent longitude of the Moon is the angle between the direction of the Moon and the direction of the Sun, as seen from the center of the Earth. |
constant | The ship was sailing along a constant longitude line. |
astronomical | Astronomical longitude is measured from the Greenwich meridian, which is located at zero degrees longitude. |
lunar | Lunar longitude is a measure of the angular distance of the Moon from the vernal equinox as seen from Earth's center. |
heliographic | The heliographic longitude of the sunspot is measured from the central meridian. |
accurate | We were able to determine an accurate longitude of the ship using the stars. |
observed | The observed longitude of the star was 180 degrees. |
approximate | The approximate longitude of the cache is given in decimal form. |
precise | The precise longitude of the ship was recorded using the GPS system. |
magnetic | The team discovered eastward-directed jets of rapidly rotating plasma, which are guided by the star's magnetic longitude |
absolute | The absolute longitude of this location is forty-one degrees and fourteen minutes west. |
geomagnetic | The geomagnetic longitude of the Earth's magnetic field is defined as the angle between the magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian. |
eaft | The ship's position was in eaft longitude |
weft | The weft longitude is 72 degrees east. |
corresponding | The corresponding longitude for the given latitude is 73.123 degrees east. |
zodiacal | The zodiacal longitude of the Sun is 0 degrees at the spring equinox. |
north | The ship was traveling at 40 degrees north longitude |
astronomic | Astronomers observed several planets at this particular astronomic longitude |
chronometric | The chronometric longitude is determined by comparing the time indicated by the chronometer with the time at the place of observation. |
tabular | The tabular longitude of Jupiter was compared to the true longitude. |
orbital | The orbital longitude of the planet is 120 degrees. |
tropical | Observations of tropical longitude were recorded and could be used for the determination of positions. |
polar | The polar longitude is the angle measured clockwise from the north pole along a parallel of latitude. |
immense | The ship sailed for an immense longitude its sails billowing in the wind. |
assumed | We assumed longitude 77 degrees 30 minutes west of Greenwich. |
scanty | The island is located at a scanty longitude |
westerly | The ship was determined to be at 40 degrees westerly longitude |
selenographic | The selenographic longitude is measured from the prime meridian at the center of the Moon's near side. |
degree | |
utmost | The ship sailed at its utmost longitude for the open sea. |
unknown | The ship was lost at an unknown longitude |
telegraphic | |
easterly | London is at negative 0.13 easterly longitude |
nominal | The nominal longitude of the peak was uncertain because of the ambiguity in the interpretation of solar magnetograms. |
jovian | Jupiter's position in relation to the Sun in its orbit is measured by jovian longitude |
portentous | Its portentous longitude stretched out the journey beyond endurance. |
generous | The members of the festival committee voted with generous longitude in favor of moving the event to a larger venue with more stalls. |
unparalleled | The explorer's voyage to the uncharted world revealed an unparalleled longitude |
equatorial | The equatorial longitude and latitude of the subject are very important. |
ecliptical | Ecliptical longitude is that as seen from the Earth at the Sun's center. |
preferred | The captain then plotted the ship's course using the preferred longitude |
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