Adjectives for Orbit

Adjectives For Orbit

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing orbit, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'orbit' instantly brings to mind the vast expanse of space, encompassing the paths celestial bodies trace in the universe. Each adjective paired with 'orbit' unveils unique scenarios in the cosmic dance. Describing an orbit as 'circular' hints at a near-perfect celestial loop, while 'elliptical' reveals the stretched, oval shape many planets and satellites follow. 'Low' orbit suggests proximity to Earth, crucial for satellite imagery, whereas 'lunar' defines the specific trajectory around our moon. 'Geostationary' orbits speak to satellites maintaining a constant, fixed position relative to the Earth, invaluable for communication networks. 'Periodic' orbits, on the other hand, emphasize the repetitive nature of these celestial paths. Dive into the full range of adjectives that explore the nuances of 'orbit' and how each impacts our understanding of space.
circularThe satellite was placed in a circular orbit around the Earth.
ellipticalThe comet travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun.
lowThe International Space Station is in low orbit around Earth.
lunarThe spacecraft entered lunar orbit after a three-day journey.
geostationaryThe satellite is in geostationary orbit meaning it stays in the same position relative to the Earth's surface.
periodicThe motion of the pendulum is described by a periodic orbit
sovietThe Soviets successfully launched the Sputnik 1 satellite into Soviet orbit in 1957.
ellipticThe satellite was launched into an elliptic orbit around the planet.
synchronousThe satellite entered a synchronous orbit around the Earth.
polarThe weather satellite is placed in a polar orbit around the earth to constantly monitor the weather patterns and climate changes.
rightThe right orbit of the satellite was slightly oval.
leftHis right eye was ejected from its socket and he had a gaping hole left orbit
bonyThe bony orbit is the cavity in the skull that houses the eye.
stableThe satellite was placed in a stable orbit around the planet.
eccentricThe comet's eccentric orbit took it close to the sun and then far into the outer reaches of the solar system.
outerThe spacecraft is in outer orbit of the planet.
closedThe closed orbit of the particle is found using the Newton-Raphson method.
higherThe satellite was launched into a higher orbit
solarThe Earth's solar orbit is approximately 365.25 days.
spinThe spin orbit interaction couples the electron spin to its orbital motion.
earthThe International Space Station is in earth orbit
communistThe tattered remains of the once-mighty Soviet Union slowly drifted further into the inevitable communist orbit
planetaryThe spacecraft reached the planetary orbit of Mars after a month-long journey.
equatorialThe satellite was placed in an equatorial orbit around the Earth.
parabolicA craft was travelling through space, following a parabolic orbit around the planet.
relativeThe Earth's relative orbit around the Sun is approximately 365 days.
stationaryThe satellite was placed in a stationary orbit around the Earth.
geosynchronousThe satellite orbits the Earth in a geosynchronous orbit maintaining a fixed position relative to the ground.
finalWe are just one final orbit away from our destination.
initialThe satellite was initially placed in a 200-kilometer initial orbit
hyperbolicThe probe entered a hyperbolic orbit around the Sun.
apparentThe comet's apparent orbit was highly elliptical.
innerScientists observed the star's inner orbit around the more massive object.
largerThe outer planets have larger orbits than the inner planets.
properThe planet was in a proper orbit around the star.
posteriorThe posterior orbit of the frontal bone articulates with the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.
annualJupiter's annual orbit around the sun varies from 10 to 12 years.
unstableThe asteroid entered an unstable orbit around the planet.
outermostThe planet Pluto is in the outermost orbit of our solar system.
retrogradeThe comet has a retrograde orbit meaning it orbits in the opposite direction of the planets in our solar system.
smallerThe smaller orbit of the planet allowed for a shorter year.
superiorThe superior orbit is the bony socket that houses the eye.
mileThe satellite was placed in a 200-mile orbit around the Earth.
medialThe medial orbit is the middle part of the eye socket.
anteriorThe scar crosses the anterior orbit and extends medially and superiorly.
narrowThe planet had a narrow orbit around the star.
keplerianThe planet's trajectory around the star was an elliptical keplerian orbit
lateralThe comet has a lateral orbit relative to the Sun.
innermostJupiter's innermost orbit is occupied by the moon Metis.
inclinedThe planet's inclined orbit around the star puzzled astronomers.
terrestrialThe Earth completes one terrestrial orbit around the Sun in 365.25 days.
closeThe satellite was in a close orbit around the planet.
stageThe spacecraft entered a stage orbit around the planet.
widerThe planet has a wider orbit than Earth.
lowestThe satellite was placed in the lowest orbit possible.
inferiorThe nerves that run along the inferior orbit include the infraorbital nerve, the zygomatic nerve, and the lacrimal nerve.
classicalThe classical orbit of a celestial body is a predictable path that it follows around another body.

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