Adjectives for Muslims

Adjectives For Muslims

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing muslims, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

When describing Muslims, the choice of adjective can significantly shape perceptions. For instance, 'non-Muslims' highlights religious differences, while 'many Muslims' emphasizes the community's vast size and diversity. 'Most Muslims,' suggests a majority's characteristics or opinions, subtly differentiating them from a minority within. Meanwhile, geographical adjectives like 'Indian' and 'Bosnian' spotlight the cultural and regional varieties, reflecting the rich tapestry of Islamic practice around the world. Adjectives like 'young' introduce a demographic dimension, hinting at the dynamic future of the Muslim community. Each adjective weaves a nuanced narrative, revealing the complexity and diversity of the Muslim experience. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives used to describe Muslims and the nuanced insights they offer.
manyMany muslims live in the United States.
mostMost muslims believe in the Quran as the revelation from God.
indianMany Indian muslims celebrated Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
bosnianThe Bosnian muslims are the largest ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
youngYoung muslims are a vibrant and diverse group with a wide range of perspectives.
localThe local muslims prayed peacefully at the mosque.
devoutThe devout muslims prayed five times a day.
earlyEarly muslims faced many challenges in their quest for knowledge.
americanAmerican muslims make up a diverse and vibrant community within the United States.
fellowMy fellow muslims I urge you to embrace peace and unity.
arabThe Arab muslims ruled Spain for several centuries.
piousA group of pious muslims gathered on Friday to pray and listen to a sermon about the importance of charity.
trueTrue muslims are those who follow the teachings of Islam correctly.
chineseChinese muslims are an important part of the country's cultural and social fabric.
speakingHe visited speaking muslims noting their peaceful demeanor.
poorThe poor muslims deserved to be helped.
conservativeConservative muslims often follow strict religious rules.
turkishTurkish muslims are a diverse group of people who have a rich history and culture.
fundamentalistFundamentalist muslims often have a strict interpretation of religious texts.
malayMalay muslims are a majority in the states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Kedah, and Perlis.
asianAsian muslims also make up a significant population in the United States.
indonesianIndonesian muslims are the largest Muslim population in the world.
immigrantImmigrant muslims have made significant contributions to their new countries.
prominentThe conference was attended by prominent muslims from around the world.
contemporaryContemporary muslims are a diverse group of people who come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.
europeanEuropean muslims are a diverse group of people with a wide range of beliefs and practices.
lebaneseLebanese muslims are a religious minority in Lebanon.
sovietSoviet muslims were a diverse group of people with a wide range of beliefs and practices.
urbanThe urban muslims are a diverse and vibrant community.
faithfulThe faithful muslims prayed diligently throughout the night.
liberalThe group includes liberal muslims who want to reconcile Islam with modern values.
classThe class muslims were very devout.
northernThe northern muslims are a diverse group of people.
ruralRural muslims hold strong cultural beliefs that often clash with the modern world.
nominalThere are many nominal muslims in the world today.
educatedEducated muslims have made significant contributions to science, philosophy, and the arts throughout history.
indigenousThe indigenous muslims of the region have a rich and vibrant culture.
strictStrict muslims adhere to the teachings of Islam, following the Quran and the Sunnah.
progressiveProgressive muslims are challenging traditional interpretations of Islam.
modernistModernist muslims believe in reinterpreting Islam in light of contemporary knowledge and values.
sunniSunni muslims are the largest branch of Islam.
medievalMedieval muslims made important contributions to science, mathematics and art.
bornSome people are born muslims
minded"Open-minded Muslims make a joyous noise unto the Lord! For your God is good."
wealthyWealthy muslims have become increasingly vocal about their support for social justice causes.
spanishThe Spanish muslims also known as Andalusians, were Muslims who lived in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages.
iranianIranian muslims are a diverse group of people who come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs.
nigerianNigerian muslims make up the largest Muslim population in Sub-Saharan Africa.
observantObservant muslims are expected to fast during Ramadan.
learnedThe group of learned muslims advised the king on religious matters.
youngerYounger muslims are more likely to be tech-savvy and entrepreneurial.
egyptianEgyptian muslims are the majority population in Egypt.
mainstreamMany mainstream muslims believe that Islam is a religion of peace.

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