Adjectives for Memorial

Adjectives For Memorial

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing memorial, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a memorial can significantly influence the tone and resonance of your message. Whether it's a fitting tribute to a loved one, a lasting legacy that withstands the test of time, or a permanent marker of unparalleled importance, each adjective carries its own weight. For those seeking to honor a collective memory, a national memorial might evoke a sense of unity, while a perpetual memorial ensures that the remembrance never fades. The usage of each descriptor opens a window into the depth of respect and the nature of the homage being paid. Explore the full range of adjectives below to find the perfect nuance for your memorial.
fittingShe thought the new stadium would be a fitting memorial to her late husband.
lastingThe monument serves as a lasting memorial to those who lost their lives in the war.
permanentThe monument stands as a permanent memorial to the victims of the tragedy.
onlyThe only memorial to the victims was a small wooden cross.
nationalThe national memorial honors those who fought for the country.
perpetualThe monument serves as a perpetual memorial to the fallen soldiers.
suitableThe president laid a wreath at the suitable memorial for the fallen soldiers.
secondHer second memorial was held in the town square.
interestingThe interesting memorial was a somber reminder of the past.
beautifulThey built a beautiful memorial to honor the victims.
longWe visited the old cemetery to pay tribute at the long memorial of a beloved relative.
bestThis is the best memorial to her grandfather ever
enduringThe statue serves as an enduring memorial to the fallen soldiers.
worthyThe monument stands as a worthy memorial to the fallen soldiers.
famousPresident Lincoln is remembered at a famous memorial in Washington, D.C.
frailVisiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial reminded me of the frail memorial of the soldiers.
simpleThe simple memorial was a small stone cross.
jointThe joint memorial was unveiled in honor of the fallen soldiers.
fineThe fine memorial stood as a testament to his life.
preciousThe precious memorial was a reminder of the cherished memories they shared.
impressiveThe impressive memorial stood tall, a testament to courage and sacrifice.
briefThe brief memorial was a fitting tribute to the lives that had been lost.
originalThe original memorial was a wooden cross erected in 1920.
everlastingThe statue serves as an everlasting memorial to the fallen soldiers.
splendidThe splendid memorial stands as a poignant reminder of those who fought and died for our freedom.
strongThe strong memorial served as a testament to the resilience of the community.
sadThe sad memorial brought tears to my eyes.
trueThe true memorial of the dead is the lives of the living.
curiousThe museum displayed the curious memorial of an unknown soldier.
elaborateThe elaborate memorial honored all those who had served their country.
magnificentThe magnificent memorial stood tall, a testament to the lives lost and the sacrifices made.
strikingThe striking memorial dedicated to the fallen soldiers, stood tall and proud in the town square.
handsomeThe handsome memorial stood as a testament to a life well-lived.
betterWe should establish a better memorial to the victims of the tragedy.
literaryThe literary memorial served as a tribute to the beloved author's enduring legacy.
soleHis sole memorial was a bronze statue that stood in the town square.
nobleA new noble memorial will be unveiled at the heart of the city.
humbleThe humble memorial was erected to commemorate the lives of the soldiers who died in the war.
eternalThe Eternal memorial commemorates those who died in the Great War.
remarkableThe remarkable memorial honors the brave soldiers who fought for our freedom.
officialThe official memorial is dedicated to those who served in the war.
visibleThe visible memorial stands in honor of firefighters who lost their lives.
mereThe Villa was a mere memorial of the philanthropist.
sacredThe sacred memorial was a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who came before.
imperishableThe victory of the allied forces in the Second World War is an imperishable memorial
greatestThe greatest memorial to a man is his deeds.
lengthyThe lengthy memorial commemorated the lives of the fallen soldiers.
hugeThe huge memorial was built to commemorate the lives lost in the war.
chiefThe chief memorial however, of his love for his country is the library of 60,000 volumes which he presented to his native town.
uniqueThe unique memorial paid tribute to the lives that were lost.
solemnThe solemn memorial stood as a testament to the sacrifices of the fallen heroes.
slightThe slight memorial was dedicated to the fallen soldiers.
valuableThe family kept the valuable memorial in a safe place.
confederateRemains of the confederate memorial was finally removed.}
grandThe grand memorial stood as a testament to the fallen soldiers.
formalThe formal memorial for the esteemed statesman was attended by dignitaries from around the world.
finestHis sculptures are New York City's finest memorial to modern art.
eloquentThe eloquent memorial served to remind us of the sacrifices made for our freedom.
modestThe modest memorial stands as a testament to her humble life.
fitThe statue is a fit memorial to the great artist.
bronzeThe bronze memorial stood as a reminder of the fallen soldiers.
abidingThe plaque serves as an abiding memorial to the brave soldiers who fought in the battle.
respectfulThe respectful memorial was a fitting tribute to the late statesman.
honourableThe mayor unveiled an honourable memorial to the fallen soldiers.
authenticThe authentic memorial preserved the memory of the historic event.
secretThe secret memorial was hidden in the old attic.
massiveThe massive memorial stood as a testament to the sacrifices that had been made.
strangeHis father's strange memorial was a small, white stone placed in the middle of a field.
tangibleThe family donated a tangible memorial to the museum in honor of their late father.

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