Adjectives for Loop

Adjectives For Loop

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing loop, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'loop' can be modified with a variety of adjectives, each adding its unique shade of meaning, reflecting the intricacy or simplicity of the concept it's describing. A 'closed loop' suggests a system or process that is self-contained, with no input or output. An 'inner loop' hints at a more central, intimate circuit within a larger context, while an 'open loop' conversely implies a system that interacts with its external environment. The adjectives 'single' and 'outer' further pinpoint the loop's position or exclusivity, and describing a loop as 'small' can highlight its scale or impact. Delve into the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'loop' to explore the nuanced variations they bring to light.
closedThe closed loop system allowed the team to improve the efficiency of the process.
innerThe inner loop of the while statement executes until the sentinel value is encountered.
openThe open loop system does not use feedback to control its output.
singleThe wire was fed through a single loop at the end of the frame.
outerThe outer loop of the highway was closed due to an accident.
smallThe string is wrapped within the small loop
mainIn this video game, the main loop is responsible for handling player input, updating the game state, and rendering the graphics.
localThe local loop is the last leg of a telecommunications circuit that connects a subscriber to their local exchange.
infiniteThe program was stuck in an infinite loop and the server crashed.
secondWith the second loop the program iterates through the elements of the list again.
currentThe current loop generates a magnetic field.
positiveHer positive loop of exercising and healthy eating boosted her mood and energy levels.
negativeThe negative loop was causing the system to crash.
longHe took a long loop around the park.
mileWe walked all the way around the three mile loop
nextThe next loop will be executed immediately after the current loop is completed.
doubleThe construction worker fixed the double loop in the chain link fence.
simpleThe simple loop was easy to understand.
endlessThe endless loop kept me running in circles without any way out.
lockedThe locked loop system ensures the stability of the frequency.
continuousThe continuous loop of life moves on regardless of personal beliefs.
circularThe circular loop of the roller coaster thrilled the riders.
shortThe short loop around the lake was a quick and scenic walk.
intestinalThe intestinal loop was dilated and filled with fluid.
phonologicalThe phonological loop is a part of the working memory that stores speech-based information.
duodenalThe duodenal loop is a segment of the duodenum that forms a U-shape turn.
primaryThe HVAC system utilizes a primary loop for circulating hot water.
completeThe engineer performed a complete loop of the facility.
thirdThe third loop will run until the counter is 10.
nestedThe nested loop runs through all possible combinations of the elements in the two lists.
jejunalThe jejunal loop was long and tortuous.
lowerThe tiny writing had beautiful lower loops and upper strokes.
upperThe upper loop of the roller coaster was the scariest part of the ride.
entireWe completed the entire loop in under an hour
feedbackThe feedback loop ensures that the system remains stable and responsive to changes.
volumeIncreasing the volume loop compensated for the noisy surroundings.
rectangularThe rectangular loop of wire encloses a magnetic field.
secondaryThe secondary loop of the cooling system has been upgraded.
innermostThe innermost loop is the most crucial for performance optimization.
internalThe internal loop ensures that the process is repeated until the desired outcome is achieved.
shapedThe shaped loop was used to create a unique design.
minorThe minor loop was executed three times.
tightThe tight loop prevented any further progress in the project.
wideThe hiker wandered the wide loop around the base of the mountain.
typicalThe typical loop for this problem is: first, second, and third.
isolatedI found an isolated loop in the circuit board.
articulatoryThe articulatory loop is a proposed psychological construct.
intracellularThe intracellular loop is a hydrophilic fragment of transmembrane proteins that connects the transmembrane region with the extracellular and intracellular domains.
externalThe external loop iterates over all the elements in the array.
ilealAn ileal loop is a surgical procedure that creates a loop of the ileum, which is the last part of the small intestine.
blindThe blind loop prevented the bacteria from metabolizing the sugars.
verticalThe acrobats practiced their routine on the vertical loop
sterileThe sterile loop was used to collect the sample for bacterial culture.
autocrineThe autocrine loop in which a hormone produced by a cell stimulates the same cell, is a key mechanism in regulating cell growth and differentiation.
iterativeThe iterative loop will run until the specified condition is met.
extracellularThe extracellular loop of the receptor is glycosylated.
magneticThe magnetic loop antenna is used for receiving radio waves.
microbialThe microbial loop describes the cycling of organic matter through microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems.
proximalThe proximal loop of the nephron reabsorbs sodium and water.
controlledThe controlled loop in the program allows users to iterate through a set of steps in a specific order.
distalThe narrowing of the renal tubules forms the distal loop which then abruptly bends back into the medulla at the loop of Henle.
outsideThe outside loop is designed to iterate through all the elements of the array.
horizontalThe horizontal loop is used to generate a strong magnetic field.
narrowThe narrow loop wound tightly around her finger.
topThe top loop of the rollercoaster was the most thrilling part of the ride.
cytoplasmicThe outer membrane has porins that allow passage of small molecules, and the cytoplasmic loop has channels that facilitate movement of larger molecules
forwardThe gymnast performed a flawless forward loop on the uneven bars.
digitalThe digital loop continues to fuel technological advancements.
parallelIn parallel loop each iteration of the loop is executed independently.
bottomThe bottom loop of the cursive letter 'g' trails below the line of writing.
regulatoryThe regulatory loop ensures homeostasis by adjusting responses to changing conditions.
cervicalThe cervical loop which is the junction between the spinal cord and the brainstem, can become narrowed and compressed as a result of the degenerating intervertebral discs and osteophytes.
extraThe runner had to take an extra loop around the track due to his initial misstep.
terminalThe protein contains two terminal loops that are involved in binding the substrate.
causalIt's a causal loop in which the past and future constantly alter each other.

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