Adjectives for Oxygen

Adjectives For Oxygen

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing oxygen, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Oxygen, the life-sustaining element, can be described in various ways, each adjective unveiling a unique property or context. Describing oxygen as 'molecular' takes us into the microscopic world of chemistry and physics, emphasizing its elemental form. The word 'more' often precedes oxygen in discussions about increasing its concentration, whether for medical applications or enhancing performance in athletics. 'Pure' oxygen, on the other hand, directs our attention to its undiluted state, crucial in scientific research and medical therapies. 'Free' oxygen brings up images of oxygen that is not bound in chemical compounds, available in the atmosphere for breathing. The adjective 'supplemental' hints at oxygen provided beyond the natural atmospheric levels, often for medical support. Each adjective paints a different picture of oxygen, demonstrating its versatility and essential role. Dive into our full list of adjectives to explore the myriad ways oxygen permeates our world.
molecularThe molecular oxygen in the air we breathe is essential for life.
moreWe need more oxygen to breathe.
pureDr. Smith put pure oxygen on the patient's face.
freeThe atmosphere contains free oxygen that is essential for life on Earth.
atmosphericThe atmospheric oxygen content on this planet is ideal for human life.
supplementalThe patient was given supplemental oxygen to help him breathe.
liquidScientists use liquid oxygen in rocket fuel.
hyperbaricThe patient underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy to promote wound healing.
enoughHe had enough oxygen to survive the long flight.
lessThe high altitude resulted in less oxygen available for breathing.
sufficientThe experiment requires sufficient oxygen to complete.
atomicAtomic oxygen is a highly reactive form of oxygen that is found in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
muchThe fire needs much oxygen to spread.
lowThe low oxygen levels in the room caused the people inside to feel dizzy.
availableThe patient's available oxygen is 92%.
littleThe patient was struggling to breathe due to little oxygen
excessThe excess oxygen in the atmosphere can cause respiratory problems.
dissolvedThe dissolved oxygen in the water was measured using a probe.
gaseousWe need gaseous oxygen to survive.
extraThe divers used extra oxygen to explore the deep-sea wreck.
additionalThe patient required additional oxygen due to shortness of breath.
adequateEnsure there is adequate oxygen for the patient.
insufficientThe insufficient oxygen led to the hiker's death.
dryThe dry oxygen was stored in a tank.
arterialThe arterial oxygen saturation was 95%.
humidifiedThe patient's respiratory distress was alleviated with humidified oxygen
siliconThe reaction of silicon oxygen with hydrogen gas produces silicon dioxide and hydrogen gas.
nascentThe nascent oxygen in the atmosphere interacts with the surface of the Earth, creating new minerals and rocks.
freshThe scent of fresh oxygen filled the room.
ordinaryThe candle continued to burn with ordinary oxygen and hydrogen.
necessaryThe body needs necessary oxygen to function properly.
supplementaryThe patient was given supplementary oxygen to improve their breathing.
adsorbedThe catalyst's surface was saturated with adsorbed oxygen
nasalShe was coughing and the nurse gave her nasal oxygen
metalThe metal oxygen bond is a strong covalent bond.
hemoglobinHemoglobin oxygen is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
boundThe bound oxygen atoms in the molecule are responsible for its reactivity.
interstitialInterstitial oxygen levels were measured by inserting needle-type electrodes into the tumor tissue.
absorbedShe absorbed oxygen into her lungs.
continuousThe patient requires continuous oxygen therapy due to their severe respiratory distress.
abundantThe fresh air in the mountains provided abundant oxygen
gasThe gas oxygen is essential for life.
pressureThe patient was given pressure oxygen to help with their breathing.
inspiredThe patient was given inspired oxygen to help with his breathing.
inadequateShe died of multiple organ failure due to inadequate oxygen
alveolarThe patient's arterial alveolar oxygen pressure was measured at 80 mmHg.
inhaledThe patient deeply inhaled oxygen to stabilize his health.
vitalEvery breath we take is a vital oxygen that keeps us alive.
excessiveThe excessive oxygen levels in the environment caused a multitude of health problems for the local inhabitants.
bottledThe scuba diver carried bottled oxygen with him during the dive.
maximalAthletes with high maximal oxygen uptake can run farther and faster for longer periods of time.
chemisorbedThe chemisorbed oxygen was found to be strongly bound to the surface.
oxidOxid oxygen is a highly reactive form of oxygen.
elementalElemental oxygen is a crucial component of the Earth's atmosphere.
ambientAmbient oxygen levels in the atmosphere are crucial for the survival of aerobic organisms.
diatomicDiatomic oxygen is a molecule composed of two oxygen atoms.
portableThe patient was given portable oxygen to help with his breathing.
neutralThe exhaust from fossil fuels add to the concentration of neutral oxygen in the surrounding environment.
fifthThe fifth oxygen was a life-saver.
transcutaneousTranscutaneous oxygen monitoring is a non-invasive method for measuring the partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood.
venousThe venous oxygen saturation was 90%.
mixedThe mixed oxygen was used in the experiment.
oddThe odd oxygen molecule escaped from the container.
myocardialThe patient experienced chest pain due to insufficient myocardial oxygen
moistThe air was thick with moist oxygen
uncombinedThe uncombined oxygen atoms in the atmosphere react with other elements to form compounds.
preciousThe patient gasped for precious oxygen as the paramedics rushed him to the hospital.
latticeThe lattice oxygen in LaMnO3-δ provides additional electronic conductivity and oxygen storage capacity.
ozonizedThe ozonized oxygen was used to disinfect the operating room.

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