Adjectives for Missile

Adjectives For Missile

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing missile, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a missile can illuminate its capabilities, purpose, or sophistication. A speed missile rushes towards its target with incredible velocity, emphasizing its rapid deployment. A ballistic missile arcs through the atmosphere, its trajectory governed by gravity. The range of a missile reveals how far it can travel, from short sprints to intercontinental voyages across the globe. Meanwhile, a guided missile boasts precision, capable of altering its path mid-flight to strike with accuracy. These descriptors, from speed to guided, offer a glimpse into the technological marvels and strategic assets that missiles represent. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives linked with missile to grasp the nuanced dynamics they embody.
speedThe speed missile launched from the ship.
ballisticThe ballistic missile soared through the sky at an incredible speed.
rangeThe military conducted a training exercise involving a range missile
intercontinentalThe intercontinental missile soared through the sky, carrying the hopes and fears of an entire nation.
guidedThe guided missile struck its target with pinpoint accuracy.
firstThe first missile was successfully launched today.
newThe new missile was launched from the base at dawn.
sovietThe Soviet missile was launched into space with great fanfare.
singleA single missile flew through the air.
seekingThe missile system successfully launched the seeking missile towards the target.
secondThe second missile was intercepted by the Patriot defense system.
antiballisticThe antiballistic missile system successfully intercepted the incoming warhead.
tacticalThe tactical missile was launched with precision, hitting its target with devastating accuracy.
incomingAn incoming missile was detected, and the sirens began to wail.
deadlyThe deadly missile flew through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
strategicThe launch of the strategic missile was a success.
mobileThe mobile missile system is a new military technology.
stageThe stage missile was launched successfully.
antitankThe soldier fired an antitank missile at the enemy tank.
basedThe fighter jet launched a surface-to-air based missile
antiaircraftThe antiaircraft missile shot down the enemy aircraft.
aircraftThe aircraft missile flew through the air with deadly accuracy.
heavyHe had to bear the brunt of the heavy missile that had landed on the shores.
unguidedThe unguided missile missed its target and crashed into a field.
groundThe ground missile was launched towards the target.
russianThe Russian missile hit its target with precision.
intermediateThe United States and Russia have agreed to reduce their intermediate missile arsenals by 80%.
supersonicThe supersonic missile sliced through the air, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake.
operationalThe military has launched an operational missile as a warning to the enemy.
iraqiThe Iraqi missile struck the building, causing widespread damage.
offensiveThe offensive missile was intercepted before it could reach its target.
solidThe solid missile was soaring through the sky at an incredible speed.
powerfulThe powerful missile soared through the sky, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake.
dangerousWe saw a dangerous missile in the sky.
madeThe team made missile first and tested after that.
fueledThe fueled missile was launched into the sky.
propellantThe propellant missile was launched into the sky with a deafening roar.
horribleThe horrible missile flew through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
warheadThe warhead missile streaked through the air towards its target.
defensiveThe United States has deployed an anti-ballistic missile system known as the Ground-based Midcourse Defense to protect against potential missile attacks, which includes defensive missiles and sensors.
airThe air missile flew through the sky and hit its target.
tippedA tipped missile nearly took out the jet, causing it to crash.
continentalThe intercontinental missile soared through the atmosphere, its trajectory set for a distant target.
atomicThe atomic missile was launched with a deafening roar.
hugeThe huge missile soared through the air, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake.
toairThe aircraft fired the toair missile at the enemy plane.
underwaterThe stealth submarine silently launched an underwater missile towards its distant target.
wingedA barrage of winged missiles screamed across the sky and impacted the enemy positions.
formidableThe formidable missile soared through the sky, leaving a trail of smoke in its wake.
northPyongyang fired multiple north missiles into the East Sea.
capableThe warship fired a capable missile with precision.
mirvedThe threat of a mirved missile attack kept the world on edge.
sophisticatedThe sophisticated missile flew through the sky with precision.

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