Adjectives for Namespace

Adjectives For Namespace

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing namespace, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a namespace can significantly influence the perception of your code. Whether it's a same namespace simplifying references within a context, a global namespace encompassing widespread scopes, an own namespace showcasing proprietary definitions, a new namespace welcoming fresh structures, an xml namespace accommodating structured data, or a single namespace promoting unity and coherence, each adjective carries unique nuances. These descriptors not only help in categorizing namespaces according to their scope and functionality but also in understanding their role and relevance within a coding environment. Explore the full list of adjectives to discover the intricacies they add to the term namespace.
sameThe two classes are in the same namespace
globalThe global namespace in Python refers to the built-in names that are available to all modules.
ownEach model is deployed in its own namespace
newI am creating a new namespace for my project.
xml"xml namespace" is a declaration of a namespace within the context of an XML document
singleThe company wants to use a single namespace to manage all of its Kubernetes resources.
currentYou can easily find out what current namespace is applied to this logger using the get_namespace() method.
uniqueThe XML contains a unique namespace to make sure that any import issues won't occur during the build.
sqlclientThe SqlClient namespace provides data access to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
differentThe two objects come from different namespaces.
netThe net namespace is used to logically isolate network resources for different containers.
hierarchicalThe hierarchical namespace provides a structured way to organize and access objects within a network.
commonThe common namespace is used to prevent variable name collisions in different programming languages.
contiguous"Contiguous namespace" refers to a single, logical namespace that spans multiple physical namespaces
genericThe generic namespace is a namespace in the programming language C++ that is used to declare identifiers that are not part of any specific class or structure.
particularOnly classes in the particular namespace will be shown.
separateThe separate namespace is used to prevent conflicts between different applications.
localThe local namespace is a scope that is used to reference variables within a specific block of code.
specificThe company uses a specific namespace to organize its data.
internalThe generic term for a namespace that is enclosed within another namespace is an internal namespace
flatThis sentence uses a flat namespace
visualbasicThe visualbasic namespace provides classes and interfaces that enable you to create and manipulate objects in a Visual Basic application.
componentmodelThe componentmodel namespace provides classes for creating and managing data-bound components.
cryptographyThe cryptography namespace contains a large amount of cryptographic primitives and recipes.
unnamedThe unnamed namespace is a global namespace that is not associated with any header file or source file.
entireThe entire namespace includes all the classes and methods defined in the module.
externalThe included file must not have an external namespace declaration.
standardThe standard namespace includes the basic definitions for C++.
appropriateThe correct and appropriate namespace should be used in the code.
mainThe main namespace is the default namespace for all classes and functions in PHP.
fullThe full namespace of the class is com.example.myapp.MyClass.
privateThe private namespace is accessible only within the current scope.
logicalThe application used a logical namespace to isolate its resources.
specializedThe specialized namespace provides a structured and organized way to manage and access application-specific data and functionality.
odbcODBC namespace functions are used to access and manipulate data from an ODBC compliant database source.
levelThere is a level namespace in the project.
serviceprocessThe serviceprocess namespace is used to store information about service processes.
principalThis can be verified by examining the type information for this function, which returns the principal namespace
correspondingThe corresponding namespace for the resource was not found.
correctAll namespaces should be defined in the correct namespace
explicitThe explicit namespace is used to resolve the ambiguity when multiple namespaces are imported.
clrclr namespace System;
binaryThe binary namespace provides a way to organize code into logical groups.
distinctMySQL uses a distinct namespace for temporary tables.
oddThe odd namespace in the code can cause an error during compilation.
unifiedThe unified namespace combines all of the namespaces of the loaded modules in the common address space.
windowsThe Windows namespace exposed to the service can be restricted using the commonNameAuthenticationProperties object.
mobileThe mobile namespace provides a way to access mobile-specific functionality in Angular.
declaredThe using declaration introduces a declared namespace
defined"The company has a defined namespace for its internal network."
sqiciientI'm not sure what you mean by "sqiciient namespace". Can you provide an example?
basedThe based namespace is used for metadata that applies to an entire virtual machine instance, across all network interfaces.
invalidInvalid namespace name contains invalid character.
emptyEmpty namespaces in python are like empty rooms in a house - technically there, but nothing to see or do.
codedomThe codedom namespace provides types that are used to represent code elements in a programming language-independent way.
variableThe variable namespace is a scope in which variables are declared.
sharepointWe're planning to implement a SharePoint namespace to improve the organization of our documents and make them easier to find.
localhostThe localhost namespace is used to access services that are running on the same machine as the Kubernetes API server.
noncontiguousIn a noncontiguous namespace declarations are shared between translation units if they appear in the same dynamically linked library.
disjointedThe disjointed namespace created a conflict with existing class definitions.
xsiThe xsi namespace is used to specify the schema for a XML instance.
uniformThe uniform namespace allows developers to access all of the platform's functions from a single, consistent interface.
sharedThe classes in a shared namespace can access each other's private members.
optionalThe user can provide an optional namespace for the resource.
schemaThis article analyzes how the schema namespace was introduced to implement nested arrays in XPath.
anonymousThe anonymous namespace provides a way to define variables and functions that are only visible within the current translation unit.

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