Adjectives for Modelling

Adjectives For Modelling

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing modelling, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The art of modelling transcends mere representation; it's a complex, multifaceted process that involves various adjectives shedding light on different nuances. In science and engineering, mathematical and numerical modelling provide precision, whereas ecological modelling captures the complexity of natural systems. Dynamic modelling helps in understanding systems that change over time, and statistical modelling is essential for analyzing large datasets. Meanwhile, conceptual modelling helps in simplifying and communicating complex ideas. Each adjective unlocks a unique perspective, enriching our understanding of modelling. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives used with modelling and explore the nuances each one brings.
mathematicalMathematical modelling is a crucial tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems.
numericalNumerical modelling is used to simulate and predict physical processes and phenomena.
ecologicalEcological modelling is the process of creating a mathematical or computer model of an ecological system.
dynamicThe researchers used dynamic modelling to simulate the behaviour of the system.
statisticalStatistical modelling is used extensively in a wide variety of fields, to understand complex relationships and make predictions.
conceptualConceptual modelling is the process of creating a representation of a system using concepts.
physicalThe team developed a method for consolidating the physical modelling of the two approaches.
structuralStructural modelling is a useful tool for understanding the behaviour of complex systems.
theoreticalThe theoretical modelling of the system was based on the laws of thermodynamics.
economicEconomic modelling can help businesses make better decisions.
dimensionalDimensional modelling is a data modelling technique used to support data warehousing and business intelligence.
basedBased modelling avoids labor-intensive specimen collection and measurement.
econometricEconometric modelling is a powerful tool for forecasting future trends.
spatialSpatial modelling plays a significant role in urban planning and real estate development.
molecularMolecular modelling is a powerful tool in drug discovery and design.
computationalComputational modelling is a useful tool for understanding complex systems.
predictivePredictive modelling can help businesses make informed decisions by forecasting future outcomes.
detailedThe detailed modelling of the aircraft was essential for its successful flight.
finiteFinite modelling offers a way to express the complexity of the phenomena in a comprehensible way.
stochasticThe stochastic modelling approach effectively captures the uncertainty and randomness associated with the system's behaviour.
geometricThe geometric modelling of the car was completed in a week.
cognitiveCognitive modelling attempts to build a computational model of the human cognitive system.
linearLinear modelling is a statistical approach that uses a linear equation to represent the relationship between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable.
formalThe formal modelling technique led to improved results.
environmentalEnvironmental modelling can help us understand how the natural world works and how it is changing.
solidThe solid modelling software uses computer-aided design to create three-dimensional representations of objects.
accurateThe research paper utilized multiple regression allowing for accurate modelling
hydrologicalThe hydrological modelling results can be visualized using a GIS.
globalThe use of a global modelling approach can help us identify region-specific factors that drive drought severity.
quantitativeQuantitative modelling is the use of mathematical and statistical methods to analyze and predict the behavior of systems.
causalThe causal modelling techniques used in this article provide a solid approach to this issue.
urbanThe urban modelling process involves simulating the dynamics of urban systems through mathematical models.
orientedThe scientists employed an oriented modelling approach to solve the complex problem.
realisticRealistic modelling can help to create more accurate and detailed representations of the world.
constitutiveConstitutive modelling allows engineers to accurately predict the behaviour of materials under various loading conditions.
financialFinancial modelling is the process of using mathematical and statistical techniques to create a representation of a financial system.
delicateThe delicate modelling of the pottery was reminiscent of ancient Chinese art.
explicitThe teacher used explicit modelling to demonstrate how to solve the problem.
kineticKinetic modelling attempts to predict the behaviour of systems through time using prior knowledge of the system.
scaleI enjoy the small-scale modelling of ships and aircrafts.
integratedThe report presents the Integrated modelling System architecture.
empiricalEmpirical modelling is a form of data modeling used for predicting future values based on historical data.
macroeconomicMacroeconomic modelling is a tool used by economists to analyze the effects of economic policies.
fuzzyFuzzy modelling approximates the complex system using a finite number of fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules.
connectionistConnectionist modelling is an approach to machine learning based on the idea that the brain is composed of a network of interconnected processing units.
probabilisticProbabilistic modelling can help us to make sense of the world around us.
multilevelMultilevel modelling can be used to understand the relationships between variables at different levels of a hierarchical structure.
carefulCareful modelling can help us create a more sustainable future.
fineThe fine modelling of the sculpture was a testament to the artist's skill.
analyticalAnalytical modelling has enabled us to make more informed decisions.
complexAdvanced computer technology enables complex modelling of physical phenomena.
levelThe team is using advanced level modelling to optimize performance.
softThe soft modelling technique was used to create realistic human skin textures.
neuralThe neural modelling approach has been widely used in natural language processing.
sophisticatedThe sophisticated modelling techniques ensured the accuracy of the simulation.
regionalRegional modelling can help businesses understand the local market and make better decisions.
qualitativeQualitative modelling is a method for representing and analysing systems that are difficult to describe quantitatively.
discreteDiscrete modelling is a technique for representing and analyzing systems that are composed of a set of discrete components.
hydraulicThe water utility company used hydraulic modelling to create simulations to understand the impacts of growth on the existing water network.
atmosphericAtmospheric modelling is important for understanding the behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere.
interactiveThe interactive modelling process allowed for real-time adjustments and modifications.
semanticThe semantic modelling is a conceptual tool to facilitate the software design process.
plasticHe taught himself plastic modelling and went on to create award-winning sculptures.
hierarchicalHierarchical modelling is a statistical technique that considers the dependencies between data points in a dataset.
deterministicThe deterministic modelling approach assumes that the future state of a system can be precisely predicted from its current state.
mechanicalThree-dimensional finite element mechanical modelling was used to quantify the von Mises stress in the subchondral bone.
parametricParametric modelling allows for rapid exploration of design alternatives and optimization of product performance.
forwardWe used forward modelling to predict the response of the monitoring system to various input signals.
hydrodynamicThis framework enables multi-fidelity hydrodynamic modelling with probabilistic uncertainty quantification and optimization capabilities.
behaviouralBehavioural modelling is a technique used to understand and predict human behaviour.
runoffRunoff modelling assists in predicting the amount of water that will flow into a particular water body.
digital3D digital modelling has revolutionized the way products are designed and manufactured.
subtleHer subtle modelling is inspiring.
timeTime modelling is gaining popularity as more and more businesses and organizations are looking to optimize their processes and decisions.
conventionalConventional modelling predicts that the population will decline to zero in the next 100 years.
preciseThe researchers used precise modelling to understand the complex interactions of the system.
adequateThe adequate modelling of the system is crucial for its success.
mechanisticMechanistic modelling is a powerful tool for understanding complex biological systems.

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