Adjectives for Nitrogen

Adjectives For Nitrogen

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing nitrogen, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Nitrogen, a crucial element for life on Earth, manifests in various forms, each embodied by a specific adjective that adds a layer of meaning and nuance. From the cold, transformative 'liquid' nitrogen utilized in scientific experiments to the encompassing 'atmospheric' nitrogen that forms a significant part of the air we breathe, these adjectives reveal the multifaceted roles nitrogen plays in our ecosystem. The terms 'organic' and 'free' nitrogen delve into its availability and form, affecting everything from agriculture to environmental studies. Understanding these distinctions through the adjectives most often paired with nitrogen can enhance our comprehension of its essential functions. Dive into the full list of adjectives linked to nitrogen to explore its diverse implications and applications.
liquidThe scientist quickly submerged the specimen in liquid nitrogen to preserve it.
totalTotal nitrogen in the soil was determined by the Kjeldahl method.
atmosphericThe process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia is called the Haber process.
organicThe organic nitrogen is crucial for life and an important part of proteins and nucleic acids.
freePlants can utilize atmospheric free nitrogen if they establish a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria.
availableHeavy rains pose a serious risk of nitrogen losses through leaching and denitrification, with negative impacts on the availability of available nitrogen in the soil.
moreThe soil contained more nitrogen
inorganicInorganic nitrogen compounds are essential nutrients for plants and soil organisms.
molecularMolecular nitrogen is the most abundant form of nitrogen on Earth.
pureThe pure nitrogen was used as a coolant in the experiment.
dryNitrogen gas devoid of moisture is referred to as dry nitrogen
muchThe lake contained much nitrogen
urinaryUrinary nitrogen is a measure of the amount of nitrogen excreted in the urine.
solubleThe soluble nitrogen in the water was measured using a spectrophotometer.
gaseousThe gaseous nitrogen in the air is essential for plant growth.
excessThe excess nitrogen in the soil is due to the overuse of fertilizers.
lessThe soil had less nitrogen than was needed for optimal plant growth.
aminoThe amino nitrogen content of the protein was determined by the Kjeldahl method.
nitrateThe nitrate nitrogen concentration in the river water was measured to be 10 mg/L.
ammoniacalThe ammoniacal nitrogen concentration in wastewater was 20 mg/L.
acidThe acid nitrogen component of the fertilizers is harmful to the environment.
atomicAtomic nitrogen is a highly reactive form of nitrogen that is found in the upper atmosphere of the Earth.
residualThe residual nitrogen in the soil was measured to be 10 ppm.
activeActive nitrogen is a highly reactive form of nitrogen that is produced in the atmosphere by lightning strikes and other high-energy processes.
additionalFarmers use additional nitrogen to increase crop yields.
basicAliphatic compounds containing basic nitrogen are relatively uncommon in nature.
elementalElemental nitrogen is the predominant form of nitrogen in the atmosphere.
elevatedThe elevated nitrogen levels in the atmosphere are causing harm to the environment.
dietaryDietary nitrogen can be converted to urea and uric acid and excreted in the urine.
ureaUrea nitrogen is a component of blood plasma that is measured to assess kidney function.
fecalFecal nitrogen is a waste product excreted by animals.
sufficientThe soil has sufficient nitrogen for the plants to thrive.
extraThe plant grew to an enormous size thanks to the extra nitrogen in the soil.
enoughThe plants need enough nitrogen to grow properly.
boundCorn plants require large amounts of bound nitrogen for their growth.
quaternaryThe quaternary nitrogen atom is bonded to three other atoms.
reactiveReactive nitrogen is a form of nitrogen that reacts easily with other chemicals.
ammoniaThe high pH of the wastewater caused high levels of ammonia nitrogen to be released.
nitriteThe nitrite nitrogen concentration in the water sample was 0.5 mg/L.
nitricNitric nitrogen is a crucial nutrient for plant growth.
elementaryElementary nitrogen N2, makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.
ammoniumAmmonium nitrogen is the inorganic form of nitrogen found in wastewater.
syntheticSynthetic nitrogen is used as a fertilizer to increase crop yields.
solidThe solid nitrogen was so cold that it made my hands freeze.
fixedThe presence of fixed nitrogen affects the growth of plants.
endogenousThe plant's endogenous nitrogen reserves were depleted.
nonproteinNonprotein nitrogen is a measure of nitrogen-containing compounds in the blood that are not proteins.
isotopicIsotopic nitrogen can be used to trace the movement of nitrogen through an ecosystem.
insolubleThe insoluble nitrogen is not available to plants.
appliedThe scientist applied nitrogen to the plant.
tertiaryThey studied the tertiary nitrogen of the organic compound.
excessiveThe excessive nitrogen in the soil caused the plants to grow too quickly.
adequateThe plants received adequate nitrogen for optimal growth.
volatileThe volatile nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere are harmful to the environment.
faecalThe faecal nitrogen output was 0.21 g/day.
addedThe plants grew taller with the added nitrogen
undeterminedThe researcher tried to determine the amount of undetermined nitrogen in the soil sample.
uricUric nitrogen is a waste product found in the urine of humans and other animals.
bacterialCertain bacteria called nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert bacterial nitrogen to ammonia, which is then converted to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria, and nitrate is taken up by plants.
oddThe odd nitrogen atoms were not accounted for in the model.
trivalentTrivalent nitrogen is a nitrogen atom with three bonds to other atoms.
excretedThe concentration of excreted nitrogen can be used to determine fertilizer requirements.
terminalThe trace element is transported as a complex with terminal nitrogen
usableThe plant uses the usable nitrogen to make proteins, vitamins, and enzymes that it needs to grow.
purifiedThe purified nitrogen was used to create a controlled atmosphere in the laboratory.
fifthsThe air we breathe is mostly composed of nitrogen, about four-fifths nitrogen.
foliarTo optimize corn yield and minimize nitrogen losses, it is important to apply foliar nitrogen at the right time and in the right amount.
coagulableThe coagulable nitrogen in the blood is an important factor in blood clotting.
ingestedThe ingested nitrogen is used to synthesize proteins and nucleic acids.
supplementalThe supplemental nitrogen is applied to the soil to increase crop yields.

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