Adjectives for Mainstream

Adjectives For Mainstream

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing mainstream, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'mainstream' can transform your sentence, adding depth and specificity. 'American mainstream' often conveys a broad sense of popular culture and trends, while 'political mainstream' might hint at prevailing political ideologies or parties. 'Cultural mainstream' explores dominant societal norms and values, and 'national mainstream' can speak to a country's collective identity or sentiment. Meanwhile, 'economic mainstream' delves into the conventional or majority economic theories and practices. Each adjective shifts the focus, offering insights into what is considered standard or dominant in different contexts. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'mainstream' to capture the nuanced perspectives and attitudes they reflect.
americanThe American mainstream has been shifting towards more progressive values in recent years.
politicalThe political mainstream is often seen as the most moderate and acceptable positions within a society.
culturalThe cultural mainstream is often shaped by popular media and entertainment.
nationalThe national mainstream media often ignores important issues.
moreThe band's music became more mainstream as they gained popularity.
economicHe has been a strong proponent of economic mainstream principles throughout his career.
socialThe social mainstream is the dominant set of beliefs and behaviors in a society.
europeanThe european mainstream is dominated by the eurozone.
literaryThe literary mainstream is often dominated by a small group of writers.
academicAcademic mainstream research within the knowledge management field has focused on organizational knowledge creation and transfer.
educationalThe student with special needs can now join the educational mainstream through inclusive practices.
intellectualThe concept of intellectual mainstream refers to the generally accepted ideas and beliefs prevalent within a particular society or time period.
commercialThe marketing plan for the commercial mainstream was very successful.
conservativeThe conservative mainstream has strongly opposed the new tax bill.
protestantThe protestant mainstream is a large and diverse group of Christian denominations.
nonI prefer non mainstream movies.
medicalThe medical mainstream has been slow to adopt new therapies.
religiousThe religious mainstream in the United States has been rapidly shrinking in recent decades.
calledThe movie was called mainstream
liberalThe liberal mainstream media often pushes a certain agenda.
scientificAlthough alternative explanations are possible, the scientific mainstream supports the theory of evolution.
internationalThe international mainstream media often portrays issues in a biased manner.
musicalThe musical mainstream is a constantly evolving landscape.
westernThe movie's western mainstream appeal made it a blockbuster.
historicalThe historical mainstream of political thought and practice has been dominated by liberal democracy and its associated institutions.
currentThe current mainstream narrative is that the economy is improving.
traditionalThe traditional mainstream media has been losing market share to new media outlets.
democraticThe Democratic mainstream has been pushing for stricter gun control laws.
classStudents from all socioeconomic backgrounds should have access to class mainstream
contemporaryContemporary mainstream is often a reflection of the current culture and values of a given society.
canadianThe top of the Canadian mainstream at that time was dominated by vocal jazz singers.
dominantThe dominant mainstream media outlets have been criticized for their biased coverage of certain issues.
broadHis policies appealed to the broad mainstream of the population.
societalThe societal mainstream has undergone a significant shift in recent years.
urbanThe urban mainstream is a diverse and vibrant community.
philosophicalThe philosophical mainstream has been dominated by naturalistic assumptions for centuries.
globalThe global mainstream media has been accused of bias in its coverage of certain issues.
ideologicalCampus protests unfolded in the so-called ideological mainstream
neoclassicalThe neoclassical mainstream has been criticized for its emphasis on rational choice and individual responsibility.
evangelicalThe evangelical mainstream has been a major force in American politics for many years.
corporateThe corporate mainstream continues to promote the status quo.
professionalThe professional mainstream media outlets have been reporting on the story for weeks.
lessThe less mainstream movies tend to be more experimental.
conventionalThe conventional mainstream has been reluctant to accept these ideas.
heterosexualThe heterosexual mainstream culture is still dominant in many parts of the world.
moderateSwing voters favor moderate mainstream candidates.
israeliIsraeli mainstream political discourse.
experimentalThe experimental mainstream band played a set that was both avant-garde and accessible.
orthodoxThe orthodox mainstream view of economics is based on the belief that markets are efficient and self-regulating.
arabThere is no single 'Arab mainstream' as the region is highly diverse in terms of politics, culture and religion.
hinduThe hindu mainstream has been encouraging people to get vaccinated.
gayThe gay mainstream has become more visible in recent years.
republicanThe republican mainstream is generally more moderate than the party's base.
outsideHis ideas were outside mainstream political thought.
islamicIslamic mainstream leaders have called for calm in the wake of the recent attacks.
sociologicalThis academic study has been published in the sociological mainstream
angloThe video game industry has been predominantly anglo mainstream but that is changing.
linguisticThe linguistic mainstream considers Standard English to be the most prestigious dialect.
northThe north mainstream is a mainstream body in the Pacific Ocean.
modernistThe modernist mainstream in architecture is characterized by its emphasis on simplicity, rationality, and functionality.
theatricalThe play was a theatrical mainstream success, appealing to a wide audience.
theologicalThe author argued that the science of climate change had crossed the threshold into the theological mainstream
speakingShe was speaking mainstream yet not very clever language.
socioeconomicIndividuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds will have equal opportunities to thrive within the socioeconomic mainstream
psychoanalyticThe psychoanalytic mainstream has long recognized the complex interplay between conscious and unconscious processes.
progressiveThe progressive mainstream has been pushing for more social justice initiatives.
ethnicEthnic mainstream is a term used to describe the blend of diverse cultural practices into the mainstream culture.

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