Adjectives for Pads

Adjectives For Pads

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing pads, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe pads can significantly influence the reader's understanding and perception. A fat pad suggests a plush, comfortable choice, perhaps for enhanced support. A legal pad, on the other hand, conjures images of professional environments, ideal for comprehensive notes. Describing a pad as small or large immediately impacts the anticipated usage and convenience, while a yellow pad might be seen as classic and inviting for brainstorming. A thick pad denotes durability and quality, providing a substantial feel that can elevate the user's experience. Discover how these and other adjectives uncover the varied aspects of pads in our comprehensive list below.
fatThe fat pads on the soles of their feet help them to walk on hot sand.
legalThe lawyer used several legal pads to take notes during the trial.
smallShe put small pads on her knees to protect them from the cold.
largeThe dog lay on the large pads
yellowI have a stack of yellow pads on my desk.
thickThe toddler was wearing thick pads to protect his knees while learning to walk.
sterileThe nurse applied sterile pads to the wound to stop the bleeding.
lilyThe lily pads were floating peacefully on the surface of the pond.
softThe cat's soft pads made no sound as it crept through the shadows.
sanitaryUse sanitary pads during your period to absorb menstrual blood.
adhesiveThe adhesive pads kept the posters firmly attached to the wall.
concreteThe concrete pads will provide a solid foundation for the new building.
protectiveThe skateboarder wore protective pads to prevent injury.
footThe cat silently approached with soft foot pads
hotThe hot pads protected my hands from the heat of the pan.
specialThe worker used special pads to protect his knees while he installed the flooring.
electricThe electric pads provided much-needed relief to my sore muscles.
wingThe nymphs crawled about hidden under the rock ledges until they developed their tough wing pads and could fly away.
disposableI prefer to use disposable pads for convenience.
timeWe used our time pads to fast forward through the boring parts of the movie.
perinealThe perineal pads should be changed every 4 to 6 hours or as needed.
flatThe cat was sleeping on the flat pads
digitalJessica used digital pads to record her ideas for the new marketing campaign.
stickyI used sticky pads to keep track of my notes.
greenThe huge hands scooped up the green pads and held them in front of his face.
wetI wrung out the wet pads from the mop bucket.
shoulderShe never would have worn shoulder pads if they hadn't made her look so powerful.
externalA doctor recommended external pads for her incontinence.
sensitiveThe mouse's sensitive pads detected the slight change in surface texture.
bigThe bear sat on the big pads of its paws.
noteI have a few note pads on my desk.
fleshyThe cat's paws had soft, fleshy pads
shapedThe square-shaped pads were designed to fit snugly into the corners of the room.
nuptialDuring the breeding season, male bullfrogs grownuptial pads on the thumbs of their forelimbs.
retromolarThe retromolar pads protect the sensitive gingiva when the mandible is protruded.
thinI need to buy some thin pads for my knees.
roundThe dog walked on its round pads
extraI need extra pads for my bed.
terminalThe plants with terminal pads are known for their ability to absorb moisture from the air.
soakedThe soaked pads were laid out on the counter to dry.
circularThe circular pads stuck to my skin without any residue.
menstrualShe checked her bag to make sure she had enough menstrual pads for her trip.
broadThe leopard's broad pads allow it to walk almost silently.
inchThe inch pads were used to level the surface.
kneeThe skater wore knee pads to protect himself
keyTap your key pads lightly.
elasticMy running shoes provide great comfort with their elastic pads
hardThe dog scratched its claws on the hard pads on the floor.
dryThe nurse put dry pads under the patient.
smallerI put smaller pads on the table.
plasticThe table has plastic pads on its legs to prevent scratching the floor
abrasiveUse abrasive pads to gently exfoliate your skin.
prominentFlu season has arrived and it is important to keep your bed linens washed, especially your pillowcases where prominent pads are for your face.
spongeThe sponge pads were used to clean the table.
warmThe warm pads provided comfort and relaxation after a long day.
hugeThe cat jumped on the huge pads
cleanThe clean pads are ready for use.
squareThe square pads were perfect for the project.
woolThe wool pads were soft and comfortable to wear.
conductiveThe conductive pads on the back of the circuit board allow for easy connection to external devices.
resilientThe athlete's resilient pads protected him from the impact of the fall.
adjacentThe adjacent pads were filled with cotton balls.
rearThe mechanic replaced the rear pads on my car.
abdominalThe abdominal pads of the insect were well-developed.
buccalThe buccal pads are small, fleshy protuberances on the inner surface of the cheek.
elastomericWorkers installed elastomeric pads on the bridge joint to reduce noise and vibration.

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