Adjectives for Majority

Adjectives For Majority

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing majority, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'majority' can significantly alter the nuance of your message. A 'vast majority' evokes a sense of immense proportion, dwarfing what's left outside of it. Mention of a 'great majority' adds a tone of importance or dominance, while a 'large majority' focuses merely on size without the depth of 'vast' or 'great'. An 'overwhelming majority' suggests a force so powerful that opposition is futile, painting a picture of near-total consensus. An 'absolute majority' implies a precision, a mathematical certainty that leaves no room for dispute. Conversely, a 'clear majority' signifies transparency and unmistakable results, emphasizing clarity over sheer numbers. Each adjective provides a unique perspective on quantity, influence, or clarity, offering rich layers of meaning to explore. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'majority' and unlock the potential to express your thoughts more precisely.
vastThe vast majority of people agreed with the proposal.
greatThe great majority of people in the world are right-handed.
largeThe large majority of people in the town voted for the incumbent candidate.
overwhelmingThe overwhelming majority of voters supported the candidate.
absoluteThe proposal was passed with an absolute majority
clearThe party has a clear majority in the parliament.
simpleThe proposal passed with a simple majority of votes.
parliamentaryThe party had lost its parliamentary majority
republicanThe Republican majority in the Senate voted against the bill.
democraticThe democratic majority in the Senate passed the bill.
substantialThe bill passed the House with a substantial majority
immenseThey had an immense majority in their houses of Parliament.
bareThe bill passed with a bare majority of votes, the minimum number needed to pass.
silentThe silent majority finally made its voice heard.
numericalThe ruling party holds a numerical majority in the legislature, enabling it to pass laws without opposition.
conservativeThe court's conservative majority voted to overturn the precedent.
narrowThe narrow majority in the Senate voted in favor of the bill.
overallThe government has won an overall majority in the election.
hugeThe huge majority of people in the country supported the new law.
popularThe popular majority supported the candidate's policies.
liberalThe court's liberal majority ruled in favor of the plaintiff.
muslimThe city has a Muslim majority population.
qualifiedThe qualified majority was required to pass the resolution.
necessaryThe necessary majority was not achieved to pass the new law.
slightThe slight majority of voters supported the new policy.
comfortableThe party won the election with a comfortable majority
solidThere was a solid majority in favor of the new proposal.
hinduHindu majority is a political term referring to the majority of the population of India who follow Hinduism.
dominantThe original version was in Spanish, with some sentences in English and a dominant majority in Catalan.
enormousThe proposal was passed with an enormous majority
decisiveThe proposal passed with a decisive majority
largestThe largest majority of the votes went to the incumbent candidate.
electoralThe party won an electoral majority in the recent election.
protestantThe state of North Carolina had a strong protestant majority in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
legislativeThe party does not have a legislative majority in the House.
slimThe government passed the bill with a slim majority
africanThe African majority population in the country is facing many challenges.
congressionalThe congressional majority passed the bill with a large bipartisan vote.
whigThe House of Representatives was controlled by a Whig majority during the 1840s.
ethnicThe ethnic majority in the country is Han Chinese.
hostileThe hostile majority in the legislature blocked the passage of the bill.
requisiteThe proposal was passed by the requisite majority
toryThe Conservatives won a large Tory majority in the 2015 general election.
handsomeThe handsome majority of voters supported the popular candidate.
slenderThe bill passed with a slender majority of just under 60%.
concurrentThe concurrent majority emerged as a leading force in the political landscape.
stableThe party enjoys a stable majority in parliament.
speakingThe speaking majority voted to support the new bill.
massiveThe party won the election by a massive majority
safeThe government has a safe majority in parliament.
voteThe vote majority was in favor of the new policy.
preponderantThe preponderant majority of scientists agree that climate change is real.
fourthsThe fourths majority of the membership voted in favor of the proposal.
sizableThe bill passed the House of Representatives with a sizable majority
compactThe bill passed with a compact majority of ten votes.
socialistThe socialist majority in the parliament voted in favor of the new healthcare bill.
fifthsThe amendment passed with a fifths majority
requiredA required majority of the voters approved the amendment.
unofficialThey formed an unofficial majority in the legislative body.

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