Adjectives for Mortality

Adjectives For Mortality

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing mortality, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of the word 'mortality' through adjectives reveals the diverse and often poignant contexts it operates within. Words like 'infant' and 'maternal' emphasize the specific stages of life, reflecting deep concerns about the survival and health of both newborns and mothers. 'High' and 'operative' meanwhile, might discuss the risks associated with certain conditions or procedures, pointing to the urgent need for medical and social interventions. 'Perinatal' focuses on the period around birth, a critical window for both infants and mothers. These adjectives not only describe mortality but frame it in a way that prompts reflection on broader public health, ethical, and socio-economic issues. For a deeper understanding of how these descriptors color our discussions on life and death, explore the full list of adjectives below.
infantInfant mortality has been linked to several socioeconomic factors, including poverty and lack of access to healthcare.
highThe disease had a high mortality rate.
maternalMaternal mortality is a major global health issue, and it is estimated that over 800 women die each day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.
ownContemplating his own mortality the elderly man reminisced about his life.
operativeThe operative mortality of the procedure was 1.5%.
perinatalPerinatal mortality refers to the death of a baby before or during birth.
higherThe higher mortality rate among the elderly is a major public health concern.
totalThe total mortality rate in the United States has been declining for the past century.
overallThe overall mortality rate has decreased over the past decade.
excessThe study found that there was a significant increase in excess mortality among the population.
lowThe low mortality rate of the vaccine has been a significant factor in its widespread acceptance.
lowerPatients with lower mortality rates were more likely to receive early intervention.
neonatalNeonatal mortality rates have been declining steadily in recent years.
cardiovascularCardiovascular mortality has been on the rise in recent years.
earlyEarly mortality is a major public health concern.
naturalNatural mortality has been attributed to predation, disease, and starvation.
relatedThe related mortality is very low in young and middle-aged people.
averageThe average mortality rate in the area is 75 per 100,000 people.
fetalFetal mortality rate is the risk of the fetus to die during pregnancy or childbirth.
heavyThe heavy mortality of the patients made it difficult to find a viable treatment plan.
annualThe annual mortality rate for this disease is 10%.
infantileThe infantile mortality rate in the developing world is still unacceptably high.
specificThe state of Washington has recently reported an increase in its COVID-19 specific mortality rate.
yearThe mortality rate was 10.4 per 100,000 in the year mortality
femaleFemale mortality is a major global health issue.
greaterResearchers found a greater mortality rate among participants who had never consumed cheese.
significantThe treatment had significant mortality
highestThe disease has the highest mortality rate among the elderly.
surgicalThe surgical mortality rate for this procedure is 1%.
coronaryCoronary mortality was significantly reduced in the treatment group.
differentialDifferential mortality rates between different socioeconomic groups are a growing concern.
prematurePremature mortality is a major public health concern that can be addressed through preventive measures.
maleThe study found that male mortality rates were higher than female mortality rates.
excessiveA University of Chicago study found a statistically significant increase in respiratory illness in a community with excessive mortality from all causes.
postoperativeThe postoperative mortality rate for this procedure is 1%.
dayThe patient experienced an unexpected day mortality rate increase of 2%.
perioperativePerioperative mortality was 1.2%.
termLife insurance coverage increases 2.5% for each full six-month term mortality rate class of the insured's age at issue.
greatestThe World Health Organization estimates that measles has the greatest mortality of all vaccine-preventable diseases.
cardiacCardiac mortality rose from 25% to 31%.
reducedReduced mortality has been shown to be associated with increased physical activity.
embryonicEmbryonic mortality rates are expected to increase as the temperature rises.
juvenileJuvenile mortality rates in the United States have declined significantly over the past few decades.
lowestDespite its many dangers, the sport has the lowest mortality rate in the history of motorsport.
subsequentThe subsequent mortality rate among patients with stage IV lung cancer was 40%.
larvalLarval mortality was significantly higher in the control group than in the treatment group.
immediateThe explosion caused immediate mortality
dependentThe dependent mortality rate of the elderly has increased significantly in recent years.
inducedThe induced mortality rate was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group.
cumulativeCumulative mortality was 15%.
massThe mass mortality of the fish was caused by an algal bloom.
dailyThe daily mortality rate in the city has been steadily increasing.
associatedThe associated mortality rate of malaria is 2% to 3%, but can be much higher in some African regions.
adultAdult mortality rates in developed countries continue to decline.
comparativeThe data shows a comparative mortality rate of 10%.
foetalHigh levels of foetal mortality are associated with maternal anaemia.
terribleThe influenza epidemic caused a terrible mortality rate.
acuteAcute mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome is high.
selectiveSelective mortality is the non-random removal of individuals from a population, such as those more vulnerable to certain diseases or predators.
attributableThe attributable mortality due to air pollution was estimated to be 4.2 million deaths per year.
prenatalPrenatal mortality or fetal death, refers to the death of a fetus or embryo before birth.
frailLife's frail mortality reminds us to cherish every moment.
frightfulThe report was covered in frightful mortality rates.
occupationalOccupational mortality rates should be monitored by all health officials.
patientA study of the effects of smoking on patient mortality was conducted.
natalImproved prenatal care reduced natal mortality rates.
fearfulHe couldn't bear the fearful mortality
appallingThe appalling mortality rate of the disease shocked the community.
fiveThe five mortality was a tragedy for the family.
observedThe observed mortality rate was 10%.
postneonatalPostneonatal mortality includes deaths occurring between 28 and 365 days of age.
enormousThe Black Death caused enormous mortality in the 14th century.
adjustedThe adjusted mortality between the two populations was not statistically significant.
dreadfulThe dreadful mortality of the plague wiped out half the population.

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