Adjectives for Membrane

Adjectives For Membrane

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing membrane, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The choice of adjectives when discussing the "membrane" can significantly alter the nuances of your subject matter. Describing a membrane as 'mucous' illuminates its protective, lubricating qualities, whereas 'tympanic' refers to its role in hearing within the ear. 'Outer' and 'inner' adjectives pinpoint location and possibly function, highlighting the complexity of biological systems or structures they belong to. Meanwhile, 'nuclear' ties the membrane directly to the critical functions within a cell's nucleus, and 'synovial' brings to focus its importance in joint movement and health. Each adjective unlocks a new dimension of understanding, proving the versatility and specificity of language in the scientific realm. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives used with 'membrane' and the rich descriptions they offer below.
mucousThe mucous membrane of the nasal passages is lined with ciliated epithelium, which helps to move foreign particles out of the nose.
tympanicThe tympanic membrane or eardrum, is a thin membrane that separates the middle ear from the outer ear.
outerThe outer membrane of the cell has a unique structure that allows it to interact with its surroundings.
nuclearThe nuclear membrane is a double-layered lipid membrane that surrounds the nucleus of a cell.
synovialThe synovial membrane releases synovial fluid to aid in flexibility and smooth movement of the joint.
innerThe inner membrane of the mitochondrion is highly folded, forming cristae.
thinThe thin membrane that separates the two chambers of the heart is called the septum.
basilarThe inner ear has a basilar membrane that vibrates in response to sound waves.
mitochondrialThe mitochondrial membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the mitochondria.
cytoplasmicThe thick external cytoplasmic membrane protects the cell and controls entrance of nutrients and elimination of wastes.
periodontalThe periodontal membrane is a thin layer of connective tissue that lines the root of the tooth and connects it to the jawbone.
semipermeableA semipermeable membrane allows certain molecules to pass through it, while blocking others.
glomerularUrine passes freely from glomerulus into Bowman's capsule due to the high permeability of the glomerular membrane
postsynapticThe neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane causing depolarization.
serousThe serous membrane lines the body cavities and covers the organs within them.
delicateThe delicate membrane protected the fragile organ from further damage.
apicalEpithelial cells have apical membranes that face the lumen of the organ.
falseThe false membrane covered the back of her throat.
interosseousThe space between the radius and ulna contains the interosseous membrane
permeableThe permeable membrane allows certain substances to pass through while blocking others.
nasalThe nasal membrane is a thin, moist layer of tissue that lines the inside of the nose.
cellularThe cellular membrane is a selectively permeable barrier that surrounds the cell.
redThe red membrane of the cell was clearly visible under the microscope.
internalThe internal membrane of the cell is made up of lipids and proteins.
elasticThe elastic membrane surrounds the cell, providing structural support and regulating the movement of molecules.
fibrousThe pericardium is a fibrous membrane that surrounds the heart.
intestinalThe intestinal membrane is a barrier that protects the body from harmful substances.
tectorialThe tectorial membrane is a thin, gelatinous membrane that covers the organ of Corti in the inner ear.
externalThe external membrane of the mitochondria contains porins.
thickThe thick membrane surrounding the cyst made it difficult to extract the sample.
basalThe basal membrane is a thin layer of extracellular matrix that separates the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue.
undulatingThe undulating membrane vibrated with a low hum, creating an almost hypnotic effect.
transparentThe thin transparent membrane of its body fluttered in the wind.
presynapticNeurotransmitter molecules are stored in vesicles at the presynaptic membrane
luminalThe luminal membrane is the membrane that lines the lumen of a cell.
arachnoidThe arachnoid membrane is a delicate layer of tissue that lines the brain and spinal cord.
gastricThe gastric membrane is a protective layer of cells that lines the stomach and protects it from the acidic environment.
doubleThe cell possesses a double membrane enveloping its genome.
cricothyroidThe cricothyroid membrane is a thin, fibrous membrane that connects the cricoid and thyroid cartilages.
chorioallantoicThe team removed the chorioallantoic membrane introducing a pipette below the membrane following the contours of the embryo with the aid of a dissecting microscope.
bronchialThe bronchial membrane lines the bronchial tubes.
buccalThe buccal membrane is a thin layer of mucous membrane that lines the inside of the mouth.
intactThe cell's intact membrane prevented the leakage of its contents.
smoothThe smooth membrane of the cell allows for efficient transport of molecules.
peritonealThe peritoneal membrane is a serosal membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs.
toughThe tough membrane protects the delicate tissue from harm.
hyaloidThe hyaloid membrane is a thin, transparent membrane that lines the inner surface of the vitreous body of the eye.
cellThe cell membrane is a selectively permeable barrier that surrounds the cell.
porousThe porous membrane allowed water molecules to pass through but not larger particles.
alveolarSurfactant reduces the surface tension on the alveolar membrane
vascularThe vascular membrane provides nutrients to the lens of the eye.
cloacalThe cloacal membrane is a thin membrane that separates the cloaca and the rest of the body.
epithelialThe epithelial membrane forms the lining of the body cavities and organs.
bacterialThe structure of the bacterial membrane is similar to that of other biological membranes.
capillaryThe capillary membrane allows for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and the surrounding tissues.
neuronalThe neuronal membrane is a thin layer of lipids that surrounds the neuron.
synapticThe morphology of the synaptic membrane was analyzed by electron microscopy.
distinctnile river is the longest in africa and has a distinct membrane
pupillaryThe pupillary membrane persisted
continuousThe inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria are continuous membrane structures.
hyalineThe hyaline membrane is a thin, proteinaceous layer that lines the alveoli of the lungs.
basementThe basement membrane is a thin layer of extracellular matrix that separates the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue.
amnioticThe amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the amniotic sac, which surrounds the developing fetus during pregnancy.
tubularThe tubular membrane is a key component of the cell.
denseThe dense membrane made it difficult for the substance to pass through.
thyrohyoidThe thyrohyoid membrane is connected to the thyroid cartilage.
olfactoryThe olfactory membrane is a sensory organ located in the nasal cavity that contains the olfactory receptors.
inflamedThe inflamed membrane caused the patient considerable pain.
flexibleThe flexible membrane allowed for easy expansion.
allantoicThe allantoic membrane is a vital component of the amniotic egg, facilitating gas exchange and aiding in waste removal.
diphtheriticThe diphtheritic membrane formed a thick, grey coating on the tonsils.
excitableDepolarization occurs when the excitable membrane's potential becomes less negative.
biologicalThe selectivity of the biological membrane is maintained by the presence of specific proteins.
thickenedThe patient's thickened membrane was causing difficulty swallowing.
purpleThe purple membrane is a light-driven proton pump found in the cell membrane of some bacteria.
placentalThe placental membrane is a thin membrane that separates the mother's blood from the baby's blood.
pharyngealDuring the early stages of the pregnancy the pharyngeal membrane breaks down allowing the mesenchyme to populate the arch region.
schneiderianThe schneiderian membrane is a mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity.
posteriorThe posterior membrane is the membrane that lines the back of the eye.
peritrophicThe peritrophic membrane is a protective layer that surrounds the insect midgut.
endothelialThe new lipid mixture was incorporated into the endothelial membrane
homogeneousAfter staining with cresyl violet, the hippocampus had a homogeneous membrane
liquidThe liquid membrane was composed of a mixture of lipids and surfactants.
sensitiveThe most sensitive membrane is the synaptic membrane

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