Adjectives for Ordering

Adjectives For Ordering

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing ordering, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The act of ordering takes on varied dimensions when accompanied by distinct adjectives, each offering a unique perspective. A partial order implies an incomplete structure, hinting at the possibility of more to unfold. A hierarchical order, on the other hand, suggests a structured organization with layers of importance or precedence. The inclusion of social hints at the fabric of collective norms and structures, whereas temporal ordering touches upon the essence of time allocation or sequence. The right order embodies correctness and aptness, inviting conformity, while a magnetic order hints at an underlying force of attraction guiding the arrangement. These nuanced interpretations enrich the conversation around ordering, inviting us to dive deeper into the comprehensive list of adjectives that further detail this pivotal concept.
partialThe relation between objects in a partial ordering is transitive.
hierarchicalThe hierarchical ordering of the organization made it difficult for employees to communicate effectively.
socialThe preservation of social ordering is one of the key goals of traditional societies.
temporalThe historian explained the events in temporal ordering
magneticMagnetic ordering is a phenomenon in which the magnetic moments of atoms or molecules in a material align themselves in a specific pattern.
causalMessages at the same point in causal ordering are delivered to all nodes in the same order.
naturalNumbers should be arranged in natural ordering
properThe children should follow proper ordering in the line.
wellThe well ordering of the natural numbers is a fundamental property of the set of natural numbers.
rankThe rankings of the candidates were determined by rank ordering their scores.
linearThe elements in this set can be arranged in a linear ordering
completeThere is a complete ordering of the set of integers.
privatePrivate ordering refers to the process by which private parties create and enforce rules governing their interactions.
lexicographicThe members of the committee were listed in lexicographic ordering by their last names.
divineThe divine ordering of the cosmos has always fascinated and humbled humanity.
systematicThe systematic ordering of the books on the shelf made it easy to find what I was looking for.
particularI have a particular ordering in my mind.
rationalThe rational ordering of the numbers is possible.
totalThe list of elements has a total ordering meaning that for any two elements a and b, either a is less than b, b is less than a, or a is equal to b.
variableThe variable ordering is a critical step in solving constraint satisfaction problems.
strictThe dishes on the menu were arranged in strict ordering
correctThe correct ordering of the sentence is important for clarity.
onlineI placed my order online using the restaurant's online ordering system.
normalIn quantum field theory, normal ordering is a procedure for subtracting out the infinite vacuum contributions from a field operator.
weakArtificial intelligence can be used to train a model that uses a weak ordering approach to address skepticism.
alphabeticalAardvarks before zebras in alphabetical ordering
providentialThe providential ordering of events had brought them together in this serendipitous moment.
antiferromagneticThis compound exhibits antiferromagnetic ordering below its Néel temperature.
atomicAtomic ordering depends on the temperature and the composition of the alloy.
optimalOptimal ordering can provide significant benefits to businesses, such as reducing inventory costs and improving customer satisfaction.
lexicalWords in a dictionary are typically sorted in lexical ordering
initialThe initial ordering of the list is maintained.
structuralThe ordering of atoms in a crystal is called structural ordering
ferromagneticWhen a ferromagnetic material is cooled to a critical temperature, its atomic magnetic moments undergo spontaneous alignment, leading to ferromagnetic ordering
consistentThe company is known for its consistent ordering of products.
carefulThe careful ordering of the items in the list ensured that they were presented in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.
quasiThe quasi ordering of the set allows for elements to be partially ordered.
topologicalApplying topological ordering to the graph allows for an efficient computation of the shortest paths.
clearThe grocery list has a clear ordering of the items.
conceptualThe conceptual ordering of the data made it easy to understand.
appropriateThe appropriate ordering of the documents is essential for efficient retrieval.
molecularDynamic nuclear polarization enhanced nuclear magnetic resonance study of molecular ordering in stable radical-doped polymeric materials.
preciseThe boxes were stacked in precise ordering
arbitraryWe should establish an arbitrary ordering for these tasks.
usualWe ordered our usual ordering
globalThe company aims to establish a global ordering system to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
dimensionalThis sentence is an example of dimensional ordering
lexicographicalLexicographical ordering refers to the order in which words are arranged in a dictionary.
orientationalThe liquid crystal molecules exhibit orientational ordering at room temperature.
symbolicIn a realm where dreams whispered secrets, the symbolic ordering of the tapestry of life guided the path of destiny.
spontaneousThe spontaneous ordering of the atoms was a surprising phenomenon.
timeThe time ordering of any two events is not changed by a Lorentz transformation.
overallThe overall ordering of the sentences was based on the community assessment results.
canonicalThe canonical ordering of the elements is hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon.

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