Adjectives for Median

Adjectives For Median

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing median, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'median' evokes a mathematical and statistical precision, which, when modified by adjectives, can color the context tremendously. A 'national median' speaks to widespread data on a grand scale, implying a breadth of information that spans a country. The 'overall median' broadens the spectrum even further, encompassing a total perspective that can shift understanding. 'True' and 'mean' point to the quest for accuracy and the heart of data, respectively, dissecting information to its most honest and central form. The 'posterior median' introduces a specific positional aspect, adding a layer of orientation and direction. Lastly, the 'single median' hones in on individuality within data, focusing on a unique point. These subtle shifts in meaning highlight the complexity of data analysis and interpretation. Discover the surprising variety of adjectives used with 'median' and how they alter its essence.
nationalThe national median household income was $67,521 in 2020.
overallThe overall median age of the patients was 45 years.
trueThe true median income of the city's households is \$25,196.
meanThe mean median of the data was 10.
posteriorThe patient's posterior median was measured at 5 cm.
singleThe single median of the data set is 10.
weightedThe weighted median of the data is 10.
centreThe centre median nucleus is a brain region involved in the control of pain and other sensory modalities.
anteriorThe patient suffered an anterior median fracture.
aboveHer typing speed is significantly above median
lowThe low median indicated a significant wealth gap in the area.
whiteThe white median strip is used to divide the roadway.
lowerLower median ages are associated with higher incidence of seizures.
grassyI can't believe they put a grassy median in the middle of the highway.
wideI struggled to walk across the wide median
higherThe higher median income in this area is due to the presence of several high-paying industries.
highestThe city of Los Altos has the highest median income in California.
commonThe common median of the two data values is 10.
leastThe least median of squares estimate is a robust estimate of the center of a distribution.
averageThe average median of the dataset is 10.
normalThe normal median value for cholesterol is 140 mg/dL.
dorsalThe dorsal median portion of the dermis was thickened.
narrowThe narrow median divided the road into two lanes.
standardThe standard median of the test scores was 85.
totalThe total median revenue for the company last year was $10 million.
lowestThe lowest median salary for software engineers is in Kansas.
correspondingThe corresponding median of the sample is 10.
grandThe grand median stood before the entire hall and spoke of the need for change.
yearThe year median temperature was 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
ovaryThe ovary median marks the midpoint of the ovary's length.
shortThe short median of his height is 5 feet 6 inches.
broadThe broad median of the highway allowed for safe left turns.
thirdThe third median is the line segment connecting the midpoints of the two other medians.
exactThe exact median of the data set is 10.5.
centralThe central median the median of the median of the row, was used for all stages of the analysis.
rightThe right median of the dataset is 30.
upperThe upper median is the value that separates the upper 50% of a distribution from the lower 50%.
gradeThe grade median for the history test was an A.
leftThe left median is the midpoint of the left half of a data set.
actualThe actual median of the data is 5.
maleThe male median age at first marriage was 29.5 years.
unpairedThe unpaired median in the patient group was 10.5 days.
simpleThe simple median is the middle value in a sorted dataset.
spatialThe spatial median is the point that minimizes the sum of the distances to all of the other points in the set.
absoluteThe absolute median of the data set is 5.
conditionalThe conditional median is the median of the distribution of a random variable given some other random variable.
concreteThe concrete median of the highway was designed to prevent head-on collisions.
verticalThe vertical median of the parallelogram is bisected by the diagonals.
statisticalThe statistical median is the middle value in a data set.
longitudinalThe longitudinal median is a straight line on the median sagittal plane that divides the body into left and right halves.
monthlyThe monthly median income for the city is $10,000.
hypothesizedThe hypothesized median height of the sample is 6 feet.
middleThe middle median of the three numbers is 5.
deepHe had a deep median cleft in the upper lip.
annualEmployment in the arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations is projected to grow 12 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 969,100 new jobs. Overall, about 9.2 million people are projected to be employed in these occupations in 2030. The annual median wage for these occupations was $52,260 in May 2021, higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $45,760.
generalizedThe measurements were compared to the generalized median
combinedThe combined median price of homes sold in January and February was $250,000.
regionalThe regional median income is $55,000.
happyWe finally reached a happy median after hours of negotiation.
distinctThe two groups had distinct medians.
assumedThe assumed median age for first-time mothers is 28.7 years.
slightThe researcher noted that there was a slight median home value change of 1.78%.
uniqueThe unique median home sale price in July was \$500,000, up from \$450,000 in June.
observedThe observed median age was 52 years.
monthThe month median of the sample is 22.
footThe foot median is a line that runs from the calcaneal tubercle to the tip of the hallux.
allThe all median of the data was 10.
interpolatedAdding the interpolated median to the analysis improved the accuracy of our predictions.
belowThe score earned by the student was below median
expectedThe expected median of the data is 75.
horizontalThe horizontal median is the middle line of a box plot.
prominentThe prominent median of the road had been freshly repaved.
calculatedThe calculated median was 10.5.
femaleThe female median weekly earnings were 83% of male median earnings in 2020.
approximateThe approximate median of the data set is 10.

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