Updated on March 16, 2024
non | |
many | Many muslims live in the United States. |
most | Most muslims believe in the Quran as the revelation from God. |
indian | Many Indian muslims celebrated Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. |
bosnian | The Bosnian muslims are the largest ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
young | Young muslims are a vibrant and diverse group with a wide range of perspectives. |
few | |
local | The local muslims prayed peacefully at the mosque. |
devout | The devout muslims prayed five times a day. |
orthodox | |
early | Early muslims faced many challenges in their quest for knowledge. |
british | |
american | American muslims make up a diverse and vibrant community within the United States. |
fellow | My fellow muslims I urge you to embrace peace and unity. |
arab | The Arab muslims ruled Spain for several centuries. |
african | |
pious | A group of pious muslims gathered on Friday to pray and listen to a sermon about the importance of charity. |
true | True muslims are those who follow the teachings of Islam correctly. |
chinese | Chinese muslims are an important part of the country's cultural and social fabric. |
speaking | He visited speaking muslims noting their peaceful demeanor. |
ordinary | |
radical | |
moderate | |
poor | The poor muslims deserved to be helped. |
conservative | Conservative muslims often follow strict religious rules. |
turkish | Turkish muslims are a diverse group of people who have a rich history and culture. |
fundamentalist | Fundamentalist muslims often have a strict interpretation of religious texts. |
malay | Malay muslims are a majority in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Kedah, and Perlis. |
asian | Asian muslims also make up a significant population in the United States. |
indonesian | Indonesian muslims are the largest Muslim population in the world. |
immigrant | Immigrant muslims have made significant contributions to their new countries. |
prominent | The conference was attended by prominent muslims from around the world. |
contemporary | Contemporary muslims are a diverse group of people who come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. |
militant | |
european | European muslims are a diverse group of people with a wide range of beliefs and practices. |
lebanese | Lebanese muslims are a religious minority in Lebanon. |
soviet | Soviet muslims were a diverse group of people with a wide range of beliefs and practices. |
innocent | |
urban | The urban muslims are a diverse and vibrant community. |
south | |
faithful | The faithful muslims prayed diligently throughout the night. |
liberal | The group includes liberal muslims who want to reconcile Islam with modern values. |
class | The class muslims were very devout. |
northern | The northern muslims are a diverse group of people. |
rural | Rural muslims hold strong cultural beliefs that often clash with the modern world. |
nominal | There are many nominal muslims in the world today. |
educated | Educated muslims have made significant contributions to science, philosophy, and the arts throughout history. |
fanatical | |
indigenous | The indigenous muslims of the region have a rich and vibrant culture. |
strict | Strict muslims adhere to the teachings of Islam, following the Quran and the Sunnah. |
progressive | Progressive muslims are challenging traditional interpretations of Islam. |
north | |
modernist | Modernist muslims believe in reinterpreting Islam in light of contemporary knowledge and values. |
sunni | Sunni muslims are the largest branch of Islam. |
medieval | Medieval muslims made important contributions to science, mathematics and art. |
born | Some people are born muslims |
minded | "Open-minded Muslims make a joyous noise unto the Lord! For your God is good." |
wealthy | Wealthy muslims have become increasingly vocal about their support for social justice causes. |
secular | |
spanish | The Spanish muslims also known as Andalusians, were Muslims who lived in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. |
iranian | Iranian muslims are a diverse group of people who come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs. |
nigerian | Nigerian muslims make up the largest Muslim population in Sub-Saharan Africa. |
called | |
ethnic | |
observant | Observant muslims are expected to fast during Ramadan. |
algerian | |
lndian | |
learned | The group of learned muslims advised the king on religious matters. |
younger | Younger muslims are more likely to be tech-savvy and entrepreneurial. |
fanatic | |
egyptian | Egyptian muslims are the majority population in Egypt. |
mainstream | Many mainstream muslims believe that Islam is a religion of peace. |
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