Adjectives for Parameter

Adjectives For Parameter

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing parameter, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a parameter can significantly alter the nuance of your sentence, affecting how your readers or listeners perceive the information you are conveying. Describing a parameter as important emphasizes its significance within a context, whereas labeling it as single highlights its uniqueness or isolation among others. The use of first or second can introduce an order or priority, suggesting a sequence or hierarchy among parameters. Conversely, calling a parameter the only one underscores its exclusivity and possibly its critical role in a scenario. Similarly, a formal parameter references its definition within a defined system or framework, hinting at a more technical or structured discussion. Dive into the full range of adjectives paired with parameter to discover the subtle shades of meaning each combination can offer.
importantThis value is an important parameter to the system.
singleThe system verifies the user's identity using a single parameter such as a password.
firstThe first parameter is used to specify the input to the function.
onlyThe only parameter that is required is the name of the file to be processed.
formalThe function has two formal parameters.
actualThe value of the formal parameter changes according to the actual parameter
thirdThe third parameter is the name of the file to be created.
criticalThe critical parameter for the experiment is the temperature.
additionalThe additional parameter is not working correctly
keyThe key parameter must be a string.
dimensionlessThe dimensionless parameter known as the Reynolds number is used to characterize the flow regime of a fluid.
unknownThe unknown parameter was ignored.
freeThe model that we assume has a free parameter that we can tune.
optionalThis is a sentence with an optional parameter
usefulThe most useful parameter for the function is the one that is most relevant to the problem being solved.
correspondingThe corresponding parameter should be specified in the request.
adjustableThe adjustable parameter allowed for fine-tuning the model's performance.
particularThe software program can be tailored to a particular parameter or set of parameters.
relevantThe relevant parameter is the one that affects the outcome.
physicalThe physical parameter of the experiment was accurately measured.
constant"Intensity field" is a constant parameter in our experiments.
coriolisThe Coriolis parameter determines the direction of the Coriolis force, which deflects objects moving in the atmosphere or ocean.
significantThe significant parameter of the equation is the slope.
basicThe basic parameter is crucial for understanding the algorithm's functionality.
independentThe average number of turnovers is an independent parameter
fourthThe fourth parameter can be set to any value.
crucialThe performance of the system relies on this crucial parameter
fundamentalThe fundamental parameter of the model is the learning rate.
appropriateThe function will run correctly only when the appropriate parameter is provided.
latticeThe lattice parameter of a crystal is the distance between two adjacent atoms.
characteristicThe characteristic parameter of this material is its high thermal conductivity.
dependentThe dependent parameter is the variable that is being measured or observed.
extraThe function requires an extra parameter
sensitiveThe results depended on three sensitive parameters.
dimensionalThe dimensional parameter is crucial for understanding the system's behavior.
fittingThe fitting parameter was estimated to be 0.95.
structuralWe had to consider all structural parameters of the new building.
arbitraryThe arbitrary parameter was chosen to ensure consistency across the different experiments.
effectiveWe investigated the effective parameters on the behavior of the proposed model.
latterThe latter parameter is often used to control the number of iterations in a loop.
measuredThe measured parameter is a key factor in determining the accuracy of the model.
twoThe function requires two parameters to be passed in.
empiricalThe empirical parameter was determined by analyzing data from a series of experiments.
genericList is a generic parameter that can be used to create a list of any type of object.
essentialRegular exercise is an essential parameter for good health.
lumpedThe lumped parameter model is a simplified representation of a complex physical system.
suitableThis sentence is a suitable parameter for the function call.
globalThe global parameter has been updated.
environmentalThe environmental parameter is one of the factors that influence the population growth rate of a species.
statisticalThe statistical parameter provides valuable insights into the variability of the data.
requiredThe required parameter was not provided.
convenientThis is a sentence with a convenient parameter
optimalThe optimal parameter for the model was determined through cross-validation.
continuousThe experiments were designed using a continuous parameter
roughnessThe roughness parameter was measured using a profilometer.
noncentralityThe noncentrality parameter affects the distribution of a noncentral chi-square distribution.
threeThe function requires three parameters: name, age, and gender.
positionalThe first positional parameter is $1.
nondimensional"The Reynolds number is a nondimensional parameter used to predict flow patterns in piping and duct systems."
physiologicalPhysiological parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure were recorded continuously.
dropWe can drop parameters if we no longer need them.
dynamicThe dynamic parameter allows for flexible and customizable queries.
reliableThis method presents data on the first ten experiments performed and allows the reliable parameter determination of individual proteins and their approximate interaction force.

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