Adjectives for Mall

Adjectives For Mall

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing mall, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a mall can evoke very specific images and emotions. A pedestrian mall invites us to imagine bustling streets, while a local mall suggests a more intimate, community-focused atmosphere. The allure of a new mall speaks to modernity and innovation, contrasting with the melancholic undertones of a mall that casts a pall over its visitors. The size of a large mall can imply a vast selection and an all-day adventure, whereas a suburban mall might evoke a sense of familiarity and comfort. Each adjective uncovers a new facet of what a mall can represent. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives that bring to life the nuanced experiences malls offer below.
pedestrianThe pedestrian mall was bustling with activity on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
localThe local mall is a great place to shop for clothes, electronics, and more.
newThe new mall is a great place to shop and dine.
pallPall mall is a famous street in London known for its royal palaces and upscale shopping.
largeThe large mall was filled with shoppers during the holiday season.
suburbanThe suburban mall was crowded with shoppers during the weekend.
largestThe largest mall in the world is the Dubai Mall.
regionalThe regional mall offers a wide variety of stores and restaurants.
nearbyI walked to the nearby mall to buy a new pair of shoes.
smallI love browsing the small mall near my house.
mini"Let's meet at the mini mall near the bus stop."
hugeThe huge mall was filled with shoppers.
centralWe went to the central mall to do some shopping.
bigI went to a big mall yesterday to buy some clothes.
indoorI strolled through the indoor mall while the rain poured outside.
modernThe modern mall has a wide variety of stores and restaurants to choose from.
virtualI shopped at the virtual mall for a new outfit.
undergroundI walked through the underground mall to get to the other side of the street.
outdoorI love walking around the outdoor mall on a nice day.
upscaleThe upscale mall was filled with shoppers browsing the latest designer collections.
retailI went to the retail mall to buy some new clothes.
downtownLet's go shopping at the downtown mall
crowdedThe crowded mall was filled with the sound of excited shoppers.
electronicI went to the electronic mall to buy a new computer.
nearestI'll meet you at the nearest mall
onlineI'd like to order a pair of shoes soon from an online mall
urbanWe went to the urban mall to buy some clothes.
entireThe entire mall was decorated for the holidays.
giantI went to the giant mall yesterday and bought a new pair of shoes.
paliHe bought a new pali mall for his friend who is a fan of this game.
openThe open mall was a great place to walk around and shop.
antiqueWe spent hours browsing through the antique mall
levelI went to the level mall to buy some new clothes.
16thThe 16th mall was a great place to shop.
enclosedI like to go to the enclosed mall to buy clothes.
biggestYou can shop for just about anything at the city's biggest mall
storyThe story mall was filled with books of all kinds.
footThe foot mall is a great place to find shoes and other accessories.
grassyThe grassy mall was a popular spot for picnics and outdoor concerts.
conditionedThe conditioned mall was bustling with shoppers.
wideWe went for a walk in the wide mall
typicalShe wandered down the corridor of the typical mall windows full of mannequins advertising the latest trends.
styleI went to the style mall to buy some new clothes.
vastThe vast mall was a labyrinth of shops and restaurants.
broadThe broad mall was filled with shoppers on a busy Saturday afternoon.
linedI walked through the crowded, lined mall
globalI went to the global mall to buy some clothes.
landscapedThe landscaped mall was a beautiful place to take a walk.
coveredThe covered mall provided shelter from the rain for shoppers.
enormousThe enormous mall boasted over a thousand stores and a sprawling food court that could feed an army.
stripI went to the strip mall to buy some groceries.
classStudents hung out at the class mall during lunch.
massiveMy family and I walked through the massive mall and were amazed by the variety of stores.
attractiveThe attractive mall was a popular destination for shoppers.
favoriteMy favorite mall is the one with the most stores.
emptyI wandered through the empty mall feeling a sense of loneliness and desolation.
famousWhile I was walking through the famous mall I saw a celebrity
theI went shopping at the mall yesterday.
blockI love to walk around the block mall on the weekends.
multilevelI've never seen a multilevel mall with more shops than that one.
verticalThe vertical mall offered a unique shopping experience with stores stacked one on top of the other.
registeredI went to the registered mall to buy some new shoes.
adjacentI'll see you at the food court in the adjacent mall
grandThe grand mall was filled with people from all walks of life.
interiorThe interior mall was crowded with people during the holiday shopping season.
newestThe gleaming facades of the newest mall are a testament to the city's vibrant economy.
giganticThe gigantic mall was a sprawling labyrinth of shops and restaurants.
tinyWe visited the tiny mall and browsed the eclectic selection of shops.

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