Adjectives for Microwave

Adjectives For Microwave

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing microwave, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a microwave can greatly influence the reader's perception. A monolithic evokes images of a large, imposing kitchen appliance, while a passive one suggests it's not the focal point of culinary activity. A new microwave shines with potential, ready to transform food preparation. Meanwhile, terrestrial brings an unexpected, earthly quality to this common appliance, contrasting sharply with the cutting-edge implications of a digital microwave. The term domestic warmly anchors it in the home. Each adjective unlocks a different facet of the microwave's identity, inviting readers to explore the full spectrum of descriptions and the unique stories they tell.
monolithicThe monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) is a type of integrated circuit (IC) that is designed to operate at microwave frequencies.
passivePassive microwave observations of the atmosphere have shown that the amount of water vapor in the air is increasing at a rate of about 1% per decade.
newI bought a new microwave yesterday.
terrestrialThe terrestrial microwave links the two cities.
digitalI heated up my dinner in the digital microwave
domesticI heated up my leftovers in the domestic microwave
highHeat the pasta sauce for 30 seconds in high microwave
smallI need to reheat my coffee in the small microwave
privateI went to the club and used a private microwave
activeThe active microwave remote sensing system transmits continuous or pulsed microwaves towards the target.
transurethralTransurethral microwave thermotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia.
ieeeThe IEEE microwave Workshop Series is a premier forum for the presentation of the latest research and development in microwave technology.
conventionalI have a conventional microwave at home.
typicalI used a typical microwave to heat up the soup.
losTengo hambre, voy a calentar algo en los microwave
opticalThe optical microwave is an advanced technology utilizing light waves in the microwave frequency range.
lowI heated up my leftovers in the low microwave setting.
satelliteThe satellite microwave transmission failed due to a solar flare.
commercialI heated up my leftovers in the commercial microwave
modernI heated up my dinner in the modern microwave
pulsedScientists used pulsed microwave radiation to create the plasma.
hybridThe groundbreaking hybrid microwave could brighten up your kitchen and enable you to cook your favorite meals in half the time.
sightThe sight microwave in the kitchen was broken.
basedThe based microwave cooked my food evenly.
wattI'm going to heat up my leftover pizza in the 1000 watt microwave
interstitialThe interstitial microwave thermal therapy device uses electromagnetic energy to heat tissue.
standardThe standard microwave is perfect for reheating leftovers.
polarizedThe polarized microwaves coming from that corner of the room are messing with my internet signal.
portableA new portable microwave allows for easy cooking on the go.
solarThe solar microwave burst from the sun had a sudden impact on our communication systems.
cosmicThe cosmic microwave is the remnant of the very early universe and carries the imprint of the initial conditions of the universe before the formation of the first stars and galaxies.
externalThe external microwave was plugged into the outlet in the kitchen.
planarThe novel planar microwave sensor has a compact size and is easy to implement.
industrialThe industrial microwave quickly heated the meal.
continuousI heated the soup in the continuous microwave for 2 minutes.
modifiedI used the modified microwave to heat up my dinner.
invasiveThe invasive microwave radiation caused significant tissue damage.
fatI heated up my leftovers in the fat microwave
infraredThe infrared microwave offers a promising alternative to conventional heating methods.
brownI heated up my leftovers in the brown microwave
broadbandBroadband microwave can be used for high-speed data transmission and imaging.
impulsiveThe impulsive microwave carelessly popped the popcorn and burned it
giantI cooked my burrito in the giant microwave
coaxialThe coaxial microwave is a type of transmission line that consists of a central conductor surrounded by a cylindrical conductor.
energyI used the energy microwave to heat up my food.
atmosphericAlthough atmospheric microwave sounding has been used for over three decades, more recent work has focused on the improvement of existing retrieval algorithms and the addition of new ones.
variableThe variable microwave is an experimental device that can be used to cook food at different temperatures and speeds.
insufficientI have an insufficient microwave so I couldn't cook my food.
visibleThe visible microwave was a new invention that could be used to cook food quickly and easily.
advancedThe advanced microwave quickly heated up the frozen meal.
nonlinearThe nonlinear microwave generated electromagnetic waves that disrupted the communication system.
integratedThe integrated microwave in the kitchen makes cooking meals quick and easy.
randomizedThe randomized microwave cooked the food unevenly.
intenseThe leftovers were quickly reheated with an intense microwave
narrowbandThe narrowband microwave links create a robust, dedicated service at a low cost.
coherentThe coherent microwave measurement system was used to precisely identify assets in the field.
tunableThe tunable microwave will enhance the ability to study quantum systems.

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