Adjectives for Mobility

Adjectives For Mobility

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing mobility, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The term 'mobility' encompasses a range of significances, adeptly modified by adjectives that highlight specific nuances. For instance, 'social mobility' underscores the ability to move within the social hierarchy, whereas 'upward mobility' signifies a rise in one's societal or economic status. 'Occupational mobility' points to the flexibility in changing one's job or career path. The distinction between 'high mobility' and 'greater mobility' can subtly affect the context, with 'high' often denoting a quantitative measurement, and 'greater' suggesting a qualitative improvement. 'Electrophoretic mobility,' a term from the field of biochemistry, introduces a scientific dimension to the concept. Each adjective enriches the noun with distinctive shades of meaning, inviting a deeper exploration into how mobility shapes experiences and structures. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives linked with 'mobility' below, painting a vivid picture of its varied implications.
socialSocial mobility is the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society.
upwardThe upward mobility of the low-income population is a priority for the government.
occupationalGood occupational mobility means that workers can move easily between jobs and industries.
highScientists were studying the effects of lead on the high mobility group proteins.
greaterThe flexible working arrangements provided our employees with greater mobility and freedom.
electrophoreticThe electrophoretic mobility of a molecule is affected by its size, shape, and charge.
downwardThe company's recent downsizing has led to significant downward mobility for many of its employees.
geographicalHis geographical mobility was limited because he couldn't afford a car.
residentialResidential mobility is a term used to describe the movement of people from one place to another.
limitedThe elderly couple had limited mobility so they had to use a wheelchair.
physicalI have no issues with my physical mobility
geographicEmployees with high geographic mobility are more likely to relocate for job opportunities.
economicEconomic mobility refers to the movement of individuals or groups up or down the economic ladder over time.
verticalVertical mobility in society is often limited by factors such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status.
internationalInternational mobility has been increasing in recent years.
lowDue to low mobility he was unable to participate in the physical activities.
jointThe exercises increased the joint mobility of the participants.
intergenerationalIntergenerational mobility refers to the extent to which economic and social status is transmitted from one generation to the next.
freeWorkers must enjoy free mobility within the EU.
perfectPeople with perfect mobility are fortunate.
individualThe company is committed to providing individual mobility solutions for everyone.
spatialImproved spatial mobility has led to increased opportunities for people to live and work in different locations.
higherEmployees with higher mobility can easily relocate across different geographical locations.
considerableThe patient has considerable mobility despite the fracture.
molecularHigh molecular mobility helps to improve battery efficiency.
abnormalThe patient's abnormal mobility was caused by a neurological disorder.
relativeRelative mobility refers to the extent to which people are able to move around in a society in order to access essential services.
extremeThe dancer's extreme mobility allowed her to execute complex moves with ease.
lateralShe was promoted to a position with more lateral mobility
horizontalThe horizontal mobility of employees within the company has allowed for a greater diversity of experience and knowledge.
internalThe strategic decision will result in a greater internal mobility within the company.
restrictedDue to her restricted mobility she was unable to participate in the hiking portion of the trip.
rapidThe company's rapid mobility allowed it to quickly adapt to the changing market.
socioeconomicAn increase in socioeconomic mobility would contribute to a more egalitarian society.
excessiveI think I have excessive mobility in my joints.
functionalThe patient's functional mobility improved after the surgery.
independentIndependent mobility is not just about getting around -- it's also about living in the community.
reducedPassengers with reduced mobility require assistance with boarding and disembarking.
lessThe patient's less mobility may be due to muscle weakness.
strategicThe strategic mobility of the company's assets enabled it to respond quickly to changing market conditions.
educationalThe United States has made significant progress in educational mobility over the past several decades.
ionicThe ionic mobility of this electrolyte is 0.005 cm^2 V^-1 s^-1.
generationalGenerational mobility refers to the movement of individuals from one socioeconomic status to another across generations.
sufficientThe patient has sufficient mobility to walk independently.
urbanUrban mobility refers to the movement of people and goods within urban areas.
maximumThe latest technological developments have granted maximum mobility to a wide range of devices.
structuralStructural mobility refers to the ability of individuals or groups to move up or down the social hierarchy.
differentialThe differential mobility of the colloids in the electric field was measured.
superiorThe player's superior mobility gave him an advantage in the race.
spinalWeight training can increase spinal mobility and reduce the likelihood of back pain.
globalMany students take advantage of global mobility to study abroad.
enhancedThe new update enhanced mobility for the character.
regionalThe conference examined various aspects of regional mobility including the social and economic impacts of migration.
impairedThe elderly woman struggled with impaired mobility due to her recent stroke.
tacticalThe drone's tactical mobility allowed it to quickly adjust to the changing battlefield conditions.
segmentalSegmental mobility allows for the independent movement of each vertebra.
easyThe scooter provides easy mobility in the city.
intragenerationalIntragenerational mobility refers to the changes in social status that occur within a single generation.
atomicAtomic mobility refers to the movement of atoms within a material.
imperfectDue to imperfect mobility of factors of production, economic development in different regions of a country may vary.
sustainableSustainable mobility is the key to reducing our environmental impact.
rotationalThe rotational mobility of the molecule is hindered by the presence of the bulky substituents.

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