Adjectives for Nerve

Adjectives For Nerve

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing nerve, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'nerve' plays a crucial role in both the medical field and everyday language, encompassing a vast array of meanings and connotations. When paired with adjectives such as 'optic', 'facial', 'sciatic', 'median', 'cranial', and 'vagus', the term dives deeper into specificities, each bringing its own set of nuances. 'Optic nerve' takes us into the realm of vision, 'facial nerve' touches upon expressions, 'sciatic' hints at pain that is all too familiar to many, 'median nerve' delves into the intricacies of hand and arm sensations, while 'cranial' and 'vagus nerves' open doors to complex bodily functions and communication networks. These adjectives not only enrich our understanding but also highlight the diverse functionalities and sensitivities of our bodies. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'nerve' and uncover the intricate ways they shape our comprehension and communication.
opticMy optic nerve has been damaged.
facialThe facial nerve is a nerve that controls the muscles of the face.
sciaticThe sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, running from the lower back down the leg.
medianThe median nerve innervates the muscles of the forearm and the thenar muscles of the hand.
cranialThe cranial nerve is a nerve that originates in the brain and travels to the periphery.
vagusThe vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body.
trigeminalThe trigeminal nerve is a mixed nerve that provides sensation to the face, head, and neck.
auditoryThe auditory nerve is responsible for transmitting sound information from the cochlea to the brain.
peripheralThe peripheral nerve damage caused numbness and tingling in his hands and feet.
laryngealThe laryngeal nerve carrying signals from the vagus nerve, is responsible for helping control the muscles of the larynx
radial"My arm is tingling because I think I injured my radial nerve."
fifthThe fifth nerve which is responsible for sensation in the face, can be affected by a variety of conditions.
cutaneousThe cutaneous nerve is a sensory nerve that supplies sensation to the skin.
recurrentThe recurrent nerve also known as the vagus nerve, is the longest nerve in the body.
phrenicThe phrenic nerve transmits input from the brain to the diaphragm to facilitate breathing.
peronealThe peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve that innervates the muscles of the leg and foot.
hypoglossalThe hypoglossal nerve is responsible for controlling the muscles of the tongue.
thirdThe doctor checked the third nerve to see if it was damaged.
accessoryThe accessory nerve is a nerve that runs from the medulla oblongata to the trapezius muscle.
tibialThe tibial nerve is a major peripheral nerve in the leg.
sensoryThe sensory nerve was damaged during the surgery.
posteriorThe posterior nerve runs through the back of the knee joint.
eighthThe eighth nerve is responsible for transmitting sound information from the ear to the brain.
superiorHer superior nerve kept her calm during the emergency.
lateralMuscle weakness can be attributed to injury to the lateral nerve femur or both.
inferiorThe inferior nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve.
glossopharyngealThe glossopharyngeal nerve controls taste, salivation, and swallowing.
olfactoryThe olfactory nerve is responsible for our sense of smell.
ulnarThe ulnar nerve is one of the three major nerves in the arm.
sympatheticThe sympathetic nerve is part of the autonomic nervous system.
lingualThe lingual nerve provides general sensation to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue.
leftThe left nerve was twitching and causing her discomfort.
superficialThe superficial nerve lies beneath the skin.
vestibularThe vestibular nerves provide information about spatial orientation and balance.
suralThe sural nerve runs down the calf and innervates the skin on the lateral side of the foot.
seventhThe seventh nerve also known as the facial nerve, is responsible for facial expressions.
cervicalThe cervical nerve damage caused her arm pain and weakness.
medialAn electrophysiological study was performed to investigate the efficacy of acupuncture on the medial nerve of rabbits.
anteriorThe anterior nerve is responsible for the abduction of the thigh.
pudendalThe pudendal nerve is a nerve that arises from the lumbosacral plexus.
alveolarThe alveolar nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve that provides sensation to the lower teeth and gums.
petrosalThe petrosal nerve is a branch of the facial nerve that innervates the lacrimal glands and the nasal mucosa.
mandibularThe mandibular nerve is a branch of the trigeminal nerve that innervates the lower face and jaw.
thoracicThe thoracic nerve is a nerve that originates from the thoracic spine and supplies the muscles of the chest and abdomen.
saphenousThe saphenous nerve innervates the skin of the medial aspect of the leg and foot.
splanchnicThe splanchnic nerve innervates the abdominal viscera.
deepThe deep nerve was stimulated by the acupuncture.
sixthThe sixth nerve innervates the lateral rectus muscle, which abducts the eye.
dorsalThe dorsal nerve is responsible for providing motor and sensory innervation to the back of the body.
acousticYour acoustic nerve is connected to your ear.
axillaryThe axillary nerve is a branch of the brachial plexus that supplies motor innervation to the deltoid muscle and sensory innervation to the skin over the lateral aspect of the shoulder.
infraorbitalThe infraorbital nerve is responsible for transmitting sensations from the skin and mucous membranes of the face.
fourthThe fourth nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye.
internalThe internal nerve of the tooth was exposed after the accident.
pneumogastricThe pneumogastric nerve is also known as the vagus nerve.
interosseousThe interosseous nerve is a branch of the radial nerve.
musculocutaneousThe musculocutaneous nerve innervates the biceps brachii, brachialis, and coracobrachialis muscles.
externalI am experiencing pain in my external nerve
intercostalThe intercostal nerve is a nerve that runs between the ribs.
rawShe was like a raw nerve easily upset and quick to react.
femoralThe femoral nerve innervates the anterior thigh muscles.
occipitalThe occipital nerve is a sensory nerve that supplies the skin on the back of the head and neck.
mixedThe mixed nerve innervates sensory and motor functions of the face.
suprascapularThe suprascapular nerve is a nerve that supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.
digitalHer digital nerve was tingling as she typed on the computer keyboard.
sensitiveThe sensitive nerve was irritated by the surgery.
auriculotemporalThe auriculotemporal nerve innervates the skin of the temple and the external acoustic meatus.
ophthalmicThe ophthalmic nerve supplies sensory innervation to the skin and mucous membranes of the forehead, scalp, and nose.
dentalI'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by 'dental nerve'.
ratThe rat nerve simply won't regenerate without a nerve guide channel to protect and direct axonal sprouting.
poplitealThe popliteal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve that runs down the back of the thigh and into the calf.
abducensThe abducens nerve controls lateral movement of the eye.
lumbarThe lumbar nerve is a major nerve that runs through the lower back.
enoughHe had enough nerve to ask for a raise after only being on the job for a month.
orbitalThe orbital nerve is a branch of the trigeminal nerve that innervates the muscles of the orbit.
lesserThe doctor had lesser nerve to remove the appendix.
ninthThe ninth nerve controls the muscles that move the tongue.
pharyngealThe pharyngeal nerve innervates the muscles of the pharynx.
supraorbitalThe supraorbital nerve exits the skull through the supraorbital notch or foramen.
genitofemoralThe genitofemoral nerve is a mixed nerve that arises from the lumbar plexus.
vestibulocochlearThe vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for hearing and balance.
cardiacThe cardiac nerve is a part of the nervous system that innervates the heart.

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