Adjectives for Manufacturers

Adjectives For Manufacturers

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing manufacturers, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe manufacturers can significantly impact the perception of a sentence. Whether highlighting the diversity with words like many, several, or different, emphasizing nationality with American, or noting the exclusivity with other and most, each adjective brings its own nuance. This choice can shape readers' understanding of scale, origin, or distinction among manufacturers. It's not just about the manufacturers themselves, but the story you're telling with them. Explore the full range of adjectives to uncover the subtle yet powerful differences each one brings to your narrative.
otherWe also work with other manufacturers to provide a wide range of products.
manyMany manufacturers are now offering electric vehicles.
mostMost manufacturers use recycled materials in their products.
americanAmerican manufacturers have been hit hard by the recent economic downturn.
severalSeveral manufacturers have released new products this year.
differentDifferent manufacturers offer a wide range of products to meet the needs of consumers.
majorMajor manufacturers have been investing heavily in research and development.
japaneseJapanese manufacturers focus on precision and innovation.
variousThe company works with various manufacturers to provide a wide range of products.
britishBritish manufacturers are facing a number of challenges, including rising costs, Brexit uncertainty, and global competition.
smallSmall manufacturers are often more flexible and adaptable than their larger counterparts.
largeThe large manufacturers located in the city are major employers in the area.
foreignForeign manufacturers are facing challenges due to the global pandemic.
localLocal manufacturers are boosting the economy.
domesticDomestic manufacturers have been struggling to compete with their foreign counterparts.
largestThe top 10 largest manufacturers in the world are ranked by revenue.
englishEnglish manufacturers have been able to offer products at competitive prices.
europeanEuropean manufacturers are facing increased competition from their Asian rivals.
pharmaceuticalThey are among the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world.
germanGerman manufacturers are known for their high-quality products.
individualThe company is one of several individual manufacturers that produce the same product.
frenchThe French manufacturers were renowned for their high-quality products.
originalThe original manufacturers of the product have discontinued production.
bigBig manufacturers are always looking for ways to reduce costs.
privatePrivate manufacturers are responsible for producing a wide range of goods and services.
commercialCommercial manufacturers can use this data to improve their offerings.
smallerSmaller manufacturers are often more nimble and can adapt to changes in demand quicker than larger ones.
largerLarger manufacturers are more likely to have formal safety programs.
independentWe have developed strong relationships with independent manufacturers to provide you with the best products at the most competitive prices.
canadianCanadian manufacturers are facing a number of challenges, including the rising cost of raw materials and labor.
automotiveAutomotive manufacturers are constantly striving to improve the efficiency of their vehicles.
northernNorthern manufacturers were actively seeking African-American customers.
electricalElectrical manufacturers are subject to a variety of regulations.
principalThe principal manufacturers of LEGO toys are the LEGO Group and Kirkbi.
reputableYou may want to stick with reputable manufacturers instead of buying a knockoff.
numerousNumerous manufacturers are now offering electric vehicles.
indianThe Indian manufacturers have been successful in meeting the demands of the domestic market.
chineseChinese manufacturers are known for their low prices and high quality.
scaleThe operation of the calibration laboratory is accredited by Scale manufacturers Association of India.
topThe top manufacturers are located in China.
successfulMany successful manufacturers have used this strategy to drive revenue.
easternThe eastern manufacturers are known for their high-quality products.
electronicThe latest laptops from electronic manufacturers are all equipped with the latest processors.
knownThe brand is synonymous with quality among known manufacturers
rivalThe two rival manufacturers engaged in a fierce price war to gain market share.
wealthyThe wealthy manufacturers were handsomely rewarded for their efforts.
prominentProminent manufacturers vowed to recall and replace all affected products.
genericGeneric manufacturers often produce their products in bulk, which can lead to lower prices for consumers.
australianAustralian manufacturers are facing increasing competition from overseas rivals.
indigenousThe government is supporting indigenous manufacturers to boost the economy.
overseasThe company works with overseas manufacturers to produce its products.
koreanApple has succeeded in attracting Korean manufacturers to produce components for its products.
italianThe Italian manufacturers are renowned for their stylish and high-quality products.
respectiveThe prices of the laptops vary according to their respective manufacturers
reliableWe collaborated with reliable manufacturers to produce high-quality products.
mobile"Your mobile manufacturers are not responsible for your personal data" said an official.
cosmeticCosmetic manufacturers are constantly striving to create products that enhance the appearance of their customers.
biggestThe biggest manufacturers of computers are in Taiwan.
taiwaneseTaiwanese manufacturers are known for their high-quality products.
asianThe smartphone market is dominated by Asian manufacturers
irishThe Irish manufacturers are renowned for their high-quality products.
outsideThe company relies on outside manufacturers to produce its products.
integratedThe highly integrated manufacturers strive to control every phase of the production process.
progressiveProgressive manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to improve their products and processes.
wholesaleWe purchased our materials from wholesale manufacturers
equipmentThe equipment manufacturers have been working hard to meet the increased demand.
swissSwiss manufacturers are known for their precision and quality.

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