Adjectives for Mercy

Adjectives For Mercy

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing mercy, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The concept of mercy is rich and multi-faceted, often evoking deep emotional and philosophical introspections. When we speak of divine mercy, we tap into the spiritual and the transcendent, acknowledging a grace that surpasses human understanding. The term great mercy underscores the magnitude or depth of compassion involved, while infinite mercy speaks to an endless, boundless form of forgiveness and understanding. On the contrast, little mercy and more mercy imply a measurement and, perhaps, a desire for an increased capacity for leniency or forgiveness. The use of adjectives like these color our understanding of mercy in diverse ways, suggesting everything from quantifiable amounts to celestial qualities. For the complete spectrum of how adjectives reveal the nuanced dimensions of mercy, explore the full list below.
divineIn the divine mercy there is solace and hope for the penitent sinner.
greatIn response, God extended great mercy to him.
infiniteGod's infinite mercy extends to all who repent and believe in Him.
little"You have little mercy in you," he hissed.
moreHe showed more mercy than I deserved.
muchWith much mercy she let us go.
freeHe showed free mercy to the condemned prisoner.
abundantGod's abundant mercy forgives our sins and gives us eternal life.
boundlessHe knew that his boundless mercy extended to all.
sovereignThe sovereign mercy of God extends to all who repent and believe.
specialThe judge granted the defendant special mercy in the sentencing process.
royalThe king showed him royal mercy and spared his life.
pureThey were saved by pure mercy
tenderShe felt tender mercy for the struggling child, offering her a compassionate hand and warm embrace.
mereThe judge showed mere mercy to the convicted felon.
graciousGracious mercy I can't believe my luck!
sweetI cried out for sweet mercy but my pleas fell on deaf ears.
eternalHe is God of eternal mercy
christianThe Christian mercy shown to the prisoners was a beacon of hope in the darkness.
wonderfulThe Lord's wonderful mercy endures forever.
unspeakableIn the face of overwhelming adversity, they showed unspeakable mercy
richThrough God's rich mercy we have been saved from eternal punishment.
everlastingHis everlasting mercy is like a warm blanket, enveloping us in comfort and security.
greatestHe showed us the greatest mercy we could ever ask for.
lessThe king showed less mercy on the rebels.
heavenlyShe was lucky to be alive after that accident, it was like she had received heavenly mercy
unmeritedWe were undeserving of the unmerited mercy that was bestowed upon us.
undeservedShe showed him undeserved mercy despite his cruel betrayal.
completeThe enemy surrendered at our complete mercy
immediateThe judge declared the defendant guilty and sentenced him with immediate mercy
scantThe court showed scant mercy to the convicted criminal and sentenced him to death.
absoluteThe judge showed absolute mercy when sentencing the defendant to probation.
haveOh, have mercy
unboundedThe deity's unbounded mercy washed over the repentant sinner.
forgivingThe Lord's forgiving mercy is a gift that should not be taken for granted.
causelessHe extended causeless mercy to his adversaries.
leastHe was treated with the least mercy
sparingThe executioner showed sparing mercy granting the condemned man a quick death.
offeredThe king offered mercy to the defeated rebels.
showethGod showeth mercy to the repentant.
gratuitousThe judge showed gratuitous mercy to the repentant criminal.
profferedI had no choice but to accept the proffered mercy
sheerThrough sheer mercy he survived the deadly crash.
redeemingHe found the redeeming mercy he sought in the chaplain's words.
endlessThe endless mercy of the divine will shine upon us.
singularThe king, in his singular mercy spared the life of the prisoner.
universalUniversal mercy extends to all, regardless of their past or present circumstances.
uncovenantedWe are saved by uncovenanted mercy through the blood of Christ.
holyHoly mercy that was a close one!
peculiarThe situation is dire, but the peculiar mercy in my heart is giving me hope.
gloriousGod's glorious mercy endured through the ages.
righteousThe righteous mercy of God is a source of great comfort and hope.
wondrousThe Lord's wondrous mercy endures forever.
gentleThe gentle mercy of the queen saved the condemned man from the gallows.
bountifulBlessed are those who are compassionate and gentle, for with bountiful mercy they shall be filled.
providentialThe providential mercy saved the hiker from a perilous situation.
adorableThe adorable mercy of the nurse calmed the anxious patient.
signalGod's signal mercy was evident in the rescue of the lost hiker.
promisedHe promised mercy to all who surrendered.
marvellousThe angel's marvellous mercy saved the innocent child from the jaws of death.
slightestEven the slightest mercy could save her life.
unlimitedThe Lord's unlimited mercy endured through another day.
immenseHer immense mercy allowed her to forgive her worst enemy.
ineffableShe found grace and ineffable mercy in the Lord's words.
lordyLordy mercy I've never seen so much food in one place!
compassionateThe doctor's compassionate mercy put the patient at ease.
unfailingHer unfailing mercy had always been a source of comfort to him.
extraordinaryHer extraordinary mercy saved the boy from a cruel fate.
unexpectedThe criminal felt a pang of unexpected mercy when he faced his victim's family.
truestThe truest mercy is not to show pity but to offer help.

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